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Everything posted by Ziggarius

  1. I had to look it up on my phone, but it looks awesome. Can't wait to see it in-game.
  2. You seem to be implying that the alien weapons currently do not have the ability to auto-fire. I'm fairly certain this is more due to the AI not being complete than anything else.
  3. That would be doing a half-assed job. I disagree on this, we don't really need it. The rifle is fine as is, and there is no real benefit it having multiple types of assault rifles in-game. This can be modded at a later time for those that want a bunch of weapons that do the same functional thing but have slightly different stats, it's just unneeded for the base game considering how quickly the basic weapons will be replaced. In addition, Chris has already mentioned with the kickstarter attempt they will have a goal where they will a Soviet weapon pack which will be new models in-game.
  4. You forgot to add dropping it into a frozen lake with weights.
  5. Better question for Chris. Will the game support moddability to make it an air-combat only game?
  6. Great to hear, looking forward to seeing the next build, and sorry to hear about the AI coding issues happening this way. Hopefully it will only go forward from here
  7. Same, that's how I expect the modifier to work as well. So, is it just the wiki that's off then?
  8. Might not be the thread for this. Personally, I question the current mechanic in it's entirety and adding a minimum effective range wouldn't really suffice... The idea of a sniper rifle doing more damage for "open door, shoot once" than a shotgun.. is unsettling. Putting an effective minimum range into the damage calculation would make sense for how it would physically, and I think from a gameplay sense it would also make little sense for the damage to be lesser. I can understand an accuracy penalty at close ranges, but not damage. Overall, my gut reaction says it should have the damage from range modifier removed (or make it so it can only increase/decrease by 20% at the most... having the damage scale as high as it can is insane).
  9. Wait... reading that formula... That implies that a Precision Rifle will do significantly more damage at point-blank range than a Shotgun will do. no? Due to the damage bonus from "Weapon Range / Range to Target" part of the formula.
  10. I haven't seen this suggested, well, not in detail. However, if a X-Com like game were to be implemented as a Multiplayer co-op. I would change the Geoscape to being turn-based and have it be one-day a turn. Everyone has their own base, separate research at first until they get an alien tech that allows them to "link" their databases together or perhaps just start research shared. At the start of each turn, no more than one "event" will appear (at least, not until the later parts of the game). Either it's a UFO sighting which can only be intercepted by the player that detected it, or it could be a terror-mission or base event. If it is a UFO sighting, after everyone has "committed" their turn (Note: This does not mean the turn is completed, just the actions for the day has been committed to) the UFO interception happens as normal, and should it result in a crashed UFO all players can then send a chinook to it no matter the range/time difference. Once the combat is completed this would end the 'turn', and the next turn would start from there. The importance of having multiple bases, and chinooks for each player would be more towards the mid-later stages when there could multiple events up on the geoscape at once. Since each turn, you could only assign a chinook towards one event. Hmm, thinking a little more on it, perhaps 12-hour turns would be more in order. A 6am-6pm, and then 6pm-6am. Just thought this as I went into thinking of how to implement night/day missions, would suck to make it randomly generated for day/night. By making it 12 hour turns, it would be possible to choose whether it's a day or night mission with the possibility of the event disappearing.
  11. All of the weaponry, aircraft, and vehicles that are available at the start of the game do not require manufacturing, and are available in unlimited quantities. For Aircraft and Vehicles, they do require a monetary expenditure to replace (or add to the starting amount) while their ammo, and soldier weapons/ammo have no cost associated to them. Once you start researching alien tech, and unlocking new human weaponry based upon alien weaponry and technology is when manufacturing is required to equip one (or more) of the various types.
  12. It's due to the Alien AI not being complete. To "compensate" they have 360 degree vision. This will be fixed for beta, as from what I understood beta will not happen until after the Alien AI is implemented.
  13. A lot of what you posted will be addressed in an upcoming GUI update. I have not seen anything about a quick save/load being suggested or not. And the GUI may become a bit cluttered if we add in a reserve for crouch/face direction on top of reserving for the shot, so not sure how I feel about that personally.
  14. Autopsies aren't in-game yet, that's why bodies are destroyed. The way the weapons get stored is.. odd currently, and well known I believe. Like, even after you've research a plasma pistol it will reserve one plasma pistol for each ground combat. The plasma rifle doesn't get reserved yet since you can't research it until after plasma pistol is researched. Hopefully, when beta comes up and it's a bit more of a priority then (compared to Alpha stage) we'll see a bit more consistency. i.e. only one reserved ever, and never reserves after research along with autopsies being in-game.
  15. Does anyone know if they're using the damage scaling that X-Com did? I.e. a weapon can critically hit, or critically 'miss', in other words, the damage listed in X-Com was the average. It could do 0 damage, or it could do twice the listed damage, however over time it would do the listed damage on average. If it was like this already, then the research alien body could adjust that scaling. Maybe make it so when we get it a hit it's more likely to do non-zero damage, and have a chance to go above the double damage. ( maybe 10% to 250% instead 0% to 200% ) Course, that all depends on how the damage scaling is done currently of course.
  16. Awh, shucks, I'll be in work and can't join ya'll.
  17. Actually, in the original game, smoke has no effect on aliens at all. At turn 20, the aliens go "beserk" and seek you out unless they are physically incapable of chasing you down. (Blocked terrain, no stairs, etc)
  18. I'm going to have think on suggestions for this for a bit. However, I am in agreement with the others that posted that penalizing the player's new recruit's stats for hiring too much and/or losing too many is a poor way to go. Especially for those that have to hire a fresh squad after losing a mission, just losing that squad is enough of a penalty.
  19. X-Com was not like this. It never told you how many days to expect the research at all. In fact, based off of experimentation it was found out that research time was slightly randomized even. That is, on average a research could take say 400 man-days. It could take 200 man-days in one game, and the next game it'd take 600 man-days. You just wouldn't know until you played and researched it. Link here: http://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=Research_Technical_Details
  20. It seems to be related to having manufacturing with no technicians working on the project. I ran into this issue myself, though I had utilized a different method than pressing 'm' to get monies.
  21. Desura will tell you there is an update available in the play screen.
  22. In the original X-Com, you could have a grenade in the left hand with a 2h rifle in the right hand. And it does carry an accuracy penalty, a fairly hefty one at that even though it's not communicated in-game. (Might be in the manual, not sure). I actually recently got back into playing X-Com since I was having too many CTDs with Xenonauts. And I ran into that issue, I went "Sweet, i can have a grenade equipped in off-hand with my 2h rifle". Then went "wtf, I can't kill anything!" and didn't realize it until I checked the ufopaedia site and looked up accuracy calculations. I slightly disagree on the one-hand weapons in X-Com, early there were lots of reasons to use one. Especially if you research a laser pistol right off. It had auto-fire, and it cost stupidly low amounts of TUs to fire compared to the basic rifle, and hit nearly twice as hard as the basic pistol. The problem was that Heavy Plasma just outstripped everything in damage potential and had no "one-hand" variant.
  23. I have noticed that green circle when using standard weaponry, never seen it with grenades. The other thing to note, is that Grenade accuracy never changes.. The biggest problem I have with the grenades being impact-fused, which is in general okay, we really really need some accurate indication of what the grenade is going to do before throwing it if it's impact-fused. I understand there will always be some random variance. But there are certain angles, and set ups where the grenade seems like it should work but blows up in the soldier's face instead with no GUI indication of that possibly happening, and it will do so consistently. If you need me to get some screenshots of where this happens, I will be happy to provide.
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