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Everything posted by Swe_Racoon

  1. 50% seems a tad much IMO. Not sure about what weapons will be in the game at higher tiers, but right now it feels pretty much impossible to overkill a corvette, in my experience. Fighters never generate crash sites anyway, and I get the feeling 50% would make overkill almost impossible to achieve on anything larger than a scout. Just my two teef, of course.
  2. Crap! My bad, though I was in the bug forum. I really am too tired to be on here writing stuff. My bad, my bad.
  3. Racoon of swedish extraction? Now there's something I've never heard before But aye, I agree that they could use some better spacing (more tiers would be better IMO). I think this might tie in with alien weapons self destructing, that way you'd only be able to get plasma once you've captured a live alien. If it follows the same pattern as the original, that is.
  4. Me and sense never were good companions, he was such a demanding fellow. That being said, I wasn't aware there was a Kickstarter community as well. So I do suppose it makes sense.
  5. Might chime this in as well. I once had a solider in basic armour throw a grenade, during the throw animation the sprite changed to the one with jackal armour. Just noticed it that once, but might be worth to throw up here.
  6. There's good, better, best and then there's Bayern-München. On the topic of football that is. Welcome to all you new folks! Seems like there's been a minor influx in new people on this board this weekend, or I am seeing things?
  7. I think it has something to do with how many active scientists you had when you saved, and these then double. I would wager my left paw it's a know issue too. Still, 'tis a good way to speed up your research, or conduct studies on egghead reproduction
  8. Now that I think of it, I'm pretty sure Gotland and Åland are not on the map either. And now that I think of it harder, Åland is Finish, so the aliens can keep that. But I want Gotland back! It's like the New Zeeland of Sweden, with all those sheep
  9. Considering they're going after X-COM, that makes sense. In the original, you had ballistic, laser and plasma, if I'm not utterly mistaken. Blaster bombs not included, of course. I for one do like the approach Xenonauts has with more tiers, but one can't get it all, I s'pose
  10. That man has a very, very impressive beard... Looks nice though, the combat seems to give the impression of being rather hectic, with fire going everywhere and all. Not used to that in a turn based game. Will most likely be getting this, when I can afford it, and it's been released.
  11. I think us Scandinavians have a thing for hills and bays. The town I live in is built on a slope, at the eastern bay of the Great Lake. Lots of smaller communities are built on hills and ridges as well. And most of them carry names to indicate that, translated my hometown actually means Eastbay
  12. Gorlom did have a torch, not sure if he forced it onto someone else or not though. Without that, or single source of light, I fear we may be lost to eternal darkness. And Chuck Norris memes.
  13. Agreed. I am of the opinion that standards should be based around the position, and not the applicant. The way it works in the Swedish Armed Forces is that everyone has the same requirements relative to the position they're applying/being considered for. This means we've only ever had one female ranger, for example, but it also means recruits are fit for their position and can perform it without issues. It is a weighty weapons, and does take a somewhat fit soldier to wield effectively for longer periods. And yes, I'd wager there are females who could wield it effectively, but I've never actually seen it happen. I've seen males who couldn't wield it effectively either. Ought to put Rupert Murdoch out of business, is what we should do. Or at least remove his monopoly on western media.
  14. I would, just because it would make them all look like the Michelin-man. Aliens would probably die from severe laughter attacks. That or I want a team of Big Daddies. Win-win either way, methinks.
  15. However, the red cross is only an indication of where the grenade might land, not 100% true. It just lets you know if it's within range, and if an obstacle is in the way or not.
  16. I do think Chris mentioned something about maybe uping the overkill threshold, or I could just be remembering it wrong. I do want to believe players today are smart enough to notice the connection between weapons used and crashed or destroyed. Even if they don't know the exact workings of it all, they ought to know what makes what or thereabouts.
  17. Isn't class what you go to when you're at school? That's what I always thought, anyways... Seems I might have been mistaken, yet again. I heard Chuck Norris could blow out a burning building. In one breath.
  18. As the saying goes: If you light a man a fire, he will be warm for a while. If you light a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life. My point being that I don't think a fire extinguisher is a good idea. I think the poor civilians who are faced with an alien attack could use some warmth for the rest of their lives And Gorlom, tried you did, I could almost cut the force in there with a knife. You are hereby awarded the Racoon Stamp of Approval for distinguished service in the name of the racoon overlord of manki- I mean for doing a good job!
  19. You may erase the evidence, but our memories will live on! To stay somewhat on-topic, welcome once again to FenrirWolfLord and Citizen844! Hope you enjoy the game and the forum as much as I have
  20. Chuck Norris is probably the only man who can step on Lego without screaming. I'd give him the Racoon Stamp of Approval, if he didn't have a boatload of them already. The honor of awarding such an approval to such a legend is of course the greatest of honors, the fire of pride burning in my chest. Gorlom should forcibly pass the torch, lest this beacon of hope and friendship flicker and die.
  21. The Swedish crown princess is something to rest the eyes upon, I'd dare say. Of course it's not a lowly recruit's place to do so in the presence of his future regent, but hey... On a more serious note, I think the British wins the famous women contest, most Swedish actresses don't look that good. Noomi Rapace (or how you spell that) looks damn good in Sherlock Holmes 2, but that's about it, methinks. Anyhows... One of my little birds whispered something about a May update in June? I'm not sleeping well, excuse the random rambling.
  22. If one is to believe the rest of the world, us Swedes have a monopoly on those. I might be more picky as a result, but I think the rest of the world needs a reality check on that part. On that note, I want Swedish names and units in the game! I mean, we had a million men under arms back in the day, or thereabouts, and we have elite units too! Always preferred the Irish/Scottish ladies myself, or at least redheads. As for being off-topic, we're still on the subject of females, no? Female soldiers being part of the update and all. *dons high hat and smoking* It is, I daresay, a highly subjective notion, my good sirs and ladies.
  23. I find Gauddlike's lack of faith in our firemongering somewhat disturbing... Well, I tend to "forget" I stopped smoking when I go out. There's just something about sucking on a glowing piece of poison that gives me an inner peace. It does smell though, which I keep noticing more and more the less I smoke.
  24. Won't argue there with you on that point. I think one should look at other games if one wants a faithful remake of X-COM, like Xenonauts. Or one could just go play X-COM. That being said, I still think XCOM could be worth checking out. Not because I want an X-COM remake, but because I'm a sucker for turn-based games
  25. What the...? This is something I've never heard about before. You guys really hate us that much? Nah, was kinda busy killing mercs and saving the Krogan. That said, I've yet to see all the various different events pan out over all three games, rumor has it you get special dialogue in ME3 if you never romanced anyone in any of the games
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