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Found 7 results

  1. I tried using smoke grenades, but it seems that even if I throw it right in front of the door (before opening the UFO doors that is) it won't spread inside the UFO, so the guys who opens the door is still vulnerable. What do you guys do? Shields seem to work decently against the Caesans but not against the Sebilians.
  2. My standard technique for breaching UFOs is to have a pair of shield troopers open the door and lob grenades in an effort to suppress the enemies inside and to draw fire and soak up a few shots in the face. That said, in my current run I am currently running 2 shield troops lost to reaction fire and 2 troops standing behind the shield troops lost to reaction fire at a shield troop. This include one lost 3 2 of 3 shots whiffing the shield trooper standing in front of him. I would recommend (if it is possible at this stage) that shield troops have a higher block % than other troops, hopefully like 75% instead of 45%, even if it means they die a bit more frequently, as I've always interpreted they job assignment as "get shot in the face so others don't have to".
  3. Hi all I am having some trouble when it comes time to breach a ufo. If i pop smoke on my guys then they cant hit the aliens inside. if I dont pop smoke the front guys die to reaction fire. How do you go about the breach and clear? Thanks!
  4. Hi! Loving the game. However a few key questions on how I can best use explosives to improve the lives of my teams. Is it possible to blow open the locked doors in alien bases? Is it possible to blow a hole in the sides of a UFO?
  5. i have my troops set up by the door like this DOOR T-----TTT T-----TTT one of the Troops opens the door.. we see enemies we toss in smokes so they can't reaction fire at what they can't see then we toss in a bunch of stuns and move in. this is the safest way I've found to enter a UFO what do you guys think? what are your strategies? EDIT i don't bother with shields waste of space ATM. and so far i find that my troops are either snipers OR Stunners. stunners are equipped with a pistol with lots of ammo and a ton of non-lethal grenades(smokes; stuns; flash-bangs; shock ) i found no use from any other weapon types. i only use Sniper rifles and pistols
  6. How difficult wold it be to implement breaching charges for blowing in doors? Allow placeable explosive for doors that destroys door upon detonation and causes the effect of a flashbang on the opposite side of the door? Detonated by remote?
  7. So, I'm kinda conflicted here. I (briefly) researched what a 1kg block of C4 would do, and I have to say that the current "huge explosion" that the C4 produces is pretty much right on the money. Levels most everything in the large radius. However, at the same time I miss having a low radius explosive charge that I could use for simply blowing a small hole in a wall for breaching purposes. The C4 used to be like this; small radius, sufficiently high damage to destroy a wall without destroying much else around it. Does anyone else miss this? Something small that would be a better, safer way to enter a building, or blow a UFO door, or whatever without leveling everything in an eight (or higher?) radius like the C4 would. I recommend adding a second explosive that does just this, but I'm unsure as to what we would name this new explosive, and the old C4 for that matter, to avoid confusion. Any thoughts?
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