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Everything posted by mace6442

  1. If you want somthing thats just like real life, then why play games? My weapon takes 30 rounds in real life but we load 28 or 29 as it prevents stoppages due to a fault in the weapon. <-use this image when playing if it helps The mag size is ballanced to game mechanics not reality. I would hate to walk into a game that was just like real life.
  2. I have crunched the numbers and I can confirm that the game will be released exactly when its ready. Hope that clears things up.
  3. What a lovley post from the Op, so good to see that such polite and nice people still exist.
  4. I have verified that I am running 17.1. When I go to the alien base it loads ok and I get to position my team etc. Then when I start I have the starting screen open and can see parts of the base but can not get into it. There is a row of black tiles that I can not cross. Will post screen shot soonest.
  5. Just because he said it does not make it true. If it makes you happy, pretend the people that made the space ships die due to a virus and the race that fly them now can only opperate the kit but can't replicate it. Think Star Gate
  6. I find it happens when you speed the time up when on route to a fight. Try slowing the game down if there is a chance of a battles
  7. From my experiance with people been turned from a living state to a no longer living state I have experianced that 5.56 rounds (our rifles) generaly leave people intact with a number of holes on them. The GPMP is around 7.62 (machine gun) and that normally makes a lot of holes. the 30mm the tank weapon normally turnes meat into soup and metal into history. Explosions and flames usually turn stuff into gone. So simple version. Little rifle = nothing lost. bigger gun = stuff damaged but still there. biggest gun = useless crap. rockets, explosions + flames = History. I honestly fail to see the complexity of this. use rifles to get all loot. Use rockets, explosions and flames to get non. easy mission and no loot = blow up the map. harder mission and loads of loot = small arms. Pistols are for when you rifle fails, not for hunting.....
  8. I think it would be a great ballance feature. Perhaps on easy more the damage needed to destroy stuff is higher than that on hardest mode. This way the people playing easy mode can throw the kitchen sink at a target and still get nice rewards and then as they move to harder levels the bigger the gun the less the loot meaning it is an additional harder feature.
  9. The poll may be a little rigged as anyone under 15 wont know how to vote and anyone over 45 will have poor eye sight and cant see the buttons lol
  10. how funny would it be if the spaceship was repaired and flown away of you take too long and dont secure the ship
  11. I was going to do that the ther day but Chris mentioned releasing a new patch before his holiday so I have decided to hold off. But thanks for the advice mate.
  12. the first time I sent 3 aircraft I did wonder where the second pilots wing man was. All military personnel always ahve a "wing man".
  13. I have been unable to download the newest version and possibly the one before that. I try to DL every few days and give up after gaining new grey hairs. Shame TBH but am looking forward to the fix & new version.
  14. pay for the fuel in the same way we do returning from any conflict zone that is not partaing in the war we are undertaking or indeed pay for fuel the same was as an airline pays for fuel when it travells around the world. Its simeple, logical and no different to what aircraft are doing round the world and always have been.
  15. I hate Desura. I have all my other games on Steam and want this on there too.
  16. This is all I read. It should work great all the time! not pretty well the majority of the time
  17. The kind of person that does not want perma death is the same type of person that will use hacks and cheats. Them people are not the type of people that like to do it the hard way.
  18. I had this bug and then I killed said alien and picked up his weapon and then my char also became invisiable. Did not take note of his weapon at the time/
  19. Sounds to me that you want to play C&C in some small way..
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