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Found 18 results

  1. Move to a xenonaut corpse, open inventory, pick up stun baton. Attempt to discard a few items (ammo, medkit) onto the corpse inventory slots. Repeat a few times -> crash. Another separate issue: once the game crashes, Steam won't detect the game process has exited. Attempting to run again will result in "game already running" msg. bug_report_2024-12-31-22h43_gc_4.27.0_unhandled_exception.zip
  2. The original XCOM allowed you to load up the dropship with additional items up to a certain amount. @Chris do you have any plans on implementing this? Currently we seem to be overloading our soldiers to get more ammo and rockets into terror missions and then dropping them all in the dropship (which loses a few units their first turn). This is rather frustrating and time consuming but essentially achieving the same thing; having a limited inventory and the inconvenience of having to return to the dropship could be a good balance. Alternative idea could be to allow tanks / scout vehicles to have an inventory - with a risk of being destroyed and losing all your gear.
  3. Hi, all, i'm new to the Forum, and pretty average at Coding/Modding, but i want to make the equip slots on the backpack, primary weapon, secondary weapon and belt, transparent. Is there a way to do that? I tried changing numbers in "sequipvew.lua" but only made the containers disappear (there was actually 3-5 pixels of that container... but it was not equipable with nothing, it was useless.) I noticed there are 4 common values for some graphics: x, y, h and w... i'm guessing these are the color, height and width values, maybe the fouth one is transparency? only problem is i don't know wich is wich, and how to alter them. Here's an example: InventorySlot { name = "slot1_1", x = 5 + 0 * Floor( 30 * screenScaleX ), y = 23 * screenScaleY + 5 + 0 * Floor( 30 * screenScaleX ), w = Floor( 30 * screenScaleX ), h = Floor( 30 * screenScaleX ), image = "uitextures/sequip/centerend", bordersize = 3, }, What do the RED, and GREEN elements do/mean? By the way, can all this be achieved with the official build of the game? (not CE modded) Any help would be very appreciated.
  4. Been playing with v19, and was wondering in what direction the inventory management is going to go for the next release(es) to address the following: - Multiple shields for one guy (mentioned in other topics) should be avoided. Maybe decrease size of backpack by I row so a shield doesn't even fit - and maybe extend it with a column so that space is not lost though I am not sure if we really need so much backpack space at all. - Increasing the TU usage difference between belt and backpack giving belt more advantages so that grenades and pistol should be kept there and all backpack actions would practically render the soldier useless for a turn. This is to prevent stacking up the backpack of the solider with grenades, or make rocket troopers able to fire Edit: There is another reason having larger TU requirement difference between backpack and belt: Usage of quick reload and quick grenade would only be possible from belt (I think currently also backpack items are shown though not sure about this). This way we would need to consider if we want a pistol/med kit/stun button or rather more magazines and grenades for quick slots since everything in the backpack would require a turn to take into hand. - Some way to show the player how much TU it costs to conduct reorganization within items would be very useful showing it maybe above the pointer. Common sense helps determine that pistol should be in the belt to spare TU-s but I am still not sure how much that is better than storing it in the backpack (or I may just not have seen the forest from the trees )
  5. Like with the facilities in the base building tetris game, I'd really want inventory items to be rotatable, so that a character can have both a shield and a rifle in their bag as easily as they can have two shields or two rifles. Having a system where you can have a one-handed item in your hand that you cannot put in your bag by replacing it with a two-handed one becomes annoying as it means you have to leave open bag space that you would otherwise use if you want your shieldbearers to carry other weapons. This further reduces the weight a shieldbearer may carry, thus reducing the ability to train strength, especially late-game. The problem is particularly noticeable now that shields are only 3kg. Furthermore, I suggest the size and shape of the actual inventory (as opposed to the space used by the items) to be defined in config files for mod developers to use. This might be there already, but I haunted through the config files and couldn't find it.
  6. I dont like it at all. In case you may ask why, at first it seems nice but it is actually worse than the fullscreen. Everyting is scaled down, the cute top left window of the soldier in the map is gone and you cant see anything useful of the battlescape wich is what already happened before. So all in all you lose too many things for very litte gain, if any.
  7. Probably out due to needing to rotate the sprite, but any chance of being able to rotate say the combat shield in your inventory using the mousewheel, like we can rotate hangers etc in base construction?
  8. Be cool to see medals on soliders in equipment area? also more medals would be awesome!
  9. Just wanted to see if there could be a better way to choose what goes into your quick swap. You basically get 2 items, for example a grenade and a clip. If you have 2 different grenades, then 1 random one pops in and a clip. No clips, then it shows 0 clips in one slop and one grenade in the other. So if I go out there with stun and alerium grenades then it chooses a random one to go in the slot next to the clip. So if I want to use my other grenade, I basically have to equip it in my hand. Even if I have my clip in my backpack instead of belt, it still pops in.
  10. In a windowed (not fiullscreen) mode, button "return to battlefield" is not so far from system "closeWindow" button. It is so easy to exit game reflexively when player, accustomed to multi-windowed applications, want only to close soldier's inventory screen... Аnd it's so annoying to fight the same unsaved battle again. Some (not all) programming systems allows to intercept closeWindow event and ask user if (s)he "really want to exit unsaved game (yes/no)". Is it possible for Xenonauts?
  11. After playing a bit I have noticed that the inventory proportions are just not right. Yes, I know they are similar to original games but maybe we can make it even better? What I mean is that rifle takes 10 "blocks" (let's call single inventory cell a block), launcher also takes 10 blocks, while pistol takes 6 and grenade just 1. In my opinion it would be good to change that into something more balanced - either increase block size of big weapons (like rocket launcher) or make pistols "smaller". The idea is to make bigger "leap" from big weapons to small arms. Right now, when I have a soldier equipped with a rocker launcher, I can barely fit secondary weapon there (and don't forget we also need ammo/medkit/grenades on almost every soldier). And in my opinion every soldier should have a pistol with him just in case he runs into some nasty aliens and his main weapon malfunctions somehow (insert mood here!). Another idea is to diverse inventory size by the armour worn. Basic armor should have just some elementary carrying space + small belt for ammo. Lvl 2 armor should have slightly larger backpack + bigger belt. Lvl 3 armor should add pistol hip holder + maybe some grenade/flare spots (like in X-Com Apocalypse). It could look like that PS. Yes Chris, I am a fan of JA2 1.13 mod Please share your suggestions and/or similar ideas!
  12. It'd be great to have this. It'd allow you to carry a pistol over say, having to choose between have readily-available LMG ammo or anything else.
  13. Just a minor suggestion here - I'm assuming that the secondary weapon slot fills with the same weapon as the primary slot to represent it taking up both hands. Would be nice, in this case, to display the secondary slot weapon at 50% transparency or similar, instead of it looking like your soldier is carrying two shotguns for instance. Another option would be to simply grey out the secondary slot unless a one-handed weapon or item is equipped in the primary slot. EG. - Equip Assault Rifle in Primary Slot - Display Assault Rifle at 100% opacity in Primary - Display Assault Rifle at 50% opacity in Secondary
  14. Right now, 6 slots is actually more than what's needed. At least if you go by the pic, it's 4 slots. Making it 4 would let you have some spare capacity if you opt to not take a medipack, which would be nice. As is, you have to choose between having ready access to a pistol, LMG ammo or medipack. Making the pistol four slots could let you fit in at least grenades, magazines or a single LMG ammo.
  15. Two things bugged me about the Inventory UI, especially when you want to swap two items in your inventory, but have to shuffle things around to do it... Scenario: You want to swap a Medkit with a pistol. The Medkit is in your backpack, the pistol is on your belt, but there are too many things in both the backpack and belt to simply swap them. So, you have to drop the pistol on the ground, move the Medkit from backpack to belt, move the pistol from the ground to the backpack.......and you're charged the AP for each of those moves. The more practical way of doing it from the user's point of view is to click on either the pistol or Medkit, move it over top the other, and drop it. When you do that, the other item is now selected and you can move it to the other location, without the need to drop anything. The second scenario is when you're just generally moving stuff around and you make a mistake. You switch things back to the way they were...but you're still charged all the AP costs. Seems to me the total AP cost for interacting with your Inventory should be determined not by each individual action from A to N, but rather the AP cost of what's changed. Scenario: I move a pistol from my belt to my backpack, then back to my belt, then drop it on the ground, then equip it as a weapon...then put it back on my belt. In the end nothing's changed. You were just trying different things out, but it's counted against you. Just seems a bit mechanistic.
  16. Just wondering if the option to throw your weapon or other item will be implemented into this game? I mean in the original Xcom i always found myself throwing extra ammo clips around or weapons (those awkward moments when it lands on the level above) Also if it was implemented would it be possible to throw grenades without them blowing up?
  17. sup thingy 1: would it be in any way possible to be able to rotate items on the inventory screen? (pet peeve when you have stuff like the 1x2 vertical belt pockets and you can't put 1x2 horizontal items on them) another (probably easier) solution would be to have exclusively horizontal (or vertical) pockets and items, so that there's never a conflict, or maybe to have 1x2 vertical items be able to be "hung" from the belt, so that you can put them on the middle squares (but only for 1x2 vertical items). thoughts? thingy 2: rifle straps. inspired by the "return the rifle to the inventory or drop it" comments from the new combat UI. if it's hanging from a shoulder strap, there's no need to do either.
  18. I have been playing Xenonauts for some time, and I equip my soldiers with guns of various kinds (mostly assault rifles and shotguns, and the odd sniper rifle). I swap out the default rocket launcher because it is a heavy and cumbersome weapon that is overkill against the squishy Caesans, but it would be useful against some enemies hinted about (i.e. those guard drones mentioned here), so it would be good if it were possible to put equipment in the transport vehicle and let soldiers pick it up during the mission. This would enable the soldiers to avoid carrying around heavy weaponry where it is not needed, but allows them to react to more types of threats.
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