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  1. Hi there, I have been playing Xenonauts for several months now and although I do enjoy the game and am very impressed with all the work you guys have put into it, I do think it could be improved upon a great deal. I would like to make some suggestions on how to improve the gaming experience in Xenonauts. 1. Character portrait animations[/i]: I can´t stress how important this is for better immersion into the game as well as it making the player more fond of his characters and more intent on keeping them safe. Animations would include eyes blinking, head looking from side to side(eyes as well), smiling/frowning/open mouth(shock), grimace(teeth showing when hit for example), yawning etc. 2. Text above soldiers used to describe soldier actions/mood: When hit they could say: "I´m hit!". When taking fire and being suppressed: "I´m taking heavy fire!". When healed by a fellow soldier: "Thanks man, I needed that...". After successfully hitting an alien and even killing one: "Enemy is hit." or "Enemy neutralized.". I hope you get my point... Some randomization for each situation would also be very helpful for the enjoyment of the battles. 3. Hit Point counters above aliens: This could be input as standard from the start of the game or through researching something like a scanner(such as the Scanner from the original X-com game) that tells you where aliens are spotted on the map and where they were last seen before disappearing from view. With scanner in hand, a soldier would be able to click on any alien in view to see it´s remaining HPs and even what type of armor and weapon it is using. Incorporate any or all of these functions into a scanner module and I am sure that players will find it to be a most useful item. 4. More maps and diverse terrain: I have tons of ideas for this matter. The importance of having a large number of different maps to play on is one of the highest for any X-COM clone. I have played too many such games with very few types of maps and/or variation in maps(meaning random map generators) so I know what a letdown that can be. Players get bored quickly playing the same maps over and over again. I suggest more varied terrain with hills and inclines to climb unto and over. You have done a great job with cover(we already have boxes, rocks, boulders, barrels, cars, containers etc.)though. How about buildings with 3 or more floors, elevators(just think of the mechanics of stairs, u must elevate the view and click on the square above the soldier to move him up a level) and the ability to jump down from a floor(with a jump down from 3rd floor or higher killing a soldier with less than 70 HP instantly f.eks)? 5. More strategic battle types: I was thinking about tactical mission linked directly to the "reports of alien activity" which we see all too often around the globe but can do nothing about. This, to me, is very frustrating and I would like to be able to click the "report banner" and see some detailed information about the event, send in a recon unit to check things out and solve the problem. The nation whose territory is being subject to alien activity might offer a reward for completing the mission and as such, a completion of that mission would also improve relations between Xenonauts and the aforementioned nation. The variance in tactical maps and unit size, total scale of the tactical missions etc., should be kept to a minimum however. Here is a list of mission types I have in mind. A) Rescue mission: Rescue a set number of scientists/specialized civilian workers/politicians(or any other important figure), with the total number of soldiers being 4, making it much quicker to play the mission which should also be rather easy with only 4-6(roughly) aliens to fight. Now this new type of mission would require some way of getting the people to be rescued to the helicopter. This could be achieved in several ways: Make a soldier go up to a civilian and heal him with a medkit, this would program the civilian a direct path to the chopper or even teleport him inside if the earlier solution is too hard to program into the game. Create an option to click on a civilian and choose between: 1> Follow me. 2> Stay. 3> Go to chopper. Last but not least and the easiest way would of course be to just eliminate all of the aliens, making the area safe for the people to get back to their homes. B) Intelligence gathering: Send a squad of up to 4 soldiers to gather up important documents that must not fall into alien hands. Said documents could be on the floor inside a specific building and glowing in a certain color, they could be picked up just like any other item and put into inventory. Soldiers will need to return to chopper to complete the mission or the mission will be automatically completed once the documents are in a soldier´s inventory. Aliens will guard the building making the player have to eliminate some or all of them to get to the documents. C) Forest fires: Aliens have set a small forest ablaze using plasma weapons, these alien terrorists must be disposed of to complete the mission. The addition of multiple fires all over the map(with some buildings on fire perhaps) and lots of smoke will make navigation and combat much more tricky, it could be an interesting battle. D) Ocean battle: Fighting on a small ship, an oil tanker or even an off-shore drilling platform would be an amazing distraction from the mundane land combat. Again, you should choose a set amount of soldiers and aliens for the map, but keep the number smaller than in traditional land maps. Elimination or securing the bridge/control room for 5 turns would win the battle. I have some bugs to report as well. 1. The aliens are still shooting through the floors of UFOs. 2. Houses can be blown to smithereens if the walls/windows/doors are hit for a set amount of damage(was this intentional? did buildings have HPs programmed into the game?) and all that is left is a lot of debris which all looks like a ton of matchsticks...my soldiers have died because of this and so have the aliens unneccesarily by destroying the building they were in, depriving me of the satisfaction of killing them myself. Oh, and when you walk into the debris field, the game crashes. 3. Game crashes when trying to send out a fighter that is being repaired/recovered, even if paired up with other intact fighters in a group. Some other suggestions for the game would be to allow the player to ask for assistance in UFO air combat missions, when you click on a UFO you would then have the option of Engage or Allow Allies to Engage. The success or failure would be through the already programmed Auto-Resolve feature. The allies would of course only be flying their standard interceptors, closely resembling the F-17s performance and armed with Sidewinders(so they should only be able to take down Small Scouts, Scouts and Fighters). This would be useful to take down or assist in taking down multiple UFOs, since you have to go back and re-arm/refuel your fighters after every single engagement. How the success/failure of the allied air combat affects relations or even allied military air power after consistent losses is totally up to you guys. I kind of liked the ability in one of your earlier versions of the game where you could pay to call in an artillery strike to finish off a downed UFO. It is just too time-consuming and boring having to finish those easier missions(and if you leave them alone will that give bad relations towards Xenonauts?? I am not sure, that´s why I finish ALL UFOs I shoot down or try to shoot smaller ones down over the water), such as downed Small Scouts and Scouts all the time. Something similar, like having an Auto-Resolve feature for allied squads doing the work for you, would help us out alot. You might perhaps try having fewer UFOs appearing randomly every week, allowing players to focus more on research and manufacture etc. Buying and Selling: One of the things that made X-COM great was how you were able to buy standard equipment and sell EVERYTHING you got your hands on from battles and through manufacturing. Don´t get me wrong, I like the fact that standard ammo and equipment/weapons etc. are unlimited but you should be able to sell what u manufacture for profit as well as alien tech and corpses. This would also help your allies get better equipped for future engagements both in the air and on the ground.... I am asking a bit much I know... Especially since the game is coming near completion.. But I sincerely hope that you could incorporate at least some of my ideas into the game, as long as it isn´t too much trouble for you guys. I could even help out with making some of those additions work, at least on paper, since I have quite a good eye for detail and loads of ideas and ways to work around problems. Thanks for all your efforts in making this brilliant game, I absolutely love playing it.
  2. Somebody start a new game with soldier 63 forced and then take a screen grab of the portrait for the soldier Benjamin Glatt. I just want to know if everybody else is getting the wrong portrait before I report it. Ta!
  3. ...so, I name my squads after the colonial marines, but it's a pain trying to get soldiers that actually look like them. Anyone know where in the savegame files it is defined what portrait goes with what soldier name?
  4. Add the small version of the soldier role icon to bottom left of portrait
  5. Can we please have this? I try to organize my squad into balanced or specialized teams of 3-4, and if the roles would appear on the portrait, I won't have to rely on callsigns to know which guy is the Commando, or which guy has the rocket launcher.
  6. A small recommendation: would it be possible to shrink the portraits of the Xenonauts down to their normal size in the mission report screen? As it is it seems the portrait size is too large and that leads to tearing of the picture.
  7. This is more a question than suggestion... Only XCOM clone where drivers have pictures is UFO: Extraterrestrial were every driver looks identical regardless of what gender's name they have. But it still gave them more personality. So I was wondering if pilots get pictures, could they be recycled for vehicle driver pictures too? Since pilot pictures IS after vehicle combat experience one, I was wondering if that will happen in case it does get funded that much. Speaking of which, will vehicles lose experience or something when vehicle is "destroyed" but not completely blown up? I still think it would be cool idea if their driver died, but you can rebuild wreckage into new one for free.
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