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Everything posted by StK

  1. I have to say I like the "Medals only give +1 bravery". Medals don't do anything else. A little metal thing doesnt make you shoot better and it doesn't armor you against enemy fire or make you quicker, its just a token that says "This man did something noteworthy in combat" and that might make you braver. @Dirk "Medals can reflect talent": I disagree here. Well they could but fact is the soldier gets the stats _after_ I pin the thing on him and he didn't come with it. a recruiting stat of f.e. TUs 60 reflects talent.
  2. Started out on Ironman when I began with xenonauts... 5 corrupted save games cured me pretty quickly. now I rely on my self discipline to get the Ironman effect... and it works. After a while you realize pretty quickly safe scumming only cheats you out of your fun. Remember Dwarf Fortress: Therefore, eventually, almost every fortress will fall. The only ones that don't tend to be very conservative and very boring—and what fun is that? Therefore, DF = losing ∧ DF = fun ⇒ losing = fun, and that's okay! It's a game philosophy, so embrace it, own it, and have fun with it!
  3. @Chris I had the same thought about the Corvette.. If its your first UFO you will be a little more then hard pressed to bring it down
  4. Europa Universalis IV... and thats a strange one.. I have no trouble with the Crusader Kings series, or Victoria or Hearts of Iron but for the life of me I cant figure out Europa Universalis
  5. ACC argueably gives you more shots because you dont have to aim that much if you hit better.... and the idea sounds very nice but I think it would be the devil the to balance
  6. @Amiga4ever: edit: What do you mean "not on the line of fire"? It looks perfectly aligned to me. Where I find this corner blocking thing really annoying is with the Chinook. the blocking area around the cockpit extends a LOT over the visible sprite.
  7. StK

    Happy Easter!

    Happy Easter everybody. and Msvknight: Happy dawn of the christ.. I guess? or Resident Good? 3 days later?
  8. I always go with: 2x Shields&Pistol / Shotgun in the backpack (highest priority to get armor and weapon upgrades) and whatever explosives and knockout grenades they can carry 1x Dedicated Medic with Assault Rifle, 2 x Medpacks 1x Sniper (with Sniper rifle ofc )/ Shotgun in the backpack (in nearly all situations where the Sniper rilfe doesnt help the shotgun really does) 1x Rocketeer (its usually safer to just rocket those ufo doors then opening them.. at least in my experience) and for those dmn aliens that are out of reach of your grenades and still dont want to come out of cover 3x Rifleman Assault Rifle / Grenades / C4 when i hit the Laser MG one Rifleman ususally gets one of those and a Laser pistol After this basic setup is done everybody gets as many grenades and C4 and medpacks until they loose > 1 TU I tried with only one shield but too often the shield gets destroyed before I even reach the UFO and I simply dont feel safe breeching a UFO without one. Also imho pistols do fine dmg for their TU usage in the beginning.
  9. I never found the alloys to be the limiting factor. For me its usually money or simply workshop time.
  10. StK

    Took a break

    I took a break of xenonauts for a while (because of life, other games, not wanting to get it worn out before it was done, etc. pp). Right now I am trying to get my bearings on what i missed during all those patches. So lets build up again Earths first, last and only line of defense against the worst scum of the universe.
  11. Most importantly usually.. fly in pairs.. one plane is bait one gets on the ufos tail. taskruel did some how to vids on aircombat, those helped me immensly
  12. hmm... don't know..actually that never happend to me.. when I storm a UFO the AI usually _unloads_ into my guys and wreck em.. I dont think my soldiers ever survived a close range encounter .. maybe once, but I dont think so.. maybe you get really really lucky.. (^^,) or I'm really really unlucky.
  13. the xenopedia actually states the plasma pistols would loose a lot of punch with increasing range... which I would like.. If Aliens can close in on me and fire point-blank range, why not oneshot kills... I can prevent that from happening. If they fire from far away.. well their weapon (mind you plasma pistol not rifle or anything later.. these should be powerful) lacks stopping power. This would not only save people from the rng-bs it would also allow newcomers to adapt to the game combat at least a little before everything gets really messy.
  14. In the original game the hyperwave decoder (as it was named then iirc) had a better detection rate (100% i think), better radius, told you the type of UFO, the mission of the UFO and even told you the races that were on board so you could adjust your weaponry accordingly. So if you saw a supply ship hovering around you knew you should start looking for an alien base if you didn't have it on the radar. If you saw a ship on a base building mission you knew you shouldnt let to many of em through otherwise you would have to deal with a base. Xenonauts I think already puts a lot of the focus on the Airbattles .. don't start to reward players for not doing groundbattles at all.
  15. @legit1337 I dont know which game you are talking about.. the remake or the original one. The combat system of the remake is completely lazy and bogus as only the cover you are kneeling next to actually counts as cover nothing else counts. Ive seen people shoot through walls and cars to hit enemies that should be clearly behind the obstacle and next to impossible to hit from that angle. All in all i used a ton of snipers and assaulters and combat didnt feel real at all but rather gimmicky because many skills (like run and gun) made it that way. The combat system of the old one (eu95) is very old.. which means really simple and was easily exploitable but if you didn't it was prone to a lot of rng bs because of the high dmg weapons. I remember several times killing a Muton with a lucky shot of a heavy laser over half the map. or getting a squad wiped because of a dmn sectoid shooting his plasma pistols over 2 fields. (in my opinion still better then the remake mind you). If you need a little more then one shot to take down someone its more likely to average out at the wanted to-hit percentage, if you oneshot stuff you will experience more rng-bs. I'm not argueing the to hit chance or something.. I'm just fine with the way it is now that plasma pistols don't one shot everything on the field and want it to stay this way. And usually if I blow up cover (in this game) and use my weapons correctly (like not moving snipers around as the xenopedia states). I get decent fire fights that don't look like starwars - stromtrooper shootfests.
  16. @superbob that would shift the focus even more the aircombat then it already is.
  17. uhm.. 1v1 is pushing it.. its far to dangerous to loose a Condor... Fighterplains fly in pairs... and then you can fight light scouts without taking damage... You cannot risk a Condor in the new build imho. They are far to important because you need 3 fully armed planes to down a regular scout.
  18. @venutswings: Wait.. what? How did this go from "There is an exploit that needs to be fixed" to "the whole smokegrenade is op and needs to be nerfed"?
  19. @winterwolves: Uhm.. I actually always take em out when Condors manage to engage because in my experience condors will never catch up again if you try to tail. Aircombat is actually still my biggest concern in this new build.. When you are good at the game the changes are a nuisance but I think you will be able to catch up (If you don't get terribly unlucky). But if you are either unlucky or not very good with aircombat you are simply toast. Nothing that happens in any groundcombat can screw you over so completely as if you screw up once in an aircombat mission and loose a condor early. I'm not even sure if you can recover from that.
  20. Hmmm. The game should communicate this in some way, because if the player knows its not really an issue.. but I'm not really sure how.
  21. @legit1337: I disagree on the "too high health" issue, because it stopps the EU95 rng-bs of anything getting in a longshot and kill an alien/soldier. And this happend a lot. It didn't make the game more strategic or fun or difficult, it just made it prone to rng-bs.
  22. Have to correct a ton of exams this week.. but maybe at the end of the weekend or next week I'll give it a whirrl
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