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Everything posted by Emily_F

  1. The door & wall in front of the selected squaddie are missing. auto_groundcombat_turn_9_start-298.json
  2. Nah, it's deffo a bug. I just went to use a medikit on this guy who's down to 38HP and it says it will heal him zero HP. No cheat used. user_day_30_crash_site_medikit-5.json
  3. I had the injured soldier shown in the pic. The medikit won't work. I tried using the Alt-Shift-U cheat code and it gives me the HP=1000 but doesn't fix the bleeding wounds. There was also an error message but it was too quick to get a pic. user_cant_use_medikit-4.json
  4. I can still see but not fire through the glass doors circled, though they can fire at me. This makes this mission super frustrating.
  5. The last one isn't a bug - the wall screens are scenery weak points.
  6. Yeah this has been an issue for ages. Like since before even Milestone 1. Though now it seems that it doesn't affect MARS any more. Just soldiers.
  7. I was trying to build a quantum lab and the game became non-responsive, then CTD. bug_report_2024-06-15-19h14_st_4.8.0_unhandled_exception.zip bug_report_2024-06-15-19h15_st_4.8.0_unhandled_exception.zip
  8. This wall is still indestructible auto_groundcombat_turn_6_start-226.json
  9. Here is another example. God knows what's going on here lol. It looks like the teleport pad from level 2 is showing in level 1, but I can't make matey go up there. Also of note, this mission is really struggling and janky but there is no excessive use of system resources.
  10. The selected soldier can't move through the squares in front of him, and the route-planner takes him around as shown
  11. If you look at the picture, the crosses mark some areas that I can't move troops onto. There are a couple of others behaving the same (all inside the UFO). auto_groundcombat_turn_6_start-510.json
  12. I think it's actually 4.6.0 (all my posts from today must be 4.6 ~I didn't realise it had been updated)
  13. When will 4.5.0 be on the Steam server? I just fired up the game and it's still 4.6.0 Ignore this - it updated shortly afterwards
  14. Actually, I can't load any of the save games at all.... They all crash on loading.
  15. This crash is repeatable btw. Also, this crash happens if I CTRL-Shift-V end the game at the start of the savegame attached, or even the first one. Something is really broken in this latest patch cos this must be the 3rd CTD bug by the end of the first mission.
  16. auto_groundcombat_turn_6_start-11.json CTD after completing the mission. There is no crash bugreport so I've attached the last savegame and logs output.log
  17. Note, there are no autosaves - the game had only just started.
  18. There were some visual errors (such as two weapons shown in the weapons slots) then I couldn't unload stuff from the backpack... when I tried it crashed to desktop bug_report_2024-06-08-09h50_st_4.6.0_unhandled_exception.zip
  19. I can't load any save games. They get to around 80/90% and CTD. user_day_269_manual_save-20.json auto_strategy_after_intercept-198.json
  20. Just a minor one, and not sure if actually a bug, but I can't blow through the wall shown, but can blow through the other one. You used to be able to blow through both. output.log auto_groundcombat_turn_5_start-385.json
  21. I think I started it in 4.0.0 or 4.1.0. I didn't bother restarting since the releases came in quite quickly and going straight back to the start is a bit of a PITA lol.
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