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Everything posted by Marandor1

  1. I don't think so. You have to evade at the right moment. You have to time your attacks. You have to make turns at the right moment. Sure, you can (and you have to) hit space, do the needed action (hit the right key) and hit space again. But really .. hitting space a few times every second to time all needed actions right and to do this for a few minutes - sorry, as said, I don't like it at all. You are totally correctly, "is as turnbased as it can get without actually being it", but for me this doesn't fit. Just an example: 2 weeks ago I tried a fight against a phase 3 terror UFO. After ~30 seconds the escort was down. 2 minutes later I had the UFO down to 15%. Each torpedo hit for ~4% damage. So I "only" needed about 25 successful hits. I knew exactly what I had to do but then I hit the turn key to late, probably only for a fraction of a second ... busted. The simple problem: it is not enough to know, what you have to do. You also have to manage to perform the needed actions. This is a problem, which never happens in turn based ground combat. But well, we probably got offtopic here.
  2. Everyone has his game style he likes. My favorite games offer turn based combat. I want to use my brain and my creativity for winning. I want to develop a strategy and like to think about alternatives. In my opinion XD ground combat is gigantic in that part. Airgame is mainly about reaction and quickness - things I liked in games around 30 years ago No offense for people who really like the airgame - it's just not my thing
  3. As Charon already answered, the damage range is normally set to 50%-150%. But there are other modifiers too, like bonus damage for each kind of captured alien. You get 1-2% per type. This can sum up in later game.
  4. You should not forget, that you get bonus accuracy from armor and weapon (aiming/firemode). The starting values may look low, but practically they are working totally fine. In my playthrough I started using 100% rookies even in phase 3. Accuracy has never been a problem with the right equipment, accuracy even rises very fast. The main problematic attribute for rookies is strength - to carry and use good armor, weapons, grenades, etc. And this was improved in one of last patches.
  5. You really should not do such things. The developers work very hard to make a balanced and challenging game/mod. Play better or use a lower difficulty level - both are much better ideas than abusing such bugs.
  6. Trying to answer some of your questions. 1. I personally would skip plasma. In my playthrough I only used (in phase 2): shield guy - MAG SMG rifles: MAG rifles sniper: laser sniper (I preferred the large range over the better damage of MAG/pulse). carbines: MAG carbines heavys: Laser minigun (MAG does way more damage, but has only 4 rounds per magazine - laser minigun magazines let you shoot 10 times, which was more important for me than damage) There are other good weapons too - but for me this was the best combination. 2. It is possible to capture all Xenomorphs. For example (capturing a xenomorph warrior, using stun baton and laser carbines): https://youtu.be/GPzqktY5-us?t=2157 3. I would recommend my playthrough see signature. It is done in German language. 4. Sounds well. 5. For me only one landing party was ok, at least until the end of phase 3 (which is my current playthrough state). 6. No. 7. It is just time. Basically. Your research doesn't matter. But time can be shortened by letting aliens performing well - like let them build and supply bases. 8. I played my playthough without airgame most of the time (used mod easy/no airgame). You can down most enemy ships (= all with the exception of some terror ships). I raided not more than 2 per wave (you need some time for flying to crashsites and back and for healing between the waves).
  7. It works that way. For a long time of my playthrough I am using carbines for stunning aliens. It is not a 100% safety but most of the time it works very well.
  8. The last patch reverted some of the sight changes, most caesan/sebill only got around 20-25 range now. Just some special races (xeno, robodog, etc.) still have upto 40. But anyway - its harder with those bigger alien sight, no question. You need to adapt your strategy - smoke is much more important now. Don't forget: it is a beta, things are still in testing. 60 range was to much. 40 was already doable, I made a lot a missions with it and won all without any losses (but some wounds for sure :)). Just see my LP. With the actual patch version I find the sight ranges totally ok. You can't stand in the open field anymore (which I did myself in the past too). It is not that bad as it may look. The aliens don't shoot from anywhere - they not only need sight, but also a certain hit probability. Which they don't have got from very far away. Overall the missions are much more interesting compared to the times of "blind aliens" - at least for me
  9. Especially your "bad" rifles are great for reaction fire. And yes, in my opinion one shield guy is enough, normally. Two would be better, sure, but I would not like the lost firepower.
  10. If I remember right, the terror missions (base and town) were changed (made harder) with version .41. A town mission of this version is shown in video 85/86, a terror base in video 89/90. The terror base was even a phase 3 base with phase 3 aliens. And I only had phase 2 equipment. It is hard sometimes, but doable
  11. I don't play an earlier version. It is always the most actual version at the time of recording I started with version .40. Smaller and bigger patches came live during playing. Now I am at .42 as well, but some small additional changes are already contained. I always get the patches before they go live because my playthrough is used by Charon for some kind of testing. So the last missions use at the same patch version than your version. The game/patch version of all my youtube videos is shown below it. And I mention (in the video) if an important pre patch was installed. Btw. yes, the drones were changed, maybe my missions were one reason. The "easy" way I downed the terror UFO is not possible anymore. But I don't like/do the air fight anyway. Here is a link to a mission https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9d3piT0zxhg&t=240s , Charon used one of my playthrough saves for it to show, how you can down the terror UFO AFTER these changes. And two good sniper shots down a sebillian any time. If you use the right sniper of cause. There are some weapons, which are not really good in my opinion. Best sniper weapons are Laser Mk3 (Phase1+2), Gauss Mk3 (Phase 3) and Rail Mk3 (Phase 4). Don't use other weapons for sniping (or you will indeed need more than 2 shots)
  12. @grossbier Maybe you should try different squad mixes. Not everything can be done at any time. With weak weaponary or rookies you can't do big UFOs. Just do small ones, get XP for your Xenonauts and stuff for your scientists and engineers. By time you will get stronger and then you can do all aliens ships (although Androns will stay hard opponents at any time, but this is intended). Overall I find the game very well balanced, at least until the point, which my Youtube-LP (in German) actually reached ( https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeCeI44U8FluG907nkx12YrLDtNZTl6kk ). I am mid of phase 3. Maybe you can find some ideas for your phase 2 problem there. Normally the only problematic times are the changes between two phases. When aliens and UFO are higher than your usable equipment. Btw. rifles are fine. I am using them on 4 of my 10 xenonauts as main weapon. And missile batteries also do their job, they have shot down several terror assault UFO for me. You just need to have enough of them (and no bad luck, sure).
  13. The last single mission gave me 19 fibre (2 captured guards, 3 guard corpses), just around September 25th - now I am sure I had totally baseless fears. I could probably get into the first terror mission with even 2 Defenders
  14. After deleting AWACS and Ultimate Sounds I don't get any popup at start anymore. I just started a new game, grounded the first ufo and sent Chinook to GC. Here is the logfile (some mods errors are listed in it). logfile.txt
  15. Logfile was added in the meantime to my last post. I get a popup, about the order of mods (see attacked screenshot). I usally hit JA/YES. Ok, I got the firstaid thing first I have to heal all wounds and only after it I am able to heal hitpoints. This does indeed work. Thanks for clarification!
  16. 3 Screenshots for firstaid test (maybe I understood something wrong). Last mods picture added. Logfile added. -------------------------------------------- Andre Before Heal: Lauren about to heal Andre. Andrea after Heal. ----------------------------------------------------------------- And one last thing - in the added savegame there is a moving shadow at the map, actually in front of rasmus (it was even attacked and killed by an alien later). Am I missing a file or is this intended? c.sav logfile.txt
  17. Sure, how can I help you? I have shown and listed my used mods in the first video. I deactivated "COM - Ambient sounds" after the 2nd video. "Charons Changes" and "Tropical and Swamp tileset" will be activated soon. Anything else you need to know? And really - my firstaid doesn't do anything. Not a single HP healed, no wound healed (it was working at version 99.34).
  18. During my last try I had 17 light fiber when Defender was researched and I didn't researched directly into the needed direction. The play through was probably close to optimal. 3-9 units per scout/light scout doesn't tell the whole story, because you only get fiber from guards at that time. The linked play through is from 99.34 patch - at that version a Defender was easy to build because it just needed cash. With 99.4 it is extremely hard to get the needed 30 light fiber until the first terror mission (at beginning of October). But it is probably doable. But in no way the car is buildable at the time of research except if you delay this research a lot (30 fiber = 30 guards = about 10 missions; research can easily finished at 15th-20th September). But well, if this was your intention, I will trust you because you have got a much better overview.
  19. Last version (0.99.4) changed some of the material needed for vehicles. Are you really sure with it? I just started a new campaign with this new version (seen at Youtube ). The Defender (the 2nd tank) now needs 30 light fibre - this would probably need about one month for only one vehicle. And the possible loss would destroy the work of about 10 or more missions. Totally not balanced in my books, this effeciently takes the Defender out of the (early) game. Or does I understand something wrong (I am quite new to the X-Division mod, so far I only knew X:CE and the basic game)?
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