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Everything posted by anotherdevil

  1. I never got that far into Torment, I played it but not until after it was already pretty old. Can anyone sum up for me what makes it so awesome? Also sorry for taking this off topic before, I'll try and stop that.
  2. Windhaven. Read it. Although mostly a fantasy it is a sci-fi, but most of all it is an awesome book! It's by George R.R. Martin and Lisa Tuttle
  3. Ha ha the zombicide season 2 kickstarter got it's funding in under 2 mins apparently (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/coolminiornot/zombicide-season-2)! Still will have to watch this one as well
  4. So spoilers because I have played through it. It's not that bad, just not that great either.
  5. Which one did you choose? Or will you only reveal it when you show us the picture? Oooooh, intrigue!
  6. I believe it means that the world is generated according to a set of rules (or procedures), and because it is generated by these rules, and not pre made by the devs, it will be different each time. The rules however stop it from being silly, and so keep it under control and believable
  7. @ Maz_Caine How about the inside of a UFO in space/high orbit which has just been hit by a missile/plasma shot, and all of the crew are being sucked out into the vacuum? You could also have the interceptor in the background if the gash in the side is big enough, and all of the aliens would be clinging on for dear life! Also depending on the room in the space craft, other interesting stuff could also be flying out the hole (research, body parts, robot pieces, weapons, etc.)
  8. To be fair it's picking up speed! I am confident it'll reach it's goal! If not i might contact the guy and talk about giving him my money anyway so that he has some funds to get the game done. Hopefully others will do the same too
  9. I missed out and now I am gutted. I planned to do it this morning, but when I logged on it said it had expired 23 minutes before! =[
  10. I'm hoping for a good drive at the end =]
  11. I found this quite interesting, and for some reason the guy in the video clicked with me. Lots of interesting possibilities, and his statement that with or without the funding he is going to build the game makes me believe this is a passion, not just some thing to make money. I'm going to commit, but I thought I'd put this here in case you haven't seen it, and you might help him get it made. Also a very low goal to boot! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1438429768/maia
  12. Sorry Chris! If I had known I would have (and probably should have anyway in hind sight) asked you first!
  13. Found some concept art on CGHUB, and I thought you might like a looksey. Sorry if this is already posted elsewhere... If you don't want to see some future tech ideas then don't click the link http://cghub.com/images/view/351541/ Scroll through the image tabs through the top of the page for more
  14. No video and no images? I mean I don't want finished graphics, but a wall of text is not that appealing...
  15. Awesome to see someone trying to fix stuff that they think is wrong, but why were these wrong in the first place? (my suggestions in particular?)
  16. I don't understand why I always get such low hit chances when shooting at Muton Elites and Sectopods. I mean Sectopods are massive and can't get into cover, so what's the deal?
  17. On another note: http://www.dorkly.com/video/44907/emergency-xcom-meeting And XenoMask, if you want to think why some people might think you are a bit of a fanboy, perhaps you should re-read a lot of your posts =p they do defend the new XCOM at almost every opportunity
  18. Hardly a modern vestion of the old artstyle, what with them changing so much from the original... (ie aliens)
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