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Everything posted by IceVamp

  1. As long as there's a woman's head on the soldier, I can live with it. Tbh what gives women away in heavy getups are their hips, and the way they move. You probably wouldn't see it as far away as the battlescape, but the equip screen could use some more hips to make it clear that it's indeed the fairer sex inside that suit.
  2. Sweet screenshot! I thought there weren't any graphics for them.
  3. Yeah, I mean, it FEELS like it takes forever, but two weeks to set up a minimal functioning base? Those entrepreneurs are bad ass.
  4. Good to know, IF I forget to do it in base. Like I'm going to accept being out 10 AP the first round! I think not!
  5. I've had soldiers turn up dead the next turn, though it was strange yes. There are problems with the reaction fire camera. As Gorlom said, if it was hit twice it could disappear completely.
  6. What? Are you thinking about correcting the install location for the mod? If so, fine. But if the game needs to be installed at that location for the mod to work, we're in trouble here.
  7. Fire all scientists and technicians? Don't know if that works.
  8. There is a bug with healing times as well. Might be extra buggy when people survive plasma. ^^,
  9. Yup, that's nice oracle. Though I would surmise that most bosoms would fit inside a standard wolf+ armour actually.
  10. I guess it's a way for weapons to not fall into enemy hands. But also if your own weapon is hit by enemy fire, you can't pick up your dead comrade's weapon and use that instead..
  11. Yeah, I don't know why they aren't as common in.. other places. Everybody in Norway uses debit cards. Only old people carry cash these days.
  12. You could try to alt+tab your game in the base screen Amaror, so you can continue it later, without messing up your tech tree.
  13. Which hand specifically? There is a known bug with putting it in the left hand (bottom slot).
  14. I don't see japanese calling the aliens god/spirit, when they know they are facing aliens. However common Yokai names could be done. Wanyudo for the drones f.ex. Karasu-tengu could fit a flying MC alien. Akaname could be a derogatory name for Sebillians. Bakemono or Oni with a describing prefix are a bit more general. I agree that having names that humans would make up, makes sense. But it doesn't make it fun, or good necessarily. And like some are pointing out, we use strange names for the species themselves, and as such there is no real issue with naming the drones in accordance with what the aliens have named them or use them for.
  15. Armour with breasts, so to speak, is a death trap and no one going into actual combat should ever wear it, nor did they most likely.
  16. Glad to hear about Steam! Payday is next week, so it fits rather nicely with a kickstarter launch.
  17. No one is forcing you to use the starting units. Fire all but the sarge and two corporals and hire five privates. Don't send them through training and there you have it.
  18. I've noticed this when F-17 are in gun range, they match the speed of the target, which is great. Haven't had an issue with this on MIG's though. Then again I never target with them. >.<
  19. Did you hold down ctrl by mistake while doing so? I've been able to hire as many as I'd like, not just maximum.
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