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(Mod Update) XNT Into Darkness V3.7 - "BlackDragon version" (New Aliens and weapons)

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Ah, was talking with kabill exactly about the UFO interiors on his thread!

I like the new interiors, make taking the UFOs more risky, but unfortunately the game mechanichs that allows you to easily exploit the reaction system prevent it from being more challenging. You know, open the door, flashbang the alien, move anyone to close range and shot the hell out of him. I'm not certain if anyone can mod this out.

I was talking with kabill if would be possible different interiors for the same types of UFOs, giving more diversity. It seems to be. Also, since map modding is pretty simple, I may follow his suggestion and try to do some things by myself.

In older Versions of XNT the UFO layout are the original ones, and if you remeber alien AI use the door has a protection and ambush against the player. In that case UFO doors are usefull for aliens instead of players.

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Well, I had my first encounter with the new aliens and I cant tell it was very pleasent.

Just after my first turn leaving the dropship an larger Viper approached to melee distance with two of my infantrymen. I got a full turn to react and those two soldiers, one with a common assault rifle and the other with a single Warhawk spended all their TUs with bursts and snapshots shooting at close range at the Viper, scoring all shots bu doing absolutely no damage at all.

I hurried four other soldiers who was nearby to help, and on the way I spotted a small viper very close. One of those soldiers bursted at the big Viper, scoring two shots but again with no damage. The three other ones threw enhanced grenades at it (the ones you get after elerium explosives), doing damage but not killing it (but killing a nearby scout disk). I had other two soldiers elsewhere, but they had to fight an Andron.

I had nothing else I could do so I ended the turn. The two viper moved and each one killed a soldier and hide after it inside my own dropship (evil). At the begining of the next turn, 2 soldiers of 6 near the viper panicked. One of the two able to fight I moved to engage the big viper and, after three shots with the Warhawk, one scored and he killed it. The remaing soldier moved to engage the smaller viper, bursted at it, scored two shots but for no damage. The two other soldiers managed to kill the andron.

I ended the turn again... The smaller viper killed the soldier who shoted at him and vanished... an Andron and a light scout disk heavily damaged and supressed one of the panicked soldiers. I saw a gargol lurking around. My turn begins. The damaged soldier fainted, the other panicked one, panicked again, the soldier who killed the bigger viper shooted two times in the the smaller one, only scoring on hit for minor damage. The soldiers who killed the andron approaches, one throw a grenade in the viper and the gargol, none is killed.

I end the turn... an Andron and a scout disk kills the soldier who was shooting the viper, the viper kills the panicking soldier, the gargol heavily damages one of the remaining two. My turn starts... the wounded soldier panicks, the other one is hopeless to deal againt a gargol, a viper and an approaching andron and scout disk alone... I gave up and decided to start the battle again.

Well... I think the new aliens are kinda vicious... They appear to early in the game and you weapons are almost useless against them (it was my second corvette). They move fast, even after striking, so it make them top priority targets, leaving time for androns or anything else to approaches and score shots. Even after my very first turn, with my top team near each other, I wasn't able to deal with them...

Maybe the regular viper is ok at the begining of the game, I didn't managed to kill it, but the big one brings havok to your units. It just move and kill, move and kill, and the only effective way I found to deal with him is explosives, and thats sometimes will also kill your team mates since the Viper is always close at someone. Seems kinda to much for early game...

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Well, I had my first encounter with the new aliens and I cant tell it was very pleasent.

LOL! Yes this units need balance.

The fight that you deal with the Huge Viper is a Boos fight and is less frequent than others.

Your right, I'm testing rebalance right now and I'll upload the Balance Hotfix for this version.... Androns with Vipers never again xD

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I had my first encounter with them too... but here is how it end up for me.

-All of my soldier are faced at direction of single Sebilian and UFO.

-They are position carefully to trigger reaction shoot from any direction if alien shows up

-All of sudden nasty new alien shows (THE BREED - VIPER-smaller one ) behind their back and moved forward.

-My though were "Omg what serious mistake i made they all gonna ...."

-But hero (armed civilian) shows up at last moment he burst fire from a house at Sebilian.

-Sebilian moves into house but didn't kill him.

-New nasty alien instead of killing my soldiers decided to run to that house and between that house and him were my soldiers.

-So he ran in front of first soldier and took reaction hits (resisted them all),then he went in front of another and resist his reaction fire too,then ..... he survived all reaction shoots just to went into house and die by reaction fire of civilian (how funny is that).

My point is,If there wasn't for vanilla AI bug which put priority on civilians instead of much bigger treat which are Xenonauts,my whole squad would be destroyed or at least most of it before i could take him down.I think you should lower his ability to resist kinetic weapons,because early in the game he is like Andron with force shield.

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Would it be possible to add at least some defence for the shrik?

Hahahja lol your encounter sounds crazy.

Yes the AI fpr sebillians and vipers is suited for this mod to prefer civilians. Is a added value for Xenomaut player, because civilians can save you as a meat shield or.... sometimes as a armed heros xD hahahahha

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After few more encounters with Vipers i noticed that they are afraid of facing direct fire and that they intend to find cover unless you lure them out.Now here is the negative effect of this behavior:

1.If AI see that attacking soldier is suicide he will order Viper to find cover instead of attacking.

2.In case AI do what i described above Viper can end up at the other side of map just because of cover.

3.Now each turn Viper runs back and forth (because he doesn't have LoS),unless i expose soldier at safe distance from Viper.

4.In that case he runs forward and then one or two steps backward in the same turn and awaits,what is coming next.

5.It seems that AI has no tactical sense at how to use them properly,because it exposed them out in open and then it tries to hide their movement.

6.Also if there are multiple Vipers in that particular GC he will order all Vipers to run to the same cover if they can,if not they will move as long as they have TU.What i think is preferable is that AI should tries to place them at few different spots (and not all of them to move at same direction) and not to insist that much about cover because they can do devastating damage,before i can even make a move.

7.Also they are perfect aliens for ambush attacks,so why not make their behavior in that sense ?For example,they should be hiding and waiting for chance to attack swiftly and than hide again (hit and run tactic).

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After few more encounters with Vipers i noticed that they are afraid of facing direct fire and that they intend to find cover unless you lure them out.Now here is the negative effect of this behavior:

1.If AI see that attacking soldier is suicide he will order Viper to find cover instead of attacking.

2.In case AI do what i described above Viper can end up at the other side of map just because of cover.

3.Now each turn Viper runs back and forth (because he doesn't have LoS),unless i expose soldier at safe distance from Viper.

4.In that case he runs forward and then one or two steps backward in the same turn and awaits,what is coming next.

5.It seems that AI has no tactical sense at how to use them properly,because it exposed them out in open and then it tries to hide their movement.

6.Also if there are multiple Vipers in that particular GC he will order all Vipers to run to the same cover if they can,if not they will move as long as they have TU.What i think is preferable is that AI should tries to place them at few different spots (and not all of them to move at same direction) and not to insist that much about cover because they can do devastating damage,before i can even make a move.

I just put some intentional mis behave in this AI, with the script of "Pack Attack" in other words the AI try to reflect:

- A unit that only attack if has other ally near by.

- A unit that hide in shadows waiting to jump to his enemies.

- A mindless unit that "fear" direct fire fight a panics with reaction fire (This is one of the best way to make step backward this unit, shot it on the run).

If I make that vipers was the perfect killer maybe they are OP, the Huge Delta Viper has other AI that dont avoid firefight he ignore it completly.

I found an issue with Vipers AI calculations and I'll post a bugfix por this one.

Thanks Sentelin!

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I will try the new balance and share here my experience!

Speaking about the smaller viper, I like his behavior. It's different from anything in the vanilla game. He used to come out of the flank avoiding reaction fire, attack a soldier from behind and then hide again without allowing me to see where.

I think every alien should have a counter of some kind. Not just the weapon you use against it, but also the tactics you choose to deal with it. If you make the viper AI to bold it may become OP, like you said, but making it more coward will force you to move slower, with more compact groups and facing all directions just to discourage a surprise attack.

It's the perfect combinantion to but together with caesans or maybe sebillian, 'cause against those soldiers I take a wider formation, covering as much terrain I can, with soldiers far away from each other, to quickly spot and gun down the aliens from a distance. But with vipers on the equation, leaving soldiers far from each other maybe the recipe for disaster.

Just like Androns are easy kills when spotted far away but terrible when just around the corner, vipers can be not as much a challange when faced with a bunch of soldiers together, but vicious to a spread formation.

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TacticalDragon, I spotted a bug but I'm not certain if it is from the mod or the game.

Sometimes when I throw some flares it reveals aliens positions that I dont have LOS. I suppose experimental v22.hf9 fixed it, so I dont know if the bug still present in the vanilla game or it's because the mod is using some previous builds file.

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TacticalDragon, I spotted a bug but I'm not certain if it is from the mod or the game.

Sometimes when I throw some flares it reveals aliens positions that I dont have LOS. I suppose experimental v22.hf9 fixed it, so I dont know if the bug still present in the vanilla game or it's because the mod is using some previous builds file.

This is a reported bug of vanilla version in Night LOS calculations and that nasty mandatory persistent LOS


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So, I played a little more.

I still faced the delta viper even with the hotfix, but I suppose it's because it's the same UFO I tried before. But this time I was well aware of what I will be facing.

So... same mission as before, but now the enemies didn't was all so close at the start (by the way, both missions was at night). After my first turn I saw an small viper running through a building next to the dropship. I decide to take no chances. I used a rocket launcher to blast the building open, instead of send someone through the door. The blast damaged and exposed the viper. He was shot down by my machinegunner with two bursts, scoring three hits. I proceed with two groups of four instead of spreading the troops.

One of the groups spotted and lone Andron in the turn following, I set positions to engage it and ended the turn. During alien turn I saw that nasty delta viper hiding inside a barn at considerable distance. My turn started, the andron was overwhelmed by the shots... and again I decided to take no chances with the viper. I blasted the barn with a rocket, exposing him and a gargol, threw three grenades at them and shooted all I can. None died. I ended the turn.

During the alien turn, from a close position of the group who killed the andron, another andron starts to fire at the viper group, also a scout disk. The gorgul rushed to my forces, but his movements points ended something like 4 tiles away a soldier. The delta viper rushed to... but he run through them, hiding somewhere on their backs (are they suppose to do it?).

My turn starts. The gargol is killed after three close range burst from a vanilla assult rifle. The delta viper runned a little far but still was exposed, so I threw everything I can at him. Three more grenades, shots, and the thing is finally killed by a soldier from the andron group who was near and shooted it with the Dual Warhawks. I rocket blasted the scout disk and heavily damaged the andron. The turns to follow proceeded kinda well. I ended this battle with 6 of the 8 soldiers hurted in different levels, but I did it without losing anyone.

I had other battles against the viper (just the smaller one) and the gorgul. I dont think the smaller viper is that thought anymore, but I saw he almost appears in groups of 2 or 3. A good tactics against him is to let him come to you while you kill him with a barrage of reaciton shots. If he refuse to come, it's not a problem, since it lacks ranged attacks. harass him from far away until he is dead.

The gorgul is kinda more problematic. He is much more tough than the viper, but also slower and more "stupid". Best way is also fight him froma distance and deal as much damage you can in one turn, since his regenarion is very strong. Sometime he rush mindless against your troops. Could be good if he is alone, could be bad if you had other things to shot (since he will absorve tons of damage). Other times he seems to keep setting ambushes even when you know where he is. He move from cover to cover, allowing you to score some reaction shots. At the time he finally decides to rush or you advance at him, he may be pretty well damaged and will fall fast.

In short... I think both gargol and the smaller vipers are very "killable" right now. The problem still is the delta viper in early game... you probably only will kill it without losing personnel in perfect situations. I dont know if delta vipers still appear early in the game after the hotfix. I fought it in a landed UFO froma save before the hotfix.

The Warhawks seems very good to me right now. The single one is good for shield forces when you want to engage targets from far away. I can damage armors and will heavily hit unprotected targets. But if you want an assault weapon to your shield soldiers, the submachinnegun may do a better job since it still have suppresion capabilities, but is almost useless against armor.

The dual Warhawks seems very good to the assault class. It's brutal at close range when the two shots scores, and it can piece armor way better than the vanilla shotgun. It lacks it suppresion, although. If you KNOW you will be fighting caesans or other unarmoured targets, the shotgun may be best, but for anything else the dual Warhawk is mandatory. I didn't tested the new shotgun yet.

So... that is my experience so far with the new aliens, their AI and the new weapons! I will be posting more... and more succinct, I swear! (maybe not, haha)

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Thanks Victor and Sentelin, I'll review all yours reviews and see what I can polish to make them unique.

The general propose of the Warkhawk pistol as I see that victor understand the importance of his role as Dual Wield or Single. If you see carefully you will find that Dual is for close range assault soldier and stand alone pistol is more suited to range and goo range accuracy, caused by the addition of laser sight on it.

For now we can focus on balancing the new weapons, LMG Zephyr, Warhawks, Thunderbolt and Korhang machinegun until I design and balance the other new weapons.

Any comment about this weapons would be great!

Thank you!!!

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Yeah, yeah! I having tons of fun now! Delta viper didn't show up anymore, so I'm happy! The new aliens suits well the game in roles previously not occupied!

I just start to deploy Zephy and Thunderbolt now. I will let you know what I think after some mission.

I love them a lot Zephyr and Thunderbolt.

Are equivalent in some way to lasers. Lasers are other thing but this weapons with warhawks will stay in play.


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TD, I think I spotted a bug.

The Thunderbolt have a maximum load of 8 bullets, but it starts the mission with only 6.

I'm also noticing that some weapons starts with their ammo from the last mission like it didn't was reloaded after the mission, even after the dropship returning to the base. Do you know if it's happen also in vanilla so I can report it in the bug threat?

(/\ it's not the case of the Thunderbolt. I never did a mission with it and it started with 6, not 8)

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TD, I think I spotted a bug.

The Thunderbolt have a maximum load of 8 bullets, but it starts the mission with only 6.

I'm also noticing that some weapons starts with their ammo from the last mission like it didn't was reloaded after the mission, even after the dropship returning to the base. Do you know if it's happen also in vanilla so I can report it in the bug threat?

(/\ it's not the case of the Thunderbolt. I never did a mission with it and it started with 6, not 8)

Thanks! Let my check this inconsistency.

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For now we complement Tier 1-/+ and now we begin the work in Tier 2. Right now is in balance testing and reajusment but we want to show a small video about TWO new different ADVANCED LASERS!

Dread AK7-A1 (Tactical Sniper Laser Cannon V1)

Parango GH301 (Heavy Laser Pistol)




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After playing some hours in different difficultys

Easy: Slow start, slow progress, easy beginning, easy gameplay till large ships appear then most encounters are like vet or even insane.

I would suggests to increase the money flow on easy mode.

Normal: Just normal, nothing to say feels good.

Veteran: Hard start, but when you start production and make money, its fine and challenging

Insane: Hmm could be more insane

I think the easy mod is the most unbalanced, I think most people that play on easy are people who want to learn the game, you want to build things, research things, and shoot living things, without the fear to go bankrupt.

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Dread AK7-A1 - Tactical Sniper Laser Cannon V1


Fire Mode:

Snap Shot 40AP - 52% Accuracy

Normal 65AP - 113% Accuracy

Aimed 95AP - 153% Accuracy

Fire Rate: Low

Damage: Pulse High Focus Laser (94 Nominal damage, 50 Stun Damage)

Armor Penetration: Medium

Range of effect: Long Range

Tactical Notes:

- Powerful and tactical version of sniper rifle

- Versatile and powerful weapon suited for close range and selective targets.

- Advanced targeting system provide accurated shots at long ranges

- Very slow ammo, heavy to carry and difficult to reload.

- Useless at close range, be careful using this weapon in urban or close environments, only for military veteran use.

Parango GH301 - Heavy Laser Pistol


Fire Mode:

Snap Shot 13AP - 28% Accuracy

Normal 23AP - 55% Accuracy

Aimed 48AP - 120% Accuracy

Burst Fire 30AP - 32% Accuracy

Fire Rate: Low

Damage: Pulse High Focus Laser (94 Nominal damage, 50 Stun Damage)

Armor Penetration: Low

Range of effect: Long Range

Tactical Notes:

- Powerful and tactical version of sniper rifle

- Versatile and powerful weapon suited for close range and selective targets.

- Advanced targeting system provide accurated shots at long ranges

- Very slow ammo, heavy to carry and difficult to reload.

- Useless at close range, be careful using this weapon in urban or close environments, only for military veteran use.





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After playing some hours in different difficultys

Easy: Slow start, slow progress, easy beginning, easy gameplay till large ships appear then most encounters are like vet or even insane.

I would suggests to increase the money flow on easy mode.

Normal: Just normal, nothing to say feels good.

Veteran: Hard start, but when you start production and make money, its fine and challenging

Insane: Hmm could be more insane

I think the easy mod is the most unbalanced, I think most people that play on easy are people who want to learn the game, you want to build things, research things, and shoot living things, without the fear to go bankrupt.

Thanks for the feedback, is quiet rare, because money income in every difficulty level is the same and the player progress is untouched. I'll review the balance features and make some hours in easy with korhang to balance this level, that is intented to explore the game.

Thanks selgald

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Finally new laser weapons! I was holding over laser weapons reasearch in my save game just in hope that I could have it right away when it's launched! By the way I love the new laser pistol looks... it kinda remembers me the Auto 9 from Robocop! Hahaha!

When is it comming off?

Also kabill finished his awesome Fire in The Hole mod. Can we expect this last update in the next build of XNTID?

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