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Everything posted by Chris

  1. If it's a real issue, I actually lean more towards GlyphGryph's solution than actively "hiding" the edges of the map.
  2. The original game forced you to wait until the end of the turn for the explosion (even for grenades set to go off as quickly as possible), which is partly why we changed it. Having tried both methods in the last six months, I think the current way is better overall. It might be possible to mod it - flashbangs still explode on contact, for example. I forget what tag it is in weapons_gc.xml that triggers contact explosions though.
  3. What Dranak said, basically. I think it's set at 20% in the current build.
  4. It actually is just static text, that doesn't appear to be connected to anything. Thanks for reporting it.
  5. I'm really not sure what is causing this, but we're looking into it. Seems pretty random.
  6. Ah, okay. We'll have a look at that then, that shouldn't be happening.
  7. Yeah, it'll just be for the Xenopedia at the moment. I can look at the rest of the UI a bit later but the scaling is straightforward based on screen height - so the text fields probably won't allow much upward scaling of the text.
  8. Thanks. This only occurs if you fill your labs up, so until patched just hire 4 scientists at the start of the game.
  9. Incidentally, the 4:3 thing unfortunately isn't going to be "fixed". The reason the previous screens worked on 4:3 is because they essentially had no regard for aspect ratios and the background / elements were stretched and scaled to whatever screen you happened to have. This works fine with our old ugly GUI because you weren't looking at the background so you barely noticed. For the new UI, the elements have to scale in an intelligent way - so on the wider formats, you can't have massive empty bits in the middle of the screen just so that everything fits when compressed onto a 4:3 screen. Also, we're displaying a lot of information on each screen, often along with art (planes, vehicles, soldiers, the "person" on each screen) and it's very difficult to display it all in 4:3 without completely obscuring the background art and just displaying a "spreadsheet", or having unreadably small fonts. So we just display 4:3 screens in 16:10 with black bars so we can at least get the correct screen shape. So basically the new UI can't work with 4:3 screens, and the old UI didn't work very well with them either but because it was "placeholder" not many people seemed to notice. It's a shame though, I admit.
  10. You've not been around for the first big update after a Stable build before, have you? V19 Experimental wasn't very stable when it first arrived and that build didn't involve ripping out 80% of the UI screens in the game. The research bug only appears if you actually hire extra scientists, hence it didn't appear in our cursory play-through testing. The game also runs rather nicely on our machines when using our play-style. If it doesn't work with yours then report the bugs and we'll fix them. If it's a chore, wait for V20 Stable where it'll all be running as smoothly a well-oiled machine. @all - there's likely to be further patches this week to fix the larger bugs.
  11. Yes, we know more fine tuning is needed of the AI. At the moment the aliens get scared and retreat too easily, but I don't think it'll take too long to fix.
  12. Nope, you can't demand a payment for saying something is similar to or based upon but different from the item in question. It's just when you say an object in-game IS the real-life object in question. Hence why the early versions of Counterstrike had different gun names, even though the guns themselves were clearly recognisable.
  13. Does this refer to repeatedly clicking on a door and it opening / closing more than once? Or just you accidentally click on a door and because the opening cost is high, it screws up the remainder of that soldier's turn? Thanks for posting up your thoughts.
  14. The new UI improves this, but doesn't have a full-blown "budget" page. Possibly it's something we should add in. I'll think about it.
  15. Because the F-16 is a real aircraft, and so is owned by a major company that can legally demand payment from us if we use it in our game. Same with the guns in the game.
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