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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Ah, yeah, the version number is indeed correct. It's just on the launcher rather than the menu screen (as Stinky has pointed out above).
  2. @Thunder - Chill out. Mexico is also geographically part of North America, Colombia is not part of Central America and nor is Iceland part of Europe, but we've tried to make all the regions similar sizes and that means we've taken some liberties with geography. Anyway, you're proposing that Greece be part of Europe but not actually connected to the rest of Europe because the Soviet Union is in the way (making things messy in game terms)? Or that is should be part of the Soviet Union (which it wasn't either)? The Hidden Movement screen bug is known and is being worked on. Please don't just assume a bug like that is trivial and criticise us for not fixing it. How do you know that part of the code is easy to work with? It's actually very much not. Anyway, if Aaron's not updated the version number on the launcher then that's an oversight on his part, and I'll probably get him to fix it on Monday - if nothing else, it'll make bug tracking confusing. @Jan - I think there's been quite a few fixes not listed there but I'm not quite sure. We are still reviewing the bug tracking forums so they all would have been logged in our bugtracker even if they are not fixed in the current build.
  3. My estimate is that 40% of a KS project's funding comes in the first three days and 40% in the last three days. Let's see where they are in 48 hours, but they're looking good so far.
  4. Nope, it's either Desura or Humble Store I'm afraid. Both of them distribute Steam keys but not vice versa.
  5. It's hardcoded in the source at the moment, I'm afraid.
  6. Looks interesting. I have two reservations: 1) Syndicate is meant to be about being a big bad corporation taking over the world by doing immoral things. This appears to be people overthrowing the corporations. 2) The agents were meant to be faceless drones, entirely disposable. That said, I do like that it'll be a syndicate-style game. It's not quite how I'd do it (and I would like to do it at some point in the future) but I'd be interested to see how they do.
  7. Satellite Reign should be unveiled in a few days. That's by some guy who worked on Syndicate Wars.
  8. Thanks. If anyone else has suggestions or corrections, post them up here. V19.3 should have the code updates required to add all the cities in.
  9. Maybe it'd be worth nerfing stun grenades then.
  10. Just a quick note here to say that the new UI is far from finished. I just thought I'd put the new blue tiles in this build so you don't have to look at the ugly black oceans any more. The continent highlighting doesn't even work at this stage - it's still using the old land detection. The next build will also have improved alignment for cities and so on, so that we can start the final work of populating all the capital cities of the world etc. So, please, no complaints about the new map being rubbish (or not yet, at least). It's literally just prettier tiles at this stage. That said, I think it makes a remarkable difference to the way the game looks already!
  11. Steam allows multiple branches of a single game, so we have set up an Experimental branch of Xenonauts. This sits alongside the Stable branch, and changing between the two only takes a few clicks. Stable Branch: This is the standard branch of the game you get when you install Xenonauts. It will have few bugs in it so can be played for extended periods, but will only be updated every couple of months. Experimental Branch: This branch will be updated most weeks and contains all of the latest features and balancing. However, it will also contain all of the latest bugs so will likely crash much more than the Stable branch. Also, new features generally do not work properly immediately so you'll likely see some strange behaviour with them until they've gone through a few iterations. Therefore, if you just want to drop in and play the game for a bit every few months to see how we're doing, you should definitely stick to the Stable Branch. If you want the bleeding edge and don't mind that you might get a random crash at any point, then by all means opt in to the Experimental Branch. All the changes in the Experimental branch will make their way into the Stable branch, but this takes time - an update to the Stable branch is a set of features that have gone through enough iterations on the Experimental branch for them to be stable enough for general release. Important things to know about the Experimental Branch: Your save games may not be compatible between the different branches (though if not you can switch back to the default branch and continue playing them) You may not be able to play an extended session without being affected by a bug / problem! You can always switch back to the Stable branch if you want. How to opt in / out of the Experimental Branch: Go to your Steam Library Right click on Xenonauts >> Properties >> "Betas" tab Type the password XenoExperiment into the "Enter Beta access code" box and press Check Code Select "Experimental - latest changes, unstable" from the drop-down box above Click Close To opt back into the Stable branch, just select "NONE" in the drop-down box. Have fun!
  12. Yeah, the idea is that the later ones start at a slightly higher rank. If you're not a fan, post about it in the beta discussion forums as it's not an idea we're necessarily completely wedded to.
  13. The balancing does need work, but it is in progress. The Experimental builds will hopefully let us iterate balance much faster than previously too.
  14. Yeah, I think Steam lets you take screenshots now, which is really useful.
  15. The next experimental build should have the new map in it, even if the actual Geoscape screen itself isn't yet properly updated. It's amazing how much better the game looks just with blue oceans instead of black, though.
  16. But what makes you assume that the scientist is not trained with his weapon? He's a military scientist, and indeed his original lab coat has epaulettes to emphasise that fact - I think it's you that missed the point there. That said, I wouldn't really have expected you to notice every bit of detail in the artwork simply because it's a decorative piece of background art. The main role is for it to look nice and any deeper meaning is secondary. Criticising the artwork as "missing the point" because it doesn't conform to your subjective view of how future technology may look makes me think you're taking it a wee bit too seriously.
  17. His PR guy has contacted us already, I've given him a key. One would hope they'll cover the game post-release. I'm not sure he'll cover the game now, then again after release too (given he's already covered us once). He does indeed sell a great deal of copies. He was the cause of the original Paypal Incident.
  18. Revert back to playing V18 Stable then? It only takes a few clicks. This is an experimental build, not a stable public build.
  19. Man, you're gonna hate the future when it arrives!
  20. The Mac port is already available on Desura or the Humble Store, but we're struggling to get it up on Steam. You can just download the standalone Mac .dmg file from the Desura page!
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