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How can I transfer engineers?

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The thread is not about how it should work but about how it does work.

Hence the reason I posted about a way to recreate the function of the transfer within the current system.

I could have gone on for a couple of pages about how I think the system should have been implemented, the gameplay benefits it could have had, how the UI should have looked etc etc but it wouldn't really have changed anything and my point would have still been the same.

You can fire your current engineers just before they get paid then spend that saved cash rehiring at your new base after wages have been paid out to simulate a transfer.

You could ask solver if the functionality could be added to the source code so that you could make it as a mod if it is important to you.

I wouldn't mind it being possible but it doesn't really matter to me either way.

Edited by Gauddlike
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Indeed this thread is about how it works - but I am just making a point. This is something related to how the game could have been made better and transferring scientists / engineers is a recurring topic in the forums. The answer is not "go make your own mod" (or even "go make your own game"), or is it? I don't have the time, nor the mood to do it. Worst case? If I think that all the small things are too big, I will simply stop playing. I hope this will not happen - so far I really enjoy it!

Anyway a modder (or Chris) may pick up the point and if they think it is worth the effort, they may even include it in a future update.

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If there is a popular mod then there is a good chance it could get picked up which is why I always suggest people try either making a mod if it is possible or put an actual request in the proper place for mod support.

If enough people ask for some coding support then it is more likely to be added.

If someone makes an engineer transfer mod and lots of people use it then it is more likely that it could be rolled into the official game at some point.

If people feel strongly about something, no matter how big or small a change, then it is worth bringing up in the proper place.

It is not really appropriate to derail other peoples threads like this though when the thread is not about how things could/should have been but a simple request for information on how to do something in the current system, if it is possible.

As the original question has been answered there is not really anything else to say on this subject.

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Why does every thread devolve into "the game should have been done this way so it would be better". Just answer the man's question and move on, ffs. And yes, at this point the answer is "make a request in the mod section" for new features or if it's a bug, report it.

Edited by ViewThePhenom
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