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Everything posted by winterwolves

  1. You can do the slow down without zoom out by pressing 1. I usually sit with my fingers over 1234 in geoscape so I can control the speed.
  2. Infinite ammo gives them the option of full auto firing all the time, going for the lucky kill. And early on a single hit with almost any weapon is a kill. It just seems a bit unfair to me is all. Maybe the AI should not take shots under a certain % chance to hit, and that would balance it a bit.
  3. The change to fog of war that Chris mentioned a while ago would add to the claustrophobic feel. The change was that you only see what a Xenonaut can see right at that moment. Not until the end of the current turn, as currently happens. I think the sight ranges would have to be slightly increased along with this though.
  4. Adding this info to the soldier page would also give that page a bit more functionality. At the moment is is a bit of a dead screen with not much to do on it.
  5. Different missions would be nice. Just for a bit of variety. Escort missions would be good. You could just give the player control of a civilian, and have to get them to the charlie. Meatgrinder missions with a turn limit, but unlimited aliens. Survive to win! Hold objectives for a set number of turns. Pick up objectives and return them to the charlie. Stuff like that.
  6. I like the idea of changing the initial default loadouts. It is the first five to ten minutes of every play through for me. I guess, if you knew where to look in the files you could do this anyway?
  7. I like it! Hundred of ground combats! That is what this game is for.
  8. Something to boost visual range would be cool. I like your idea, but I doubt it can be implemented. I think they are at the tweaking/balance stages now.
  9. It is just really hard to progress at the moment. Funding just keeps going backwards, I am stuck with one base, so I can't cover more nations. It is really hard to catch UFOs, then all guns cannot shoot them down. Then you are too slow to run away, so you lose the aircraft. Because of funding problems, you can't have extra aircraft. Because you have no money to hire extra scientists and engineers, your squad gear is falling behind, while androns start turning up. Aliens can grenade you from so far away. Air combat is way too important. I think I played though three or four months, and still no laser weapons for me. Mainly, I guess, I really don't like being forced to have only one base. And forced to put all my research efforts into air combat. It also looks like not many people are playing at the moment, as about half of the bug reports are mine.
  10. Have we got a new build coming soon? The game is not very fun at the moment.
  11. Seems a bit unfair that we have to worry about ammo, but they don't? Likewise that all the aliens have uber stats. Especially with the strength/grenade range thing.
  12. They are there to give you a leg up, if you don't manage to shoot down a UFO. Veterans+ get no leg up. To make it harder.
  13. Yeah, like the title says: Also in this picture: the alien grenade does not have a picture in the grenade quick slot.
  14. Hiya The andron room in the small base has a bunch of square you cannot path through. The slim looking barriers are not so slim, I guess. I skillfully marked each of the squares to be clear. Cheers
  15. Here is a save of a game that will CTD in about one game hour: gonna crash Here is where the game is at: Lost my initial base. New Base is up to speed. Just cleared an Andron base by destroying the power core and running away. No casualties. One of my crew did pick up an alien grenade and would have had it in their inventory. The foxtrot in the air is on it's second run at the corvette. That's about it. I have tried changing the destinations of the two craft in the air. I have also tried earlier saves: The auto save at the start of the mission, abandoning straight away A save from just before reaching the base. Both of these saves continue past the CTD point without problem. Hope it helps.
  16. Ok, so I thought I would try and tough this one out and am carrying on with my second base. It doesn't have much: Anyway, the bug is that I still got a research complete report on alien interrogation, even though I no longer have a lab or any scientists. It popped about two days after I lost my base.
  17. I sent my squad out to assault an alien base. Turns out they had the same idea. So after losing horribly with my five rookies my charlie disappeared off the map instantly. I did not have a spare hangar anywhere else at the time, but I would have gladly scrapped a foxtrot to keep my team alive, given the choice. Interestingly, the charlie was actually closer to my other base at the time, so could have easily made it there. I ended up not getting to use the team, and losing the base because they were away. Oh well, I don't imagine you'll do anything about this.
  18. I have also seen a couple of guys walk through doors without opening them now, so that may be the case here. He looks like he pops out of the wall if anything though. I could not path through the wall.
  19. Hiya This occurs fairly often when I have just completed an air combat. I win the air combat and think "did I replace those wounded soldiers?" before sending out a salvage team. I click the equip screen and bam! CTD. It has happened about six times after an air combat and twice after a ground combat. I tried saving just after an air combat to see if I could reproduce it, but no.
  20. Defeating light scouts, when you can catch them is pretty simple, for a pair of condors. You do it with no damage every time. I don't have too much of a problem with having to use two aircraft for one UFO. That kind of seems right, at the start. I guess the main issue is the interception in the first place. As stated by others here, you often want to take any chance you can get to intercept them, even if over water. It is a bit harsh that the full squadron of two condors and a foxtrot can't take down a scout.
  21. Yeah, I had a bug report all ready to go and everything...
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