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Everything posted by Emily_F

  1. In the engineering queue there are 9 combat armours waiting to be produced, and it has been stuck on 0h remaining for several days (see pic). The attached save is the same as the one I attached for the missing scientists bug, so if you already have that one open, no need to load this one user-1.json
  2. See attached pic for the oopsie that happens when you try to purchase a new plane for Hangar 3
  3. Whenever I complete a non-combat mission and choose the scientists or engineers, they never appear in the base inventory and cannot be allocated to the lab/workshop. If you load the attached save game and just fast forward to complete the next one (nothing happens in the interim) you should be able to replicate it. user-1.json
  4. Weird. Originally it didn't matter: it would just match the 4 nacho armours until I dropped it down but it doesn't do it now
  5. @ChrisI've attached a save where, if I go and down the battleship, it disappears. I don't have any output logs (it only seems to do them sporadically now). user-11.json
  6. So, I loaded the save and now the up and down arrow on the Laser LMG won't respond to being clicked.
  7. As per title, with save attached if you need it. combat-105.json
  8. So, I keep shooting down battleships but they're never there for me to go on combat missions afterwards
  9. My first base is always in Africa, usually in the Egypt/Libya area. It's never happened before.
  10. Post combat inventory shows energy blade recovered but not in stores or available for research. user-9.json
  11. First fighter I have seen in this game. I launch a fighter jet and it literally goes the opposite way to the alien fighter.
  12. I am currently building a laser LMG, with some nanothread armour queued up. If I try to increase the nanothread count, the LMG count goes up to match the nanothread armour. If I then click on the lower priority arrow to drop the LMG to the queue and start making the nanothread armour the LMG quantity goes back to 1. I can then move it back to 1st place and it stays at 1 unless I increase the quantity of amour again, where the process repeats. Image and save attached user-5.json
  13. My understanding is you can only have one dropship, so this bug stops you going to missions a long way away. I had an alien raid in South America and launched my dropship (based in North Africa) immediately, but on the way there (about 3/4 of the way) the mission disappeared.
  14. My main Atlas base is no longer the first thing to come up when I click on the main base tag (pic attached). It's only a minor issue, but is just oddly irritating lol
  15. I just noticed that none of the missions have any civillians. Is that a bug or is it deliberate?
  16. I think they might be different bugs. One seems to be only associated with loading a saved game. The general haemorrhage of soldiers appears to be related to soldiers you have bought, and particularly when you have finished a mission, anyone in a non combat mission disappears from the roster
  17. oops. My bad. That's why she was no longer under mind control lol
  18. Ah ha! I found the save (user-5). Admittedly, it is after she has been mind-controlled and dies straight away when you click End Turn. The save before that one is groundcombat-73 I think. Typically, she doesn't mind controlled when you run it again. I have included saves 73 thru 75. output.log output.log_1.fbae274650c2584d6a2eecaa03f7c33b user-5.json groundcombat-73.json groundcombat-74.json groundcombat-75.json
  19. Mostly fine but the LMG before you sent the patch was useless, especially since it hardly ever actually caused suppression, let alone hit anything. Would be an idea to maybe make the LMG 50% of TU so if you're in cover you can actually put down some fire support. One paltry burst that neither hits anything or causes suppression is not what fire support weapons do. Also, the HEVY is even more useless. I know it's meant to clear cover, but not only does it fail spectacularly to do that, it's also wildly inaccurate. Finally, there should be an option to force troops not to take their overwatch shot if there is any chance of blue on blue.
  20. @Max_Caine Yeah, it is working now - the LMG is hitting things
  21. @Max_Caine I tried doing this but it broke the game. When I try loading a saved game it gets to 99% and falls over. UPDATE: No, I had sent the file to the wrong folder. It's working now.
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