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[V8.5 geoscape] Crash after destroying alien fighter

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I have seen this mentioned once or twice around the boards.

I have CTD after returning to base once, then the second time I shot one down, I tried re-directing the squadron of 2 F-17s to a waypoint, but still CTD - before they even reached the waypoint. This was before they would have reached the base, but perhaps they would have made it home if I had not paused to re-direct - maybe it is not related to returning to base but just a certain amount of time after shooting it down?

Ok, so now I have shot one down with a single F17, then waited for 30 seconds in time=5sec, with nothing happening, then returned to base with no crash. Another UFO was detected in between shooting down and retuning to base in this instance.

Now a third CTD, single F17 shot down a fighter. I did notice that the F17 was circling the spot the fighter was shot down for a while. This was while the alien missile came around for a second go at me.

After a few more loads and shooting down the fighter (it seems almost unfair that I can roll to dodge his missiles, but he rolls and mine still hit) it seems about maybe sixty percent of the time I get a crash, regardless of my other actions.

Edited by winterwolves
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Ok, I've done that (don't know if I really did it right)

Now I have noticed that if you intercept a fighter with a MIG it is way more buggy.

I have had one crash just from assigning a MIG, and two crashes when he shot down my MIG, as soon as returned to geoscape.

And also a crash as soon as a victorious mig returnes to base.

Edited by winterwolves
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OK, so here I have a save that always crashes with an F17 vs fighter.

I have tried every scenario I can think of but always results in CTD.

I have:

Killed the fighter at least five times

Set way points and RTB twice

Allowed the fighter to shoot down the F17 twice

Sent up a MIG to shoot it down instead


Now maybe you can figure it out?

fighter always CTD.zip

fighter always CTD.zip

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This is still around in 8.6.

Air combat works fine with any other ship type (at least scouts and 'vettes), but destroying a fighter crashes my game when returning to base.

I've tried it with one F17, two F17s, two F17s and a Mig, a solo Mig, two Migs, an F17 and a mig.. No difference.

I've also tried NOT shooting it down, either by losing/retreating air combat or letting it run amok.

If I don't intercept it destroys my transport, but if I enter air combat against it I CTD

I also tried sending the interceptors but turning them around mid-flight, in which case the game did not crash.

Hope this helps, the game is unplayable for me atm :(

Edited by PaladinFury
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OK. Is this a fresh game started in V8.6, or is it an old one from V8.5?

Could you post up the save game too please? That'll make it easier to get it fixed.

EDIT - oh wait, never mind. It's still reproducable in WinterWolves' save game file. I'll just use that.

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Only if I send the jets out, Chinook blowing up doesn't CTD for me.


Trying to get to UFO Fighter (They're not really UFOs anymore though, are they? ..) stage,

but it's proving to be the most rage-inducing, hate-filled, curse-spewing playthrough of all time :(

Start combat -> walk one square out of the chinook -> BLASTZAPKAPOW -> half my guys dead.

This has happened twice now along with one combat where three aliens hid in the UFO cockpit and one where my RPG guy missed a 90% shot and hit two teammates in stead.

I've literally lost more soldiers on this single run than all the previous ones combined and I haven't even seen a Fighter or Corvette yet :D



First AFO Fighter down (using 2xF17 and MIG) with the latest build, no crash to desktop.

I thought that the term "UFO" is a bit old and am going to call all mine AFOs from now on.

's short for "Annoying Flying Object" since they're not really that unknown anymore ;)

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I guess they are still UFOs since you dont know which nation/planet they are from? or how they are flying? Or you cant identify them by just the radar and the indication which class they are are just a guess or only provided for the players convinience?

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