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Ravn7 last won the day on June 23 2019

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    Warsaw, Poland
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  1. The link doesn't work anymore. Could the whole text be posted in the first post?
  2. I'm still convinced it's too cheap. The game will feature more of nearly everything than X1 so it seems natural it should be more expensive. It's doesn't feel like a low budget indie game anymore. It's a solid valuable product in every aspect.
  3. I didn't want to start a new thread, so I'll just write here. Anyway, there's an interesting site that manages late pledges. It may be usuful. https://gamefound.com/projects/the-farm-51/chernobylite#/project-overview
  4. And look at the popularity of auto chess games It will be changed. Personally, I think the X1 air combat system didn't fit in a classic (non-RTS) strategy game. I'd be happy to welcome a revamped system. Although it's not the most important part of the game so I can live with it.
  5. That's exactly what I was thinking. New tactics, new situations, new challenges.
  6. Hi, On Wasteland 3's Twitter page I saw this website for slacker backers: https://app.crowdox.com/get/wasteland-3/102683 Maybe this could be a good option for X2? Especially, for all non-Steam users. Also, it offers tiers to choose, unlike Early Access.
  7. Besides, in classic X-COM I always wondered how they get right inside without a fight in front of the entrance to the base. I can imagine a few scenarios: UFO does some damage to the base and flies away UFO does some damage to the base but is destroyed in the process. A player gains some alloys and other stuff UFO crashes and it's more like a standard mission UFO lands, leaves the aliens and flies away. Possibly, a player gets another chance to shoot it down. One last shot. UFO lands and stays at the site UFO lands and in a while another one does the same. So a player gets a second mission after the first one with the same equipment. Also, in the game, there could be missions with a few UFOs landed. Like a squadron of three small ships or one bigger and one smaller. That would be something new in the franchise.
  8. Besides, in classic X-COM I always wondered how they get right inside without a fight in front of the entrance to the base. I can imagine a few scenarios: UFO does some damage to the base and flies away UFO does some damage to the base but is destroyed in the process. A player gains some alloys and other stuff UFO crashes and it's more like a standard mission UFO lands, leaves the aliens and flies away. Possibly, a player gets another chance to shoot it down. One last shot. UFO lands and stays at the site UFO lands and another one does the same. So a player gets a second mission after the first one with the same equipment.
  9. You could make it feel more dynamic by upgrading audiovisuals. Similarly to classic X-COM where we had those radar waves and good appropriate music. Because as it is now, it just feels dull and empty. Even if it's not in reality.
  10. When it comes to base defense missions, it's a feature I care the least about. You could make a battle outside of the base or a simple attack mechanics (e.g. power of attack/defense and assessing losses). Sometimes a UFO could land nearby and those would be like missions with higher difficulty levels. There are so many more important features that I wouldn't even know which to start with. Thus, I think adding this functionality would be a waste of time.
  11. At first, I thought only the stuff and troops can be teleported. Not something as big as a plane. But if it also applies to the dropship, then why do you need it at all? You can transport the troops with the weapons storage made in a shipping container. The lack of a dropship (since you don't fly with it, then you actually don't need it) definitely wouldn't add anything to the game. One squad and a few dropships - that would be fine. But one teleporting dropship? That's too simplistic, in my opinion.
  12. I think it's a great idea to have multiple bases. Although it has some drawbacks. Mostly, the side-on view felt fresher. And looked cool, so it was good for marketing reasons. Thus, I think it's important to make it look much better than in X1 and more complex. Here are some ideas on that matter and some others: - Make the buildings bigger. To make it possible, the base could be vertically larger. In that case, the statistics could be placed below the base view. - Make two levels. With the second one becoming possible after doing some research and then digging. This way it would retain this feature from the side-on view. And obviously, some buildings could be built only on the upper level and some on the lower. - Sharing resources and staff could be possible only after building or finding more alien gates. Or they could be required to build other bases at all. It also makes sense from the story point of view because aliens could detect it and also there is no time for transporting equipment and personnel. After all, in reality, it takes a lot of time and you need trucks, trains, planes, etc. to do that. And one more thing for the future. I think it would be a shame if all the assets and ideas for the side-on view would be wasted. Thus, maybe you could use them to make another game only about X-COM base management? It could let you get some funds for future projects. After all, somehow Fallout Shelter became extremely popular.
  13. I think aliens may look "strange" but Xenonauts tried to be believable and, overall, make sense. Besides, times changed and these days you don't just put absurd things in games or movies that otherwise try to be coherent. Of course, Japanese games have their audience but I doubt it's the same audience X1 have. And, IMO, these games don't really try to be coherent in the first place. Thus, this alien concept could be modified. If it would get a proper suit, with the brain still visible but also with some equipment like small anti-grav generators, it actually could be reasonably realistic. And it could explode on death so a player wouldn't get those generators for research too early. Personally, I think everything should at least try to be believable in a game such as X2. Otherwise it would lose some of X1's appeal.
  14. I think Xenonauts is more serious than new XCOM and I liked it. And so did many others because X's audience is statistically older than average modern players. Classic X-COM fans and veterans being among them. Firaxis' XCOM audience, on the other hand, are those younger players and they are the target market for the new series. Thus, X2 shouldn't aim at the same market, whether it's about design, lore or graphics. X2 has it's own market niche and it would be better not to forget about those classic X-COM fans who are a part of that niche. Otherwise it would need to take way some of the new XCOM audience. And that is very unlikely. By the way, I liked aliens in Unreal games. At least some of the models. They looked alien but humanoid enough to handle tools (and weapons) comfortably.
  15. Apart from my desktop PC, I have a 15" laptop. With deliberately chosen 1366x768 resolution. I just didn't want to hurt my eyes with HD resolution on a small notebook screen. It doesn't matter whether it's 15" or 17" at this point. I haven't notice any game I've played in recent years (PoE, D:OS, Anno 2205, Banished, Civ:BE and others) having problems with that (except for X1, of course). BUT, if it really poses an unresolvable issue for X2, some text may fall out of its space and I could live with that. You could only add appropriate info to the graphics settings menu - when someone chooses too low resolution - that it's not supported. It would just require to make sure vital information (like ammo amount etc.) are not placed at the end of the screen. In the worst case, I will play only on my desktop.
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