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Everything posted by Chris

  1. V8.2 is planned for either today or tommorrow. We're processing and loading the new sprites now, and the UFO is being carved into tiles at the moment. The save / load on the Ground Combat has turned out to be a ridiculous amount of work so that's unlikely to make it in. I'll keep you all posted anyway.
  2. Welcome to all the people who have joined since I last said welcome in this thread
  3. Yes on release you'll get either Steam or Desura depending on your preference. The door is on the front, but it's got a sliding protector that you can see on the front if you look closely at the image and covers over the entrance passageway when the craft is in flight.
  4. Yeah. That's the problem with a flat map. If I went right back maybe I wouldn't choose to go flat, but with the current system then if modelled correctly then all the radar ranges would be really odd shapes (as would all flight paths). Basically, it'd all look hideous. In this case intuitiveness trumps realism, I'm afraid.
  5. Hmmmm. That's a peculiar one. I actually get the 'Failed creating the Direct3D device" error myself on that setting, so I'll have to follow that up with the coder (not sure why I've not done that before really). But the 180 degree thing is strange. I remember having something a bit like that on my laptop, now you post - with the screen being rotated. Hmm, I'll see what the coder says anyway.
  6. It's assumed they're sheltering in a command room under the bunker, which is also the room you must protect at all costs.
  7. If people want to do that, it's best to compile a list in the forums rather than sending them across and compiling them into single list at my end. If it's done in a public place then it should hopefully avoid a lot of duplication. The only thing I hesitate about is whether the new GUI will lead to the cities moving. We'll have to see.
  8. Hmmmm. It does look like a useful thing to be able to trigger with the click of a button, or the press of a key, if you want it. Essential - probably not. The thing is, in many ways the functionality is already there with the colour coded movement path, but I guess it'd be nice to be able to see all your possible moves at once. It's not exactly a high priority issue though, because the functionality is duplicated elsewhere. Also, everyone seems to use reserve settings differently so it's hard to come up with a general solution that doesn't leave someone totally confused as to how it works. Thanks for the suggestion though.
  9. For those of you keen to know we're actually making proper progress too, here's a sneak preview at the WIP Scout UFO:
  10. Hmmm, this is when I really need something like a crash dump. I've added that to my to-do list, as I imagine this'll be one of the bugs that it quite hard to reproduce...thanks for reporting it anyway.
  11. Mylar - there's no functionality for throwing things yet. Maybe we'll add it, we'll see. It's not that high on my priorities right now.
  12. Well the human bases would also have interceptors, I'd imagine. Probably ones significantly worse than yours but they'd act as a brief speedbump for the aliens while your organisation was still stepping up to the task of definding the entire world by themselves...
  13. Yeah it looks like a resolution issue to me - have you set the game to display in the correct aspect ratio?
  14. Ah crap yeah this is thanks to me using the old strings file. Won't be in the next build...
  15. It's easy - add it to Cities.xml and add a line for the city name / country (if the country is not already in the game) to strings.xml. The position is defined by the co-ordinates on the map, which are viewable on the topbar when you're viewing the Geoscape.
  16. Give I've made it clear there were no female soldiers in the game, this conjures up horrible mental images...
  17. Sadly no Skyrim Wedding was a good evening but it was such a trek to get there it was ridiculous. I left on Friday night and got back on Sunday night, which is a long way to go for one evening. Brosama - have you updated your game on Desura (the little update button next to the game on your game list)? It doesn't autoupdate. V8.1 should have the resolution chooser box in it.
  18. Buildings destroyed in the base defence missions will be destroyed on the Geoscape. This has to be balanced carefully though, else whatever building is closest to the entry point is always going to be destroyed in every mission, which wouldn't be fun. For the doors only working for the humans, it would certainly make the base defence easier. I'm not sure if it's the kinda thing we want though. I guess it would add more protection to the buildings that could be destroyed but we'll have to make the doors destroyed pretty easily by alien weapons, and it might limit the game and lead to exploits of humans can use all the doors and the aliens not. Plus we'd have to think about how the AI worked in that situation. Something to think about, but not necessarily to go in the game...
  19. Glad you like it. Give it a few more weeks and it should be much more recognisably X-Com though, as the two main things we're working on right now are the UFO tiles and the Research tree (or rather we're rendering the early researchable armours and weapons so you can use them)...
  20. Well obviously we couldn't release a fix for V8 and call it V8, could we? The research tree should be in the next build. There's already randomised maps in the current build, and though there may be a little more variation in the next release it's not like there'll be whole new tilesets to use.
  21. Not a bug exactly - maybe create a V8.1 suggestions for improvements thread? We can probably lock the cursor to only target aliens when the mouse goes over a tile that contains one.
  22. Appears I've sanitised the build incorrectly as this isn't happening in the development build. I'll try to speed up V8.2 as I'll have to resanitise the entire thing for that. Can't wait for the beta where it's no longer going to be necessary to strip out all the advanced technology from each build...
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