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Everything posted by Gam

  1. It happens a lot. It looks like it's map/building specific. It breaks my heart when I think I'm well hidden on a roof and I get my arse shot...
  2. Are you going to do some crowdfunding? If so let us know
  3. Hi all, Is it possible to find anywhere the full research tree? I'm missing some stuff and I'm almost at the end of the game. Thanks Gam
  4. By the way, I'm almost at the end of the game with no researched left and I have no cryptology center. What unlocks it?
  5. There is a specific bug thread for the "no soldier at base" issue and I think there is a workaround. For the issue with targeting UFOs, was it related to the fact that if you were clicking on the UFO there was no popup window coming up?
  6. Very weird It used to happen once in awhile but now it's not going away and it makes it hard to play. Basically in Geoscape the time stops because a research/manufacturing project has ended but there is no popup coming up. After this, no other popups appear, UFO detection, event, neither the ESC key works anymore. Save attached. A.sav A.sav
  7. Giovanni, come sei messo con il manuale? Io ho un po'di tempo libero, se mi mandi il file con la tua traduzione io cerco di proseguire Gam
  8. I used to have the same problem I don't remember what I did - maybe just a clean reinstall - but now it's gone
  9. Landed carrier (not shot down, so still in 1 piece) The two assault guys on the left are fired on from inside the carrier during the alien turn d.sav d.sav
  10. Unfortunately I have no save or screenshot, but I saw a Seb regenerate health during his reaction fire. Gam
  11. In the first pic the ductwork and aircon did not work as cover either, I could walk on them as if they were not there.
  12. Ok maybe "unplayabe" is too much, but for 20 years my strategy has always been "get on the roof and throw crap on their head". So it kind of breaking my gamestile big time. Gam
  13. Maybe, but in that case what's the point in researching and manufacturing flying armors?
  14. More pics, the soldier on the roof can see the alien on the ground on the far left
  15. Sorry if I bump this up but it's really breaking my heart. Any chance someone will look into this soon? Gam
  16. Traduzione in Italiano Come installarli: 1) Estraete la cartella Xenonauts dal file .zip allegato 2) Copiatela sulla cartella Xenonauts esistente (sopra non dentro, così che Windows vi chieda di unire le cartelle) 3) Accettate di sovrascrivere tutti i file quando Windows lo chiede (11 file) La cartella di installazione predefinita del gioco e' (se usate Steam) C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Xenonauts\ Manuale in preparazione NOTE SULLA TRADUZIONE: • Per una visualizzazione ottimale si consiglia di aprire il file gameconfig.xml (nella cartella xenonauts\assets) e settare la seguente opzione su “true”: <!-- TEXTS AUTOSCALING --> <autoscaleTexts value="true" comment="Autoscales texts to fit container. For translations." /> • La traduzione è stata completata dal gruppo italiano della comunità online di Xenonauts, traduttori non-professionisti che hanno dedicato parte del loro tempo libero a questo scopo. La traduzione potrebbe essere quindi in certi casi poco fluida o imprecisa, ma a caval donato… • Nel caso il giocatore trovi errori può segnalarli sul forum • Si ringraziano: Giovanni, stx, dreamer81, Doomers, Osok, theothersider, SpikeOnUr6, Gam e tutti quelli che hanno contribuito alla traduzione sul forum. Gam Xenonauts.zip Xenonauts.zip
  17. I've noticed that when I was chasing Harridans over the roofs of the buildings, and now it has appeared in his complete magnitude. Basically there is a mismatch between the LOS of a unit on a roof an units on the ground. The units on the ground can usually see the one above, even when you would expect them to be hidden. They also can shoot them from below going through walls and the roof. At the same time the units above can see the other units even when they should be hidden but cannot fire at them (0% hit chance). See attached save. My two flying units can see most of the aliens but cannot shoot them, while in the following turn they get slaughtered by their fire coming from the same identical spot (the aliens don't move to shoot them, they just turn and fire). Unfortunately I have to say this makes the game unplayable. Gam A.sav A.sav
  18. io nulla... sono affogato nel lavoro fino alla prox settimana almeno non appena ho un po' di tempo ci lavoro sopra Gam
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