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Haven't we got TU's wrong?

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Surely time units should have very little variance between soldiers (we all share the same time) but be impacted upon depending upon the other statistics.

What I mean is that, for example - weight currently carried should reduce time units modified by the strength value. If a character has better accuracy or reactions then they should get less of a TU penalty for doing those actions (reaction shot / aim)

I understand that the way the system works, if you exceed weight then you suffer penalties but what this means (I believe) is that a soldier carry nothing can move exactly as far as one carrying all their kit but below they weight threshold.

Soldiers could dump all their kit bar the med kit in order to cross a distance and treat an injured soldier.

TU's are more level in this way but skills remain more varied then I believe it would be easier to keep soldiers skills more distinct further into the game rather than ending up with soldiers super levelled out and equal in ability.

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Action Points or AP are the units used in Xenonauts rather than Time Units.

I see that as an important difference.

A turn is the same length in time but each soldier can perform a different number of actions depending on their individual physical abilities.

A fast soldier (high AP) can fire off a shot, reload, and then run to cover in the same time it takes a slower (lower AP) soldier to fire and reload.

If a soldier walks down the street carrying nothing but the clothes on their back they are not likely to be much faster than if they had a rifle in their hand and a grenade on their belt.

It is only when their load begins to exceed their ability to carry it that mobility is affected.

That is the system reflected in the game.

I bet you can walk just as quickly carrying a light shopping bag as you can without it.

At some point that bag would start slowing you down if you keep loading things into it but it would not start immediately.

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Nah, we actually use TU in the game now Gauddlike. *tut tut*

Valentine, what you're putting forward is an alternative system and it would work, it's just not the system that the original game uses or what we've decided to use. It's quite hard to get a super-levelled soldier in the game across all stats, so it's really just a matter of preference what system the game uses.

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I like the TU/AP system but noticed elite aliens have a lot more TU's than humans. I can understand some aliens being fast but noticed aliens moving throwing grenades and shouting multi shots twice all in same turn. When it costs a human 30tu to throw a grenade and 40tu to multi shoot.

Thats a lot.of tu for the aliens i feel.

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I think that is mainly a left over from the previous system where the only thing that mattered was the amount of TU available.

The other stats were less important so the best way to make a higher rank alien stronger was to give it a huge TU increase.

With the percentage system it shouldn't make such a big difference.

As an alien grenade costs 40% TU to throw and an alien plasma rifle burst costs 60% then the aliens should only be able to do both in a single turn when they do nothing else, regardless of the actual number of TU they possess for example.

The main difference is that a high TU alien would be able to throw a grenade OR burst fire and have more TU remaining for movement or maybe a snap shot.

Switching to the percentage system seems to have uncovered a couple of alien TU bugs that were not clearly seen under the old system though so you may have been the victim of one of those.

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