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I remember in the Original X-Com you could not only load up your soldiers with the gear they'd typically need on a mission but you could also leave some gear as backup on the drop ship.

This was a really cool feature as it would allow you to adjust your tactics mid-route. Say you loaded a bunch of explosive rounds and Gatling guns on a terror mission- you could always grab those extra rifles on the Drop-Ship floor right before the mission started. This of course also assumes that Xenonaughts gives you a load-out screen right before the mission starts.

The gameplay also benefited from this in several other ways. One of these ways was if a solider ran out of ammo he could always fall back to the drop ship to rearm. One of my favorite experiences of this was when you first ran into the mutons (or in the case of Xenonaughts, alien vehicles!) and had to send several soliders back to the ship mid mission for extra hand grenades and rocket launchers.

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well you do your loadout at the base screen and these loadouts are saved and to prevent you from spenidng lots of time preparing before the batle wich got a bit anoying in the original always searching for that psi amp or rifle that is in the backpack of a soldier who doesnt need it

so basivly its not in the game if you are so keen on extra ammo and such pick one dude give him a pistol in his hand or something like that and stuff his backpack full of ammo for the other soldiers

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I think the improvements on load out and the ability to pick up some of the alien weapons and use them (Bah!) on the battlescape are there in place of this.

Honestly, as good a touch as it was, I used it about twice in a decade, and that was only when I'd made some mistake in the first place. I came pretty close to needing additional ammo on one occasion, but didn't actually need to go back.

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I'd find this system useful if it were ingame. In my current game of UFO: ET I've taken to giving my men extra gear then dropping it at the start of the mission. If the dropship had the option to load it with some gear that would be easier and more elegant.

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A "trunk" on the dropship had been suggested before but seeing how this is not a critical feature for getting the game shipped, I wouldn't get my hopes up.

It would require a UI to manage this in both the base and missions, more data to organise, save, and load correctly... all for nice-to-have functionality.

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one thing i wonder tough is will some of your equipent in this case then the laser rifels since the normal tier1 are in endless supply drop on the floor in base defense like in the orginal x-com or will be all the weapons you dont have quiped be hiden away in some sort of inacesible vault (basicly meaning that it wont be there in the base defense)

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I imagine you would get the chance to equip your troops before the base defence missions so the only gear that would be inaccessible would be that carried by troops who are away from the base at that time.

Anything you don't equip would be assumed to be either locked away or removed to prevent aliens destroying/capturing it.

Having your gear lying around on the floor of your base makes no sense, especially if you have already had the chance to take it with you but decided not to.

As previously suggested you can take as much ammo etc as you can carry then just drop some of it in a safe place to return for later if you wanted to.

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