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Reworking stun


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With the medkit's new ability to revive unconscious soldiers to be useful, we need to be actually have unconscious soldiers. My suggestion is for all alien weapons to have stun damage slightly higher than normal damage.

E.G. Alien pistol of 55 damage and 60 stun damage vs 60 health human

- If pistol rolls less than 100%, human is wounded but still conscious

- If pistol rolls between 100% and 110%, human is wounded and knocked unconscious

- If pistol rolls over 110%, human is dead

Compared to current:

Alien pistol of 55 damage and 0 stun damage vs 60 health human

- If pistol rolls less than 110%, human is wounded but still conscious

- If pistol rolls over 110%, human is dead

As you can see, this does not reduce the killing power of the alien weapons, but means heavily wounded soldiers will be knocked unconscious. They will still be in danger because aliens now shoot at unconscious soldiers (I think that was in patch notes recently), even more so if they are bleeding out.

For humans I would make their weapons have stun damage slightly lower than normal damage. This ensures that without proper stun equipment, you will kill the alien before you knock it unconscious. And I would make stun weapons weaker in general, so that it is hard to stun aliens purely with stun weapons.

And I'm not sure if this is in, but stun damage should regenerate 25% per turn, up to a units current HP. This makes it more difficult to capture aliens without shooting them a bit first.

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If I remember correctly, stun damage is only dealt by weapons with either a rocket, melee or grenade bullet type, so unless the "normal" bullet type were reworked so they were also included, you'd have to change all alien weapons to rocket type which would have unexpected and probably unwelcome side effects.

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Currently in stable V20, soldier survival in deprief appears to be by chance. When examined in battle, they appear as Xenonaut Corpse, and have a chance of being badly wounded in the debrief after the mission. When you load your game just prior to the finish, they are rolled again for their survival chance.

Stunned is different, this is currently apparently only doable with proper stun weapons and the body appears as Xenonaut, or Caesan Guard etc. without the blood marks on the body. This has a different mechanic than the end of mission chance survival, which the aliens completely lack, if they fall in battle, they are dead for sure.

I would prefer stunned soldiers not being so identifiable unless by directly standing over them both by the player or by the aliens. You would be required to move your medic on top of the soldier to check him out, then apply medikit if alive, and similarly aliens should move closer and get a chance to do the killing shot if they see the guy is alive (so the soldier gets a chance to play dead and live).

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