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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/2021 in all areas

  1. By unit limit i mean the inherent 16 soldier max and 4? vehicles. Any help would be greatly appreciated
    1 point
  2. Yes I only 16 slots are supported by the game, Hard coded. But I DID GET TO WORK 20 unit with the shrike, but they showed up with the same numbers or nothing showing in the drop ship but in game they were there.
    1 point
  3. I would like to beg anyone who can softcode the size of the aircraft cannon to make that possible and give us another aircraft slot or softcode the superheavy weapon slot into a normal one to support us, Drages and me, the X-Division Development team. We could make near turn based strategic airfights in real time, just like Drakensang, with abilities and manual activating and deactivating of weapons and tactical responses. Hit chance too and variable dmg. If you think its worth it please support this.
    1 point
  4. It's called "polish". Why rush and put out an ok product? Wouldn't you want to have the best quality you can? I understand there has to be reasonable time and money constraints, but don't put out a skeleton product. If you do, this game will quickly fall by the wayside. As is, the Extraterrestrial games have more depth than Xenonauts. No,you can't afford the artwork and time involved in flashy graphics, but you CAN make this a far superior game than the clones out there by creating depth.
    1 point
  5. Not necessarily. I heard that the final mission in X-Com was perfectly passable with a pure rookie force. Apparently it was more about the sword rather than the hand that wields it. While Xenonauts is a different game rookies may still be decently effective if one is careful.
    1 point
  6. Rookies are ALWAYS useless. I would prefer having your experienced officers make the difference rather than artificially making the rookies stronger. That feels more like a good response to the issue. Adding a rookie or three to a squad with experienced officers shouldn't be a massive drawback. Experienced troops would then counteract the weakness of rookies as they should. OK if you haven't cycled some rookies through your squad and end up getting wiped out you might have a problem. Surely that is part of the game though? If you make a huge mistake like that then it should be more difficult to recover. That would also be counteracted slightly by my suggestion to allow you to hire the odd higher rank. The usual reply to that is "but then people will reload instead of dealing with it" but nothing will stop that and it IS the players choice.
    1 point
  7. Compare this to the "old way". Yes, it reduces MM, but would it really be so despicable to get rid of that pure MM? What micromanagement really means, is failure to produce an interface that translates the player's decisions into game actions. Micromanagement alone does not equate with game depth.
    1 point
  8. One thing that I always found annoying was when the soldiers went berserk and would actually turn away from the enemy and fire several shots into the ground. I have never been in combat, but that seems a little silly to me to imagine a soldier turning around in the middle of combat and shooting into the ground. Freezing up I can totally understand and maybe even throwing your weapon down and running, but definitely not towards the enemy.
    1 point
  9. Having to hire and then train also incorporates having to pay them wages. The main purpose of the training isn't to get skilled troops, its just a safer way to get rid of liabilities (rookies in combat). A few points of accuracy and stamina is nothing. I don't like the idea of hiring already skilled troops. It degrades the value of properly raised troops. Heck, I don't really see why we need to have the training anyways. As has been mentioned, it doesn't fit well. Go rookies! Survivors will be treasured.
    1 point
  10. Gauddlike, what I don't like about your system is that it makes moeny too powerful, essentially. Having the training course means you need money AND time to get a more experienced soldier. If you can just hire them straight out, that's the kind of feature that could completely ruin the balance of the game if we get it even slightly wrong - we'd easily just be in a situation where everyone buys only experienced troops and never rookies...
    1 point
  11. I see your point but for arguments sake the same logic can be applied to hiring from a more varied pool. If I'm strapped for cash it's annoying and if I'm not then it's irrelevant. I would still enjoy occasionly getting a higher ranked potential recruit. Rather than everyone being noobs I like the idea of getting a decent replacement once in a while. But I also think there might be something to training. Perhaps the way Chris has laid it out is the best but I can't shake the idea that putting training options with the options to hire makes a lot of sense. Especially if training will be basically just a time delay and a cost for an amount of stats gain. Err I've just had an idea. Oh this might be good! As your scientists perform research, autopsys and alien weapons and the like, a list builds up in the training screen. Individual soldiers do not get the advantages of the research until they have been trained on the specifics. So if you want Team Alpha to get the benefits of that sectiod research you have to take some of them or all of them out of combat for a day. If you want Sergeant Urist to use those funny looking Sonic guns they keep finding you need to get him trained up in their use after your scientists have figured it out. New recruits would go on training to catch up on the advances bringing them in line with the others. Existing members would need to be taught as things unfold. The training screen would be used to keep track of who knows what etc. This would really mix up the play. It would lead to specialisation within your team. Rather than everyone being able to wield laser weapons at once only a few can if that's the path you decide to take.
    1 point
  12. Sometimes it's fun to roll with the punches. I said in my previous post that stats gain could be split between any and all attributes. It would probably be best if it just split them equally amongst all attributes. Arguably it makes more sense that way. The other option is to merge training with recruitment. Effectively the same thing as Gaudlike has said except I would go with a longer time delay as well as cost for better training. Again tied to how your performing in the game. On the recruitment page you can see the pool of recruits. And you get 3 options for hiring under each potential recruit. No time to waste! - They are hired as is. Are ready within the usual couple of days and cost the base amount. Show em the ropes - Hired but sent through basic training first. Takes an extra week to get them and costs more money. Behind the scenes thats 2% bonus to stats based on gamescore You'll be an elite fighter one day! - Self explanitory. Hired but you wait an extra 2 weeks and costs the most. 5% bonus to stats based on gamescore This would create some interesting choices for the player. Basically expanding on what Chris was going for but you have to make your choice when you hire them. If the pool has an expert soldier in there do you send him through elite training and just hire the rest of the riff-raff until he is ready? I think this would be quite good actually. It would be easy to tie into the UI, creates some input from the player, gives them a choice and doesn't increase micromanagent at all. It's only ever one button you press.
    1 point
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