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[v20 Ex Build 1] Accuracy forumla doesn't figure accuracy values correctly any more

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I'm surprised no-one has commented on this.

The accuracy formula is a little borked. It isn't taking into account the additional bonus to-hit for being close to a target, and it isn't properly working out the base to-hit for a weapon within range. A simple example would be an aimed shot with a trooper whose accuracy is 61. That should be .61*1.20, coming to to around 73%, but theyve been coming up a flat 40%.

EDIT: Here's a picture to show what I mean


I can't replicate the situation where the to-hit bonus was ignored - I'll work on that, but you can see that unless the base to-hit formula works entirely differently now, it's much lower than it should be.

Edited by Max_Caine
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Judging by your screenshot the percentage not being what you expect is actually the result of a bug fix - a crouched target was supposed to be harder to hit (They had a 60% chance vs 100% for a standing unit, as I recall), but previously this bonus was only being applied to a unit if it was not the intended target of a shot; now it applies to both the intended and accidental targets of a shot, if they are crouched.

I also cannot reproduce the close-range bonus not being applied, so if you manage to get it to happen again please post how.

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Judging by your screenshot the percentage not being what you expect is actually the result of a bug fix - a crouched target was supposed to be harder to hit (They had a 60% chance vs 100% for a standing unit, as I recall), but previously this bonus was only being applied to a unit if it was not the intended target of a shot; now it applies to both the intended and accidental targets of a shot, if they are crouched.

I also cannot reproduce the close-range bonus not being applied, so if you manage to get it to happen again please post how.

4% seems way to low for that shot though. It almost like it's applying the cover bonus even though the crates are behind the target.
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4% seems way to low for that shot though. It almost like it's applying the cover bonus even though the crates are behind the target.

Correct, here's another excellent example. Image is a bit blurry oddly enough, but chance to hit is 28% with aimed shot.

Edit: Right-click and open the image in a new tab in case you want a better view.


Edited by Jonlissla
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Not sure if a bug, but I get variable chances of hitting a civilian standing in the way depending on what aim level I use. Not sure if you can see that on the blurry screen shot, but the grayed out chance to hit the shotgun dude are 21% for snap shot and 41% for normal shot.

The way I figure this may be correct is that by aiming better, there's a better chance the shot will go in the general direction the soldier is pointing the weapon, meaning there's a better chance of hitting the dude that is standing in the way.







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@Jonlissa: That does seem pretty low, I will take a look once we get our fix for the crouching stuff and see if it's still wrong

@Superbob: That is indeed working as intended, you have more chance to hit your target, but also greater risk of hitting the intervening target because you are sending your bullets in a tighter pattern in the direction of the target.

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