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[V21 stable candidate] Alien base layout bug?!

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Hey, I'm not sure if this first one is a bug or not, but during my first alien base assault of my current playthrough I cleaned out the base (or so i thought) only to discover to my surprise that the mission didn't end upon killing what I thought were the last aliens in the command room. Turns out there was one of those red doors that don't open in the first room I entered when assaulting the base, which led to another room with an alien in it. The only access to the room was destroying the door, something that took quite some effort given that i had already almost spent the few grenades my guys could carry. I'm not sure if this is intended or not? It sure had me confused for a while and fearing that would not be able to finish the mission.

The second thing I'm sure is a bug, In the alien command room one of those half wall, half computer display tiles appeared to be "floating" above the ground, sorta half crunched into the one next to it... It's kinda hard to explain given that the perspective is 2d.. But it wasn't where it was supposed to be.

It was a small Andron base if that matters.

EDIT: I figured out how to upload a screenshot of the floating wall: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=239662980

Edited by Monifix
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Thanks, I've fixed both of these. However, those lit up pads are teleporters - you can get into that room by using the linked teleporters elsewhere in the base.

isn't that kind of the plan? blow the doors and teleport to alien base centre? I've had only one alien base assault against small caesan base, but i did the slow and purposeful clean-up.

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