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Everything posted by PerfectDeath

  1. The only way I'd want Night Vision working is if it only extended LOS within a VERY narrow field (like no more than 60 degrees) a possible negative being NVG soldiers can also be suppressed much easier due to bright alien projectiles. Aside from that, I am for improved flares weather that is for extra effect range or extra duration. Maybe have the improved flares as a regular grenade that acts like a flash bang on impact making them useful even on day missions.
  2. I'm more annoyed with base defenses than base assaults since the AI is 'supposed' to be attacking yet they usually just camp out in my hangars...
  3. The economy is kind of crap in the regular version, some things are being done to explore economy balancing so I gave this a thought but it is something a late game player can monopolize once they get enough bases.
  4. Sebs used to have acidic blood I believe, thus you did not want to step on their corpse or blood pools.
  5. Maybe having a repeatable research project that give you money like research grants? As you progress you can get grants that give more money but need more scientists to finish quicker, since they are repeatable it could be something to have extra bases do to grind funds?
  6. First alien base was vs selbs, they started trying to shoot through 5 layers of walls from the very beginning, also had to be cautious using doors as cover since they could even see me through those. I don't play ironman right now because of these issues, aliens with those heavy plasma cannons will eventually, at the right angle shoot through walls and blow your face off. Those plasma cannons can eventually tear off some wall pieces... O_o The good thing is that they burn off their TUs for reaction shots! I only had the very last selb who never moved form his spot do reaction shots.
  7. A city being hit twice may just be because that city is in a blind spot from your interceptors; thus, they can keep landing terror missions there.
  8. The chase camera can get annoying, I actually chase whatever I'm interested in with WASD, the annoying part happens after I fire, the camera likes to center on my target, which at that time I have already seen where the bullets hit and am back to my own units, thus, the camera snaps back to the alien. Guess I just play to fast, the chase cam does not like this. =P
  9. You probably shot them down =P, a base attack is an escorted landing ship or something. I normally can't tell them apart from escorted terror missions.
  10. I know fire is still in development since there is a flamethrower, but it is removed in this current version due to bugs. Things like incendiary rockets also exist in the game files so it could even be possible to add incendiary grenades. I know fire damage is very powerful as well, so it would probably be a good idea to reduce that before adding too much pyro! Because there are very few implemented it is hard to test if fire actually spreads.
  11. Yea, took me forever to get alenium unlocked, too many light scouts with few regular scouts kept slinking by. =P That and I had sent my condors out to engage another light scout when the corvette showed up. I knew sending both condors out would have its consequences. like when I sent my two foxtrots out to a new base the aliens decided to drop a base invasion.
  12. Also, corvettes, they take 7 avalanche torps? that is a lot... O_o Good thing the foxtrot is rearmed immediately upon landing if you only have one. =P
  13. Especially when you toss in 40 TUs to heal one critical wound which only needs 5 TUs...
  14. The danger of armour is that it reduces your line of sight, making it more likely you stumble into reaction fire. but you are more likely to survive it. But I still end up making about 8 Jackal armour, considering I don't need to replace aircraft. As for night terror missions, I've gotten stuck in a few, I always seem to get them when they are on the other side of the world! I hate you mexico! <_< I still have managed it on normal, and some save scumming...
  15. The only base attack I have experienced resulted after I shot down the two escorts, with Condors, the Foxtrots were unavailable since I had just transferred them to other bases while building new ones so I had no way to destroy the landing craft which just followed my condors to my base. The landing craft with its escorts before it started chasing my condors were just randomly touching down and taking off in the areas I normally shoot down UFOs. They likely found the base faster because they followed the condors since it was not originally heading to my base. =\
  16. The armoury image for the AK47 is still the original one while the one in the battle which is the new carbine version.
  17. same, ordered some 10 pistols to be broken down, game crashed after a short bit of time acceleration. EDIT: Tried breaking down pistols again, it seems to crash whenever the first is completed.
  18. If they got a medal that gave them crazy good bonuses (like +20 bravery) for successfully surviving a grapple and loot mission then I'd be cool with it. Especially if their portrait gains an eye patch after 20 successful grapples.
  19. power tech parrots asap, equip on everyone!
  20. Reposting this here from A discussion on Boarding: Xenopirates riding MiGs you say?
  21. I'd like to have stun gas as something you toss into a room while you set up to breach, tazing whatever remains; however, when a single gas grenade can generally stun most aliens after 2 exposures to it (first from direct, second from their turn starting) it can be very effective at stunning in one turn from a distance. If the stun gas worked more to soften the aliens up to need less baton wacks or to have another property like making the aliens dizzy and either less accurate or have less TUs then it would have some good synergy with the baton. If stun gas did something like -10TUs per exposure then that'd be cool too. =\
  22. Two things to do: First, talk about how the game's balancing and pacing feels for the difficulty level. Second, you can run some of the balancing mods like the little mod which seeks to implement and experiment with some possible balances and tweaks and see what works.
  23. Just had a crazy cool thought, multi-stage boss battles! Basically a titan classed UFO appears, takes it like a month to get anywhere, but it can vaporize entire cities or something dropping that nation's funding. However, taking it down requires a few things. First your aircraft need to cripple its weapons and defenses, may take a few attempts to soften it up and take down the defenses (so you have to damage it enough to make it unable to return fire) then you have to attack it with a troop transport to board it, it will have to fly low and slow) the boarding forces basically are there to damage its levitation systems forcing it to descend and land. When it is landed it cannot do anything anymore giving you some breathing time to regroup. Now you can do a proper and thorough clean sweep of the crippled and crashed ship. I think that would be a cool thing to have at least once per game to mix things up!
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