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Everything posted by Skybirduk

  1. [video=youtube;NOErZuzZpS8] Or this one. Remember, you can't make a good breakfast without breaking some Pancakes...
  2. It would have been nice if you could have two team members inside the vehicle, one driving and one as a gunner. Each would use their TU's for a different purpose then, the driver TU's would just be used for movement, with the gunner's just for firing. If they could obtain experience for the mission, then it would encourage the use of vehicles. Perhaps they could even leave the vehicle at some point and carry out the remainder of the mission on foot with their normal complement of weapons.
  3. The ten hour video is even worse than the Hypnotoad one, and that is complete and utter- ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD! [video=youtube;zHU2RlSCdxU]
  4. All the military would have to do is send multiple Chinooks at low level towards a crash site, which would mean multiple targets to engage, and deploy plenty of mobile SAM units along the way so that the scouts could be shot down.
  5. The UFO's are coming in from outer space and flying at high altitudes, so they would be easy to spot on Radar, Visual and other scanning, especially as they would be the only traffic that high. The transport would be lower altitude at subsonic speeds. Now, just how much airborne traffic is going on at the same time, personal aircraft, civilian airliners, etc. Any sensible transport pilot would pretend to be regular traffic, flying along the commercial routes until they got close, then they would divert to the crash site. going back they would blend in with routes as well. (Addon: trying to add the route diversions to the game would just be a distraction.) Any alien scout would either have to start blasting down lots of aircraft at very long range or slow down for a closer inspection to make sure that it has the right target. Don't forget that RAM (Radar-absorbent material) would have been available at this time which may also provide some protection.
  6. Anyway, maybe the scouts and other non-fighters have atrocious manoeuvring and sensor capability at low altitude, as that is the height that the transport will be flying at.
  7. It's an alternate universe, so maybe that's where they build the cities on this Earth.
  8. If the the Sebs can see through walls as a result of a game bug, then I would like it to be kept in, as it does fit their profile of having bad senses at long range but very good at short distance. Trying to go through buildings requires more care when you have Sebs to deal with.
  9. The Sebs can 'see' through smoke with no problem, perhaps the same coding is allowing them to see through walls. Perhaps we shouldn't try to change this as the Sebs are supposed to have good senses at shorter range.
  10. Maybe they were designed a few years earlier in this reality.
  11. Or maybe a low level Taser which would wouldn't kill or stun, but would shock them back to their senses. Perhaps have them interlinked by radio, so if a soldier sees his MC buddy take a shot, he mashes down on the 'shock' button.
  12. If you are both right-handed, then the alien should have a clear line of sight while you are blocked.
  13. As the alien has interlinked its nervous system with the mind controlled soldier, wouldn't it get stunned as well?
  14. It's a pity that you couldn't have two soldiers assigned to the vehicle, and they have their own equipment stowed away. Should they have to leave they could take their equipment with them. If that could be done, then it would be nice if the soldiers received experience so that vehicles aren't experience suckers.
  15. I agree that context sensitive would be the proper way to do it, as you don't need to know their status once the swarm is over, but you need to know the readiness situation while the UFO's are still flying overhead. This doesn't even need to be a pop-up box, it can go in the text box at the bottom of the screen.
  16. How on earth could that happen, the poster is so obvious it is hilarious, but he thinks that he is sophisticated.
  17. Apparently, everyone else in the base know how to use the telephones. Research finished, call the Commander. Manufacturing completed, call the Commander. New building constructed, new aircraft arriving, etc. Except for: Refuel, rearm and repair of the aircraft. It seems that the people in the hanger don't know how to contact the commander when they get the aircraft ready. Are they sniffing the aviation fuel?
  18. They will probably mistake the lawyers for Sebellians or reapers...
  19. I would guess that it depends how long it would take to rework the coding to add storage to the dropship. It is interesting that you can't put anything in the dropship, yet you can load up soldiers until they can hardly move.
  20. .Technically, all of the soldiers were able to carry shields around in their backpacks, and that made it too good an exploit. At present, it is an aid to acting tactically, not a substitute for tactics. I agree.
  21. I remember coming to the end of a game in the old 8-bit era. I had defeated the bad guys and something like this appeared on the screen. "When you get to the end of most games, there is normally big flashing letters, explosive sounds, and lots of fireworks. but as you are a true hero you would be above such things, so we have just provided you with this line of text."
  22. I recall seeing a number appear above the head of one of the Seb's turn the alien turn on a breach battle, so I would presume that regen is still on.
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