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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2018 in all areas

  1. You should not forget, that you get bonus accuracy from armor and weapon (aiming/firemode). The starting values may look low, but practically they are working totally fine. In my playthrough I started using 100% rookies even in phase 3. Accuracy has never been a problem with the right equipment, accuracy even rises very fast. The main problematic attribute for rookies is strength - to carry and use good armor, weapons, grenades, etc. And this was improved in one of last patches.
    1 point
  2. I don t know if this can be changed but i find the snipers miss tend to be too erratic. A sniper that have 95% of chances of hitting shouldn t have his aim wandering more than the target square the alien is in, or at least keep themselves in the LOF. Many times the shot wanders "awfully" (1, 2 or maybe 3squares) and hit my soldiers even if far from the alien. Another thing i find disturbing its that in some situation a close (adjacent square) cover will hinder the sniper/shooter aim, and in accordance to description this shoudn t happen. (its not the Prone VS standing cover issue either) I am a bit puzzled by the explosions dinamic, like damage trough wall. Explosions give damage trough walls while the walls/doors (especially UFO doors) stay GFX speaking, what looks like intact, but you can t shoot trought them. I don t know if its possible to correct this, but the wall should be at least crumbled/holled before damage pass trough it. When you interrogate the Sebillian Medic, the undone description/stub state that he gives you informations about races and chemical/stun information about those races, but it generate no new informations and no new reshearch possibilities. Shouldn t the stub be modified? Or the informations should be textual only in the description. Talking about stun, the flashbang grenade is underwhelming potent and is useless as is, IMHO it need a tweak. It should have a greater potential to supress aliens since these have better sight and hear than ours (or so it seems) they should be more vulnerable, not less.
    1 point
  3. Also you could use the teleporter to dodge missiles, plant grenades, then teleport again in less than a second of real-time combat. Fun but maybe not particularly balanced. Getting back to the original point of the thread - Apocalypse hardly branched out from the 'kill everything' approach in missions (though you could stun/loot human factions, save non-combatants and destroy map structures). Like most games in the genre, missions were mostly sweep and clear. I feel that its reprieve was the immersive strategy layer: a city of individual buildings that gradually became infested with aliens. Since that half of the game felt like a living ecosystem, it wasn't simply a means to generate ground combat missions. There is an interplay between the two, if they're both quite static the overall gameplay gets stagnant. The MO of kill everything is a lot less dull if it exists in an interesting framework.
    1 point
  4. Apoc would do 36 soldier IIRC: 6 squads of 6. You could use as many vehicles as you had to bring them there, or they could walk. And you had to select TB or RT at the start of the mission- RT being easy to cheese because all of the projectiles moved stupidly slow and you could dodge the laser beams while firing a hail of poison paintballs back.
    1 point
  5. Trust me - it's hard enough to make the Xenonauts combat system just once, using TU Making the game using a real-time combat engine would probably be just as hard, but if you're trying to do both at the same time and then keep them in sync in terms of code and game balance (I believe Apoc let you switch between the modes at will?)... well, I imagine it'll be a lot more than twice the work of just a TU combat system. For that reason I think it's a little beyond our capabilities - from our point of view it's best to concentrate on doing one thing and doing it as well as we can!
    1 point
  6. http://openapoc.org/ How many kidneys did you say you have?
    1 point
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