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Everything posted by Alienkiller

  1. Hi Guys. I´m back again. I think i will try the new Version, because testing my corrections which I couldn´t test up to now. I´m impressed about the new Vehicles too. They are very interessting, but I think the vehicles are to much. But we will see what the new ones can do. Maybe I will be surprised. But the Weapons ID for the new Vehicle Tech I´m not certain that it will work. But I will let me to disabuse if it works.
  2. Max it´s O.K. There were some special Things in XNT and I thougt they were from Lore+. But if not, I have honcused me.
  3. Yea I had a lucky shot like this yesterday evening. 440 HP with a Sniper Rifle (Next Gen) on an good Armored Sebillian Soldier! It´s a very rare event but it came.
  4. Do you mean specials like the unformed Childrens, the Programmer how chanced Site and so on.
  5. @RiPCorD5a1: That have to be so. If you research the better Materials, Alien Weapon-Tech etc. Ranges and/or Damageoutput will increased by all your Weapons. The first 2 Weapontechs (Next Gen and Laser) are a little bit better than the one on beginning. You fight against Aliens, not Humans. You not need to cheat. I gave Tipps some threats before to hold your soldiers allive and win every mission. They will be hurt, thats for sure, but they won´t die. One Tipp more: Save often!
  6. Yep more please. I play the Game (X:CE Version) / Mod (X-Division) only with Lore+. I like the Entrys of UFO´s, Alien Missions and Analysis of Alien Species.
  7. @Fall19 we will look for it. Like you see my Post before, they come in the Version before. 0.98.1 is the big update for 0.98 incl. all HF before. So the Aliens have to come. My assumption to your Problem can be, that you kill the new Specialists by accident and get only the old ones (light Scout, Scout, Corvettes). Do you shoot down Ufos over Water?
  8. Drages you are running throug your project. Respect to you and your team! I would tell you more if I had more, but I´m only a Human too. So I can make the Test and some little corrections when I have time and on my home PC. As well as I´m a little sick and so the Test is going a little slower (Concentration falls a little etc.).
  9. I had Aliens from 2nd Stage in 0.98! But that was before Testing 0.98.1! Up to now (0.98.1) I´m not at the Second stage Alien Specialist Era, so I have only my first Androns and Reapers contact. The other Aliens are atm: 1st Stage Specialists, Guards / Soldiers, Officier (if I´m lucky [my first Sebillian Officer I have stunned for Interrogation]), Non Combatants, Xenomorph Drones and if im lucky Xenomoprh Warriors [not lucky atm with Xenomorph Warriors].
  10. @Fall19: We know your Problem, evtl. you have external Mod´s online which are not included and automatcly activated in X:CE. If it´s so deactivate all other external Mods you have extra installed. @Syntaxerror: Play with CE: 0.32 HF 2, Balance and Settings. If you have Steam, so you don´t need do anything up to install HF 2 (since Steam has updated it automaticly). And the Tipps I give are for X-Devision Mod.
  11. I don´t know about that, because I try to hold my Soldiers allive. How much TU that costs Never Mind! But I think the healing of a blooding Wound needs 5 TU´s, Rest will healing the HP considering on remaining TU´s.
  12. Syntaxerror that sounds good. Have you installed the HF 2 per Hand or per Steamupdate? Btw. some Tipps for Beginning: - Use Smoke Grenades, Flashbangs and Cover. In Case use Frag Grenade. - Research the Scout Tank asap - Research Next Gen Weapons asap - Research Stun Weapons (you need not much for that and the most comes of its on) - get better Armor asap (you don´t need much for that) - Stun Weapons will be needed much in this Mod (you will see what I mean) - get Laser Weaponary to replace Next Gen Weapons That should be enough Tipps. Most of them you have to use up to the End. Find it out!
  13. That shouldn´t be. It´s a beginning Unit so there is no research. I checked it while I´m searching for failures in Xenopedia and research Data while playing. I found 2 Main things in Research / Xenopedia (Hunter Rockets / Powersource) and corrected it. Some small corrections to for some Entrys (to much or less Text, wrong Data). Have wrote that some Threats before.
  14. Normaly not, I had a Mission in testing the 0.98 Verision, where the next Step of the Informative-Aliens came at landing sites. Drages hasn´t chanced that in 0.98.1 (only changing the Xenopediapictures, Xenopediaentrys if necessary and brought in the Ingame-Infos for Weapons / Equipment). Hey Guys, I have read now, that 0.32 HF 2 is online. Most of the Problems are solved, like Equiping Transport with Soldiers, Predator TU-Bug and so on. Download it today evining (and install it manually, if Steam didn´t done it you come home).
  15. Hi Syntaxerror, if you use Steam you don´t have to do anything. You have two choises: a) You play with 1.57 Standardversion and install the Mods you want [but be warned, not all Mods are compatible with the Standardversion] b) You play with X:CE 0.32 HF 1 with the automatically activated Mods and install only the Mod you wanna play [like X-Devision, XNT]. Thats it. Very easy, isn´t it?
  16. I play the Mod with 0.32 HF 1 too. You can play it with 2 or 3 limitations: a) the known issue with the Soldierequipment Screen if you put all Soldiers out of the Transport. [don´t know how it handels it with new transports when the Soldiers get a new one] b) some Maps have a special Situation with special Aliens (like the Xenomorphdrone); if the Aliens are in a house or get a reaction shot the map could hang [not often but noticed] c) third forgotten if there was a third limitation The remaining things of the Mod are working without Problems. At least I haven´t found more yesterday night. Suggestion: modernize the Mod to Version 0.32 / Version 1.57 and higher, so that Situations are fixed. Then all Players are .
  17. I noticed that with the invisible Andron too. That Problem exists since a long time and no one knows why. As well as I noticed the wrong ammo too in my last mission some Minutes ago.
  18. I have enough to research like Androns, Interrogations, better Equipment, better Airplanes etc.pp. So I think you haven´t captured the next Aliens (Doctor, Mechanik etc.) to get more researches because you need them for better Equipment and more Informations. But I will play to that and then we will see.
  19. Hi Hi Guys, I´m playing Xenonauts since a while. First with the Orignal, then with X:CE. Both without Mods to come in. Then I tried the XNT-Mod and now I play the X-Devision Mod with X:CE 0.32. And I don´t have a problem with my TU´s and the carrying weight. Like Rice said, it´s the playstyle of the Gamer. If you take more a Soldier can carry, you can´t win. But if you train your Soldiers to get more and more strengh and make a plan what you wanna use on his Skill (example Heavy Soldier, Shield) so you can win every Mission. The only thing you have to watch is the extra weight of the Armor. If you plan this and chance the Gamestyle your life and espc. Xenonauts is easy. To the Armors I have to say, that I´m only testet the Wolf and the Flying Wolf Armor with the X-Devion Mod, full next Gen Armors I haven´t seen yet in the Mod. So I can´t say anything to the Problem VapeMat have with Predator Armor.
  20. Hi Dik, you are very funny. Laugh about your question. Maybe if someone makes himself that work. But then he / she have to make it so little, that you can´t watch it. So it´s better to find it out yourself. If you wanna look for something then open researches in the X-Devision folder. But the Entrys could change to the next version again.
  21. Hi Redhowl, thats O.K. because the Hunter is a light armored Scout car. If you research a little more (esp. Alien things) you will get an Upgrade of the Hunter, which is a bit better armored and have more HP. As well as the modified Hunter (called Defender) can use better Weaponary which is light but very effective if you use it correctly. Like I said above, the first light cannons can only used by the Defender, more heavy cannons only by Battle Tanks (Scimitar) and better. The original Scout Hunter can use the .50 Caliber Mashinegun and the Rocket Turret. If I were you build 2 Hunter and 2 Rocket Launchers. You will need them. Trust me, I play that Mod since Version 0.92 and all Gamers needed the extra Firepower of the Rocket Launcher. I had a mission some Minutes before and I was happy to have that Missles with me.
  22. Hmm... the bigger ones could be slower thats right. Faster then the Corvette but slower than your best planes. Firepower is problematic: You need for Corvettes upstairs good firepower and you haven´t it at the beginning and first middle Stages of the Game. But in the other 50 % of the Game I would try it, if it isn´t working delete it to normal again.
  23. Yes I have und you need it. Firstly you need min. 5 Hangars in Main Base (1 for the Transport, 1 for the AWACS and 3 for the fighters). Secondly you need that Hangars in 2nd Base to have min. 4 Fighters (2 for normal Targets and 2 for bigger ones). Rest is for Manufacture new Fighters / Transports and Dissabling UFO´s. I tried it several ways, but this is the best way to get Materials from UFO´s as well as a good fleet.
  24. I´m Drages meaning. TD mada a good job and played the Mod on an level which is to high for me. I play on Veteran and that´s hot stuff for me. Normaly I play on normal. But what TD is saying about the Money making is right. I do that the same way, because you haven´t a chance to get on higer Stages of the game. Only Ufo´s dissamble can´t bring you enough to hold your costs. Drages if you increase Maintaince cost for Basebilduings etc. then the sell prices have to increased too, so that the player has a good chance to be in game. Example: I have 2 Bases atm in Europe / United States. The Base in States is for producing Aircrafts, Weapons in high use for the Soldiers (and unusable old Weapons for sell), Dissemble Ufos etc. The Base is for Intercepting enemy Ufos too in that Area. This Base is in Production, because it´s not full ready yet. The Base in Europe is my Main Base for Soldiers, Research and produce for things we need asap (like Armors, new Rifels etc.). So every Base is needed. What I wana to say is, that if everything on the Bases got increased (Buildungs etc.) than you will lose before the game really beginns if there is no increasing in the sell prices for Standardthings too (ex. Next Gen, first Standard Armor) which didn´t need special Materials. That my Bases atm. The new Vehicles and Planes are not included yet (Foxtrot, Asierus, Scout Vehicle Defender)
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