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10 Good
  1. Mobile, vulnerable radar for those who think patrolling zones beyond land radar is useful and essential. I'm not really advocating adding them as such; just thought it would be an easy solution for people who want better and wider patrolling.
  2. Tiny improvement, but could we be please get "aircraft resupplied" message when a plane has been rearmed and refueled? I occasionally have several bogies to intercept with one wing of fighters. In those cases, it would be nice to know when exactly they are ready for a new fight. Even a message in the log would be better than nothing.
  3. Why not just give us AEW craft for patrolling? For example, E-2 Hawkeye and Tu-126 were in use by 1979.
  4. Am I the only one who'd like to see game that is essentially reverse X-Com? Let's say it starts in 1947, after Roswell. You play a handful of aliens stuck in a small flying saucer. You came to investigate Earth and your interstellar craft crashed in Roswell, maybe shot down. You have a few ways to win - build a new interstellar ship and leave, take over the stupid primate planet or something else, X. In the beginning, all you have is a handful of non-combat aliens and a small atmospheric craft. You need to investigate the locals, build a base and set up improvised infrastructure. When you have cloning tanks you can start churning out more troops, scientists etc. Perhaps improve them by splicing local DNA - here they come, the proud alligator men! All the while, you need to keep your actions as stealthy as possible. There are a lot of those nasty primates on this planet. Maintaining secrecy is the most important thing; you can't leave witnesses or at least any reliable recording of your missions. You go around abducting specimens, replacing individuals with infiltrators loyal to your cause, sabotaging research that might reveal you and so forth. While you have scientific advantage, you suffer from a bad resource shortage. There is still need for research, as the theoretical knowledge you have must be applied to local resources and conditions. Imagine trying to build a modern computer with stone age technology; not very easy.
  5. It has been so long since I played UFO: Enemy Unknown that I don't remember if it had training facilities. However, I'm pretty sure X-Com Apocalypse had them and they worked fine. In practice, they provided a chance for secondary base garrisons to... not be useless. Since base space is limited, I know I'd only put training yards in secondary bases, which are just for radars and interceptors. I'd be fine with diminishing returns from training regarding time spent, eventually reaching a hard cap. It could be combined with the requirement for a trainer, so a soldier could train others at the maximum of three ranks below his rank, or the like. Getting decent base defenders without having to babysit them through some combat is all I'd really want. So I'm certain a way to make it work could be found... but I don't expect to see it in the game. Perhaps a creative modder can make it work somehow. As it is, I simply don't garrison secondary bases, instead I put them full of AA. The micro involved in leveling up garrison soldiers is simply not worth it, as it makes the game tedious. Using rookies as defenders is next to useless, so it is either decent soldiers or none at all. I guess making base defense somewhat more interesting might solve the problem; such as by allowing heavy weapon emplacements, traps and so forth to give the defenders a boost.
  6. I know the game is pretty much feature complete, but hey, maybe good ideas might get in later. Anyway, I feel the game is lacking training facilities. As it is, the only way to improve your rookies is to take them on combat missions. If you want to uphold garrisons in secondary bases, this involves some tedious micromanagement. You need to keep moving those people back and forth so they aren't completely useless if the base is attacked. For this reason, it would be nice to have training facilities you could build in a base. They would - very slowly! - increase stats of the soldiers present. Only soldiers 100% healthy would train. They might possible require a veteran to act as a trainer, the cap of the skill gain being the trainer's skills. This way you could let garrison soldiers and other recruits gain experience without tedious micro. Transferring veterans as trainers would be acceptable opportunity cost without being as micro-intensive as transferring grunts around en masse.
  7. Yeah, I understand the game is almost finished, but maybe we can see such things in an expansion or Xenonauts 2: Now With Alien Amazons. In the same vein, seeing similar modifications available for fighters would be nice. So you could choose between extra fuel tank, better radar, targeting assistance etc.
  8. I've tried to relocate Foxtrots into a new base twice now. Both times the transfer failed. The plane was stuck patrolling around the target base on an infinite loop. The target base has two useless hangars now marked as used despite having no plane in them. Saving and loading results in an invisible, perpetually patrolling plane. I can see its radar circle going in rounds around the intended relocation base, but the plane itself is invisible. I can't give it commands and the hangars in the base are stuck; I can't decommission them.
  9. Hello, my first post, so let me start with the obligatory "Wow, this is the real modern X-com, awesome, thank you!" Now that is out of the way, I think the troops could use an additional equipment slot in addition to armor, weapons and stuff they are carrying. I'm talking gadgets - things like visors and such. You could have a simple selection available and other things you need to research and produce. You could tie the gadget slots to the type of armor, thus increasing tactical considerations. For example, the heavier the armor, the less slots it has, while going naked gives you three or even four gadget slots. Here are some ideas on what the additional gadgets could be, just as examples of course. EarthTech gadgets: Night-Vision Goggles (Self-evident) Gasmask (Self-evident) Armor plates (More armor, heavy!) Lucky charm (+Bravery) Stuff you need to research: Ablative vest (More armor, heavy!) Combat HUD (+Reaction/Accuracy) Targeting matrix (+Accuracy) Autodoc (Stops bleeding on its own) PSI Shield (Protects from PSI) Alien scrambler (Aliens less likely to target) Alien beacon (Aliens more likely to target) Anti-grav harness (Faster movement) Supreme Night-Vision (Self-evident) Hydraulic sling (Throws grenades much further) Exoskeleton (+Strength) Helping hand (Additional hand slot) Sensor matrix (Wider field of vision)
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