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Everything posted by GoodGuyEddy

  1. WOW , WOAH! Rougelikes are a comepletely different genre from regular TBS. Chris's statement is completely right. I mean after someone says "well generally cars don't need a very high suspension to use roads", you cant say "But tractors have big wheels", come on.
  2. That's pretty much the lore. Humans can't reproduce alenium(THE most important thing that makes portable laser weapons possible). So the tech they do get would probably be only enough to equip the presidents guard or something. So we probably won't see armies having those.
  3. It is. Don't know why you thought you'd get linched by saying that. YES! BURN THE HERETIC! Well it's ok to enjoy both if you are a living person, not like us internet trolls..but if you are a person then imma get mah pitchfoark rdy! Yeeerhaw!
  4. Oh and maybe give people multtiple bases at the start? The only way a player would build multiple bases is: 1) You have so many researchable buildings that a single base would never be capable of housing them all. Or 2) Let the players be swiming in money so that more bases become affordable. Unless those two points dont sit well with you, then maybe give them about 3 bases to place at the start? That's definetly reinforce the "you are truly mankinds last stand" feeling. And that in conjunction with the event system and the previously proposed "airforce shooting down small ufos" idea, might really cement the feel that there is a world out there, and things now got real.
  5. Wait didnt Chris propose to have the two week boot camp to make rookies into competent(but not badass) soldiers a while back?
  6. Why would you give your soldiers a free sex change or a facelift? Don't they have better things to do? Like going to the gym to keep their physical performance in tip top shape?
  7. He has above 18 points. 1/3 of that is not two. While his fourth point is just silly the 18 one is pretty legit. You don't want to have your hand held every step of the way, and if you do you should probably not get into TBS. I'd say that at LEAST half of his point are fairly legit(probably more but i didn't bother to read all of them, i read about 2/3). But i must say that he definetly should have elaborated on his points. I mean really! Unless i stopped to think about the implications of his points i would say: "Stop whining you bloody moron!" So yeah,elaboration Wan'Gellen or whatever your name is, write a sentence or two explaining why that's bad.I find it's funny that always when someone with a limited vocabulary on the internet automatically uses words like"whining" or an iteration on a word "retard" in a desperate attempt to discredit someone when they have run out of things to say. Want to know why the original wasn't a faceroll? Because it had something of an A.I. (begin sarcasm)We wouldn't want the player to outmanuver the opponent in a TGS(end sarcasm). it is just a gimmick to help the poor A.I. , the A.I is completely inept if it doesn't detect any enemies. Looks like the coders mostly concentrated on the battle portion of the A.I. and desided that it's better to have the gimmick cover the lackluster "movement" part. You might not want his complaints to be valid, but even nitpicks can pile up enough to hurt the game. While your fanboyism might not allow to accept that XCOM is not a perfect game, XCOM still has problems that will not go away if you pretend they're not there. Do you feel like your intellegence is under attack if you like something that is getting critized? If so, then don't be like that. The game is fun i'll give you that, but that's it. The tons of flaws make it a berely good game. Like a juicy little stake. It's good while you're sinking your teeth in it, but since it's tiny it dissapears from the plate quicly and moments later you realize that the flavor barely makes up for the lack of meat. It's good just to have a bit of fun and watching pretty sci-fi guns blow up aliens, but tactically the game is quite shallow. And a lot of people don't think that a barely good game is woth a full AAA price.A lot of poor design desicions knock it down from what could have been a great game easily.
  9. I swear this is of much better resolution on my pc, but the forum makes it crap for some reason. ._.
  10. Remember kids! As long as you have money, you have talent.
  11. From the website: Level 3 has just been reached! Starship Corporation will now get all those elements that I love about games: •a detailed and challenging sandbox mode •a persistent online universe, where the players create the world. “Game experience my change during online play” – I love that phrase! •AND a story/character driven campaign that will supply a thrilling “WHY?” to all the players, who already mastered the “HOW?”. Thank you all so much for giving me the opportunity to create all that.
  12. Y U NO READ THE LORE!? ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) Nah i'm kidding. But really the lore explains it as following: The normal military can't beat them. Xenonauts is an organization that uses heavily modified planes.(special armor and all that). It's impractical for the entire military to do such specialized modifications on a mass scale. And as such Xenonauts interceptors were the only ones on the earth to score a downed UFO. The Xenonauts organization claimed responsibility for the first air combat victory and a pact was made. The countrys would finance the Xenonauts organization and allow them unristricted access to their airspace, in return for protection and alien tech.(Hence the reason all the alien weapons are "sold" after every mission.) Oh and the very second you reaserch something about the alien tech you forward all your knowledge to them. As the game progresses the regular military slowly adapts all of the recieved knowledge and become capable of defeating the enemys fighters.(Hence the reason why the smaller craft "dissapear" from your geoscape after a while,the normal military now can effectively fend off the smaller UFOs) Well that's as far as the official lore goes. And about HWP: *cough*too much realism*cough* *cough*hurting game*cough* Oh and what Jean-Luc said.
  13. Want to know the sad part? If XCOM draws in less money than CoD(or some other modern military style shooter 64) most publishers will say that's because TBS is a dead genre, not because XCOM had some legitimate problems.
  14. You can find out if the xenonauts kind of music fits your criteria by: /Folder where you installed desura/Desura/Common/xenonauts/assets/sound(or just /xenonauts/assets/sound if you installed without desura) And playing : aircombatmusic Ground Combat 1 mainmenumusic Night Combat 1 .ogg files. That's pretty much the tone you're gonna get.
  15. They would probably make less money if they didn't have the X-COM name.There would be less hype and i would prefer that as much people as possible become familiar with the X-Com formula. Because i like the idea of fighting off aliens by researching their tech. And want more to be made.
  16. Realism isn't bad, too much realism is. An advanced military will allways crush a military force that is lagging behind by centuries. How about this realistic scenario. So: Aliens arrive, attack with everything they got, the 70's military technology is helpless against them, and you lose on day 1-7. FUN!
  17. "Face palm." Maybe you should look up what "alpha" means. You are not getting a satisfaction of a full game from an unfinished game? Gee vilikers batman! Is the sky blue? Probably because they are stupid and think that beta means early access to a finished game. Yes, and i am being shafted because my pizza doesn't arrive five minutes earlyer.
  18. ಠ_ಠ Probably because it is not fully feature complete, balanced, doesn't have an A.I.to speak of.The point of an alpha and beta stage is preparing it to be fun(bugfixing,balancing feature unlocking etc), not being fun. It'l be fun when it's released. If you want fun now then you came too early, and that is not in fact what she said.
  19. Well still waiting on the confirmation thing. But if the "Belt" mechanic gets implemented for the pistol then they will be very useful with easy to use access(no un/re equipping two handed weapons, just hold the grenade launcher in one hand while quicly unholstering the gun and shooting the alien and holstering it back again, and resuming to operate the big gun with both hands) and just sitting in the belt "holster" not bothering anyone. Techically there shouldn't be a problem with the inventory's space because filling it up would add too much weight. But that is a beta concern.
  20. Never said it should. But you are complaining about realism too much. There is a point where adding more realism only hurts the game. You want to take them out completely. But they serve an in game function for snipers/grenaders as a quick and cheap to use source of damage so they wouldn't be helpless if they ever find themselves in close quarter combat. Every little bit of gunpower helps, and making pistols useful gives you more options during the tactical combat of the game. Which makes you feel smarter for making up contingency plans and makes the tactical portion more fun and engaging. EDIT - someone confirm this. But weren't there plans for the pistol to be a belt wepon? The ui gives us a button to quickly throw a greade/flare without opening the inventory and waste ap on unequiping the weapons from the hands. Wasn't there a plan to do the same but with shooting a pistol? (hence their support weapon functionality)
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