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What storeroom inventory can you safely sell??

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This also drove me nuts in X-Com:  in the first couple of months, what alien/enemy loot/corpses can I safely sell without worrying that--as with alien alloys-- I'll **need it later on.**  I'm writing this after 10 minutes of searches through the database here & finding nothing so far.

I vaguely recall that in some earlier version I needed some alien weapon to do a subsequent Xenonaut weapon upgrade.  But:

- Will I need alien scanners for anything later on?

- Do I need to keep Cleaner data or can I sell it all?

- Do I have to keep any alien corpses?  Because that entire section of the storeroom stinks so bad that no one will go in there.

Players can always try to look up this info in 3rd party guides, but this is one area where I think it would naturally fit in with some research/after-action/intel report, just as with the Alien Alloy report in the Xenopedia section.  For example:

While one corpse was necessary for our autopsy, Research says we can sell any further dead Sectons to the intel services of other countries.  Only use the Odor-B-Gone body bags for international mail. "

We are aware that one of the techs was able to somehow connect an alien scanner to an internet connection and avoid paying for streaming movie content.  DON'T DO THIS!  All scanners can be sold to other intel services--money that will (or maybe won't) pay for that next clip of ammo when you reach for it."

With considerable effort, we have translated the titles of two of the most frequently recovered alien game carts: they appear to be "Gollum" and "Dead Matter."  We haven't recovered an alien player (Alienware PCs don't appear to have the proper interface), but we are destroying all of these, carts, just in case.."


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The game is currently still in development. This could be added later, as a suggestion, when things are more streamlined. For example: At the moment of writing, in the current stable build you can sell all corpses, cleaner data and alien corpses. However, in the prototype, the corpses have at least one additional use (so far as I found, didn't play the prototype much yet).

So, while the idea is good, it does kill some of the immersion to me of the "discovery-path", but that is just a matter of opinion. All I can do at the moment is help you out with the current game :-)

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Perhaps an idea might be an alien robotic artefact that, if you keep it for too long, comes alive and triggers a (mini) base invasion scenario. That might be another way to get one of these/trigger such a mission early in the game. Perhaps an easy mission, but a good way to trigger such a scenario (in Xen1 I made sure my key bases were well defended against an external alien attack).

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