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19 Stable 1 - Chinook meets an early end.

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First UFO spotted. 2 Condors sent to intercept. UFO lands.

I send the Chinook. Then I completely forget my own advice and don;t send it to a waypoint. UFO takes off just as the Chinook approaches. Quite a few survivors from what I could see before the reload :)

Second time out.. Use the waypoint for the Chinook. UFO takes off and lands again. Chinook intercepts without a problem.

Pretty daunting for a new player though, I'd imagine?

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Okay, you still start off with 1 million, and you still have 750K left over after your first base, but all of the funding nation's initial funding has been boosted. Although, they've been boosted kinda oddly.

North America-150K

Central America-225K

South America-150K

Northern Africa-150K

Southern Africa-150K

Middle East (plus Greece ;))-225K


Soviet Union-150K



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Okay, you still start off with 1 million, and you still have 750K left over after your first base, but all of the funding nation's initial funding has been boosted. Although, they've been boosted kinda oddly.

North America-150K

Central America-225K

South America-150K

Northern Africa-150K

Southern Africa-150K

Middle East (plus Greece ;))-225K


Soviet Union-150K



These numbers look a little... odd.

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interesting values considering the cold war setting. Although I appreciate they have to balance across the number of blocs a well placed base can cover.

This. Looks like either north or south america base will cover central, so central is boosted, though you could try to cheat that and half cover north or south and central.

Australasia is hard to cover with anything other than indochina, then you have the large clump of 150s for africa/europe. If they really wanted to balance it they would probably have to drop all of those to around 100k to make any starting position equally viable.

Makes sense from a gaming perspective if not an economic one.

Oh, missed that the middle east was 225. That still makes the Mediterranean by far the best starting spot. Ah well.

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