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Everything posted by Gorlom

  1. what kind of cover are we talking about? semi cover that allows lineofsight through it or corner of a building cover? if they are standing behind a corner i dont really see how you are supposed to utilize "start of round increased vision untill they move" bonus...
  2. I did not consider the genres using different engines. i was considering the reason why you would chose a certain grapical design. First and Third Person games (IS for example assasins creed a third person camera angle game or am i missusing the term?) are more up close and personal and will therefore have more details on clothes and facial features, while RTS has to render alot of characters at once at a far distance. Theres no real point in designing the faces on generic non hero units then. The genre influences the designers what style they choose. I'm not asking for any pictures but could you tell me what genre you are working on? (is it a game or movie?)
  3. nvm. i got it. although its an unusual function and might be somewhat annoying at times for people not used to it. and i dont see the point since you will never zoom in as far as you do in supreme commander.
  4. Tunilator havent i redirected you to quartermasters mod in the modding section once already? =P
  5. Can't say ive ever read or watched Avatar enough for that. I think i've read one chapter and then decided against it.
  6. Sounds complicated to code. And it also means you have to leave your snipers out in the open, or at least line of fire to have effect. ( should you really encourage putting your snipers at risk like that?) Even if you simplify it by haveing the option to scope be a manual decision, that eats all your remaining TU, you can technically abuse it by haveing one person use it before you've done anything on the other chars. that way you still have the scoperange and can shoot with other chars from behind the sniper without putting anyone in danger. (you'd need to leapfrog 2 snipers to really abuse it but its possible)
  7. Isnt purple heart a very american type medal? might want to call it something else (or remove it completly)? I forgot how much Bravery points does a soldier start with? I want to kow how much 1 bravery is. (im baisicly against medals giving bonuses but bravery works if its a very miniscule ammount awarded so you need to stack alot of medals before it makes a difference) PS. AD why would you award a soldier attacking an alien base a medal/achivement called "defender"? DS. Edit: I didnt read tunnilators post. I guess if you suppliment it with other nations medals purple heart name might work.
  8. Forgoeing my doubt that 1980s military (of any nation and much less a private organization like Xenonauts) would have the means to even consider indoctrination/brainwashing, what would the difference between controlled aliens and the soldiers be? Would it from a game mechanic point of view just be reskinned Xenonauts? How would fighting alongside a brainwashed alien affect the moral of the troops. Storywise I dont think they would be all chummy and friendly towards him, if he is just indoctrined then wouldnt that reak the indoctrination? Would there be a gamemechanical chance the indoctrination/mindcontoll breaks? will it be during missions or at geoscape as well? Personally I think it would be hard to bring into the story (mind you this is 1970-80s) and for that i think it's a bad idea. PS. You could probably make a mod to allow for this they even have different colour clothes that can signify different armors. DS.
  9. make sure you got fighters patroling over a landed Ufo that you havent shot down so they take you by surprise when they take off.
  10. Welcome Matthew your work will be greatly apriciated =)
  11. I asssume its through the Xenopedia entries like the UFO pedia entris in the original X-com. Research and research depends on how many laboratories and scientists you have. research time might be subject to tweaking and balanceing i dunno but you can already affect how long research takes and how many topics you research at the same time.
  12. Might make sense logically but what will it do for game play? Will you need to balance it so that your scouts at the front aren't using snipers just to see further and then switch to plasma rifles for damage?Will some aliens also be able to have "scoped weapons" and have even longer range that they spot your chars at? or will every alien have longer range? So far the maps feels smaller then in UFO:EU, that might be a reason you dont see as far? smaller maps make it less of a hassle to comb them for the last enemy =). And tbh i dont see a problem with being able to move further then you can see. do you feel that you need to hide behind every cover because you dont know if there will be any up ahead or can you move forward and move to cover after you decide you dont have enough TU to press forward?
  13. So basicly an idea for base evac is to have a message saying every noncombatant has evacuated but ocattionally some poor sod will have been stuck in the bathroom (and you get to control him like a soldier) and you need to make sure to protect him so he doesnt die.
  14. would you mind pointing me to a game or screenshot of impressive (according to you) graphics so i can compare? Just to satisfy my curiosity as it were, preferebly in the same genre... or atleast something that isn't First Person.
  15. by better what do you mean? higher polygon count? or more realistic graphics? stylized in a different way? Sharper colours? better character design? more detail put into the stitching on the emblems on the characters vest? I have a feeling your idea of better is a point of view. Could you provide screenshot examples of what you mean? (I'm not really an advocate for XCOM:EU, personally i hate the 3D in the game. I dont see any glaring flaws in the graphics though and would like some clarification from you.)
  16. shouldnt you try to reduce resolution to get a bigger font normally? the alpha is currently best supporting a specific ratio. i belive it is 16:9 or something. try to find a resolution that matches that.
  17. adjust what? its the writer or game developer that decides what tech the aliens have to give since they are fictional
  18. I believe your point was that fictional scientists from th 80s couldnt make things similar to what other fictional scientists could make in "the near future". I said it depends on what tech is discovered (without elaborating on that enough it seems) you disagreed and said it depended on the scientists. then i decided to say that it depends on what tech the almighty game developer decideds to give the 80s scientist to achive the goal of makeing something similar to the near future scientists. And now im going to clearify what i think is the cause of our misscommunication: You dont need to give the 80s scientists the same tech as the near future one. Give the 80s scientist tech more suitible for him to adapt.
  19. From the point of a researched discovering alien tech certainly. From the point of view of someone that has a goal and can impliment whatever technology he wants to make said researcher be able to reach it? Then the researcher can develop anything based on alien tech since someone else decided he could.
  20. Yeah the edit is at the same time as my post and the forum is acting up a bit for me so i didnt bother editing my post.
  21. Zhab you just coppypasted details from Gameinformer that says they have pink skin then you say they "definatively have purple skin"?
  22. Depends on the alien tech you use to achive those effects does it not?
  23. Maybe it makes sense from a gamemechanic balanceing point of view? It will most likely not look like the current setup in the finished game but how it was in X-com:EU or how it is in the real world might not allways apply since this is a new game after all. It might need some tweaking to the mechanics that you might not agree on.
  24. THis has been reported before. Chris said it was a display bugg i think. Or that the only speed Ufos can have is 2300 km/h so it displays that even when they have landed.
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