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    I am a kind, simple, individual who likes to have fun :)
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  1. Hi! So after every other mission the game crashes as soon as I go into the Soldier Equipment tab. Doesn't matter if I wait for the dropship to return to base or not, neither does it matter if I try to click my way to it by going to any of the other tabs. It usually happens after I've played a mission or two, so I can only play about 2 missions at a time. It's not the worst as I can still progress in the game, so it isn't gameplay breaking (I've yet to encounter anything gamebreaking), but it is rather "application breaking". The work-around is either to let it happen and then load the latest save (I usually make a save right after every mission, but I can also use the generated Auto-Save) or quit the game and then load the latest save. Closing the game seems to "refresh" the game in some way, but it doesn't seem like the way the game is supposed to play The game has been crashing since the first Month. Here's a save file at the end of a mission: - https://www.dropbox.com/s/cqq0u0lmccqlm3t/m22%20night%20t06.sav The game crashed when I played this game, but when I loaded the save to see if I could re-create the crash it all worked fine, so it seems I have to play a couple of missions before it occurs. Here's a save file right after a mission on the Geoscape: - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ryhn4wb80phwier/Xenoplay%20month%203%20028.sav Loving the game as always so happy I can snipe targets from high ground now (last time I played you couldn't as it would cause crashing, which is why I took a break from it) Peace~
  2. Hi! Some grandiose ideas I believe. 1. Water Missions: - Is it possible to add in, in the code somehow, water missions? Downing an aircraft over water, triggering an underwater mission? 2. Geoscape - Is it possible for the Geoscape to evolve? Let's say I manage to push back the alien forces and win the game, but does the game have to end there? Can I take the battle to... our solar system? (Fight in space and use planets as bases) Not saying it would be an easy task in any way, or that I have the skill to do it, I am simply curious if it is possible.
  3. I both agree and disagree. I don't mind the difficulty of money in Xenonauts, in fact I enjoy it. It makes me way more careful before I spend any money on anything. This is where I am in disagreement, my personal preference enjoys the harder money-management in Xenonauts. However, engineers aren't doing anything in Xenonauts in comparison to the original XCOM (like you say). So I am curious if there is some way to give them more maintenance or macro-management, the question is what? Maybe they could make weapons and armor and give it to Local Forces? I think I read something about the devs saying something about allowing the Player to tell Local Forces to handle alien crash sites by themselves (which would give the Player the cash reward, but in turn it wouldn't train the Players soldiers). Maybe the Local Forces can fail and you get nothing out of it? Giving them weapons and armor would be one way to help them succeed more often and in turn that'd give the Player money for it. Maybe you'd start to see more and more Local Forces (less and less civilians, as they could "transform" into "Local Forces" due to investments) on missions and having better and better gear (Thus you'd get more reward points from countries as well, which would net more income every month as well). This would give the engineers a lot more work to do and more maintenance than they currently have. EDIT: It's the alien race we're fighting here! If the Xenonaut division or whatnot would hand out weapons and armor to the civilians and/or the local forces, there'd be a bigger chance of fighting back together against the alien threat. Right?
  4. Uhm, some tips: - Try starting with 1 base only and slowly upgrade it. Don't spend all money at once but keep maybe 300.000-400.000. Get a feel for the game pace. - Play at a lower difficulty. - During missions, use your soldiers carefully and move slowly forward. Designate imaginary "squads" (I have 2 Riflemen, 1 Sniper and 1 Assault in one of my "squads" and in the other "squad" I have 2 Riflemen, 1 Heavy and 1 Assault). - Smoke Grenades and Flash Grenades are great. Explore what they do - Keep your Sniper waaaay back as you explore with the rest of the guys slowly forward. But don't forget to make sure your Sniper has a wide firing arc (as few obstacles as possible). He should always be furthest in the back. - Consider where your cover is and what you have explored so that the aliens don't get a free shot at you. - Play carefully, for instance, you might have a guy free to move but the rest of your squad don't have Time Units, wait a turn so that the rest of the guys can provide backup if needed. - Try using the Rocket Launchers less, unless you really have to. They are really great for opening up holes in buildings too so that you can flank an enemy.
  5. Not necessarily. If you read my post above, I can actually draw 1 arm and then copy+paste it to most of the same variants ("crouch_e" torso can be copied and pasted to almost all other "_e" variants, say, "idle_e" or some of the "grenade_e"). I'm still going to have to draw a lot of different "parts", but I'm not going to have to draw each single one of the sprites in the some ~3500 .png files. If I take my time with 40 of those .png's from "armour.basic/none" I'd get most parts for all movements (crouch, death, vault, idle, run) that I can copy and paste to the rest of the sprites.
  6. Smoke Grenades and moving closer to an Alien behind cover (you need to be pretty close) makes them run towards you or into you or out into the open and you can get a clear shot at them.
  7. Encountered an additional problem, posting for documentation as well as looking for a fix: 1. Opened the Sub-Map Editor because I just wanted to do a test run. 2. Followed Stinky's Tutorial. 3. Doing it step-by-step 3) Your first submap., when I load the "rock_cover_1x1_1_spectre" and click it I get a message: [sOLVED WHILST WRITING THIS POST] - Keeping it because documentation. What happened? I extracted 2 folders when using "QuickBMS" with the Command-Line as seen in the previous post of mine: "tiles" "units" So my "tiles" path became "assets/tiles/tiles/desert/cover" and that is why it didn't work. So check your folders!
  8. aluigi replied to my message. In case anyone else encounters a similar problem, here's a fix. I'll ask flashman to put this in the OP if he thinks it is appropriate. Aluigi's reply: Copy+Paste everything below/Clean up as you see fit: If you encounter a Crash or an Error when running QuickBMS 1. Make a "link" to QuickBMS (Shortcut) 2. Open "Properties", go to "Destination" and add -9 at the end. Example: "c:\quickbms\quickbms.exe" -9 3. Run without problems. If you are still encountering a problem 1. Open Command-Line (Start/Accessories) 2. First of all, write "CHDIR" (Not necessary but it makes it more convenient) Example: CHDIR "c:\quickbms" 3. To execute the program Example: quickbms.exe "c:\quickbms\Play First Script.bms" "c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\xenonauts\assets\GC_Tiles.pfp" "c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\xenonauts\assets\tiles" 4. You'll be asked "The Tiles folder does not exist, do you want a new folder to be created? y/N" (type in "y" for "yes" and "N" for "No") 5. Watch it unfold! If it still does not work 1. Download Ol' Stinky's Tiles upload found here 2. Make a New Folder in "xenonauts\assets" called tiles (xenonauts\assets\tiles) 3. Extract the tiles to the "tiles" folder. And thanks to aluigi for creating this tool!
  9. A more serious attempt (been working on it for like 3 hours). I haven't even finished the first sprite Zoomed In: [Picture] Zoomed Out (100%): [Picture] I'm also curious if anyone would want to do a joint project in an attempt to make a full sprite set. EDIT: Maybe a little bit more exciting than the above pictures: Copy+Paste the body part I made (some of the sprites need a lil bit touch-up, good to know I won't need to do every piece individually): [Picture] 2nd EDIT: Here's a tip for anyone else, when I've gotten further on this guy I'll make a proper thread about it but for now, here you go: [Picture] This makes most of the work much faster, as you can just copy+paste it on every sprite.
  10. 1) I somewhat agree. Maybe a compromise or solution would be to make the Inventory Space have 1 row less on harder difficulties? (Veteran and up) 2) 100% Agree! Great idea. So if you have 2 rockets on the belt, you fire both them, then you'd have to go into the backpack and move over 2 rockets to the belt, kinda? Good idea nonetheless.
  11. Bump and: * I double-click QuickBMS and I get this: [Picture] I've also sent an e-mail to Aluigi, but I thought I'd ask here as well if anyone knows how to fix it. Furthermore, I'm curious if those who've already extracted the files using this method can upload them if possible (if others would encounter a similar problem). Or do you have to extract the files using this method to get them to work?
  12. I've got a fairly detailed post here. There seems to be a bug with elevation.
  13. It is not the Binoculars per say that I am weighing into consideration here. And yes, they would be overpowered if you could just "I'll look down this way! Now this way!" and get vision of the entire map, which is why I am suggesting these balances: A) They only activate at the end of the turn (like grenades). B) On higher difficulty only the Aliens would move away from the vision (Why? Because mechanical balance in correlation to the difficulty level, it'd be too overpowered if I'd spot them and then just shoot them over and over again on, say, Insane Difficulty). Doesn't the Caesan report say they speak telepathically? There you go, maybe they sense some sort of radio waves or whatnot. C) It is an Early Mission Item Suggestion. Not something you chase your enemies down with. Gather intel early on to figure out the layout of the map, get some strategical information about what's going on on the map. Instead of bum-rushing down a path, take a turn and see if it's safe to go down that path in the first place. etc. etc. D) It's not pointless to gather intel and take the best course of action depending on what you spot, which is what I'm suggesting with the Binocular. I'm a slow and careful player. I can take 2-3 turns just getting around a corner because I don't take unnecessary risks.
  14. Which version? Because mine isn't working, I'm only getting errors when I try to run the latest QuickBMS Ver. 0.5.25 Is this a custom sub-map? This is the sub-map I'm talking about here (Bug #2).
  15. +1, first crash I got. Barn, Sniper on 2nd floor, took a shot at an enemy behind a stone wall. Heard the sound of hitting bricks before crashing (I missed ). Furthermore, in the same barn an Alien got stuck in a haystack (he was able to sit inside the prop and couldn't move out of it, this is something I've encountered across the board on several maps). Map Farm mox_farm_small_fields Sub-Map 2nd window to the right (by the stairs), facing North barn_15x20 Bug/Situation - Shot at alien hiding behind wall_T5 (to the right of wall_T10_gap) More puzzle pieces: Bug #2 Unrelated but maybe related (Not a crash): On a Terror Site mission (Rabat in Morocco), moved my Sniper to the 2nd Floor to get a better vantage point. As I went closer to the window (not close enough to spot any ground forces) I was constantly alerted of spotting the enemies on the ground level. I didn't bother with it and continued. An Andron took a Reaction Shot suddenly and shot through the floor and killed my Sniper. I just thought Andron's has heat-sight somehow. On the 1st Floor there were several windows, and if my Sniper had been walking on the 1st Floor he would have been in the open for a shot. Map Corvette terrorsite_small1 Sub-map bank_15x20 Bug - Androns on road_updown_6x5 (Androns everywhere really between the bank and shopUD) - I was running towards the west windows facing shopUD, on 1st floor there are several windows that'd give a clear shot at my sniper. - Though I did kind of like it. Adds a significant level of despair if Androns shoots through walls. Bug #3 Unrelated but maybe related yet again (Not a crash): Middle East Mission, a white house that had 3 floors (1st, 2nd & roof). I went up on the 2nd Floor, that went fine. But there was an invisible wall as I tried to get to the 2nd stair to the roof. I didn't think much about it at the time (Beta is Beta), but there is a chance that the 1st Floor had a wall there or that the roof had some prop. Map middleeast_lightscout3_mox Sub-Map office_8x8 Bug - Can't access roof because invisible wall on 2nd Floor. Some speculation: - Floors are getting mixed up when you get to an elevation. - Sprite animation or the Sprite "appears" on all floors in the code somehow. Example: I think there's a haystack right under the window I shot from, so when the Sniper shoots he might appear inside the haystack and that causes the game to react violently somehow because it doesn't know where the Sniper is. - It might also be that because the Sniper is on the 2nd Floor and the Alien is on the 1st Floor the shot itself might think it is shooting at an obstacle that is on the 2nd Floor (where there is none) and then it realizes "But wait! There is no Alien here on the 2nd Floor, then what did the Sniper shoot at?? PARADOX!!!" = Crash. EDIT: I think this thread is related as well. [v19 Stable - Ground Combat] Crash when shooting from the air with flying armor
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