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Everything posted by Veggetossj

  1. My suggestion is this: Add doors that we can open/close to the Chinook, Shrike or any other vehicle that comes after. During some of the terror mission and later landing missions i have the bad luck of enemies spawning right outside my vehicle, only to be shot at if i wasnt able to kill them all during my first round.
  2. It happened to me once and i was able to get around it by loading an older save and then load teh newer one, but now all my autosaves are in the timezone where i have a shrike so all of them crash the game on loading. here i have a crash report (sorry its in dutch):
  3. As title says, each time i try to load a save either geoscape or ground battle after i have gotten my first Shrike build, the game crashes.
  4. My suggestion is this: Reduce the time it takes to repair and/or recover downed planes based on idle workers. I personally don't mind the recovery time of planes, since their asses have to get dragged back to base but the repair time on planes is just ridiculous. With my 45 workers in 3 workshops i can build a MIG in a little over a day, but when I wish to repair a downed MIG or F16 for that matter, it takes up to 3 days. My solution would be to reduce the time a plane needs to be repaired based on the amount of idle workers currently not working on a project.
  5. There have been a couple of report about a CTD after a escorted UFO has been shot down (didnt matter whether or not the escort itself was shotdown). This only seems to happen when a crashsite is produced as a result of victory.
  6. As far as is known any escorted UFO that will produce a crashsite after being shot down, will cause a CTD.
  7. Its linked to a crash site, when i shot down a scout with an escort over the ocean i didnt get a CTD
  8. had it happen to me couple of times on a new 19.5 game. this isnt neither focused on the unit unable to heal the other unit, but more on the unit unable to be healed at all. I tried healing one of my damaged unit with multiple ppl and none of them could heal him up after the first heal
  9. I had this happen to me during the light scout farm mission @ night. Aliens in the lower field try to shoot through the wall that surrounds my chinook.
  10. During ground combat when i see an enemy unit wich is in my sight i still get the hidden movement screen, same goes if civilians enter my line of sight. It just seems like it always on no matter what.
  11. During ground combat when i see an enemy unit wich is in my sight i still get the hidden movement screen, same goes if civilians enter my line of sight. It just seems like it always on no matter what.
  12. I've been wondering about aliens trowing grenades at us. I know they have them, but I've never seen them use the grenades they have?? Is this part of a upcoming AI update?
  13. First: During one of the missions of a crashed Scout UFO (the second with the power core) i drove my tank into the opening of the door, but when the turn was over the door shut and the tank got stuck. I had to either destroy the tank to continue or reload the mission from auto save and restart from the Chinook. Second: During an Andron Alien Base mission i killed a Wraith and when i look at its corpse in the Inventory screen it had a Xenonauts corpse image.
  14. So i was rummaging around with the inventory and found a interesting bug. I placed a stun baton in the lower left of my inventory and put a medpack 1 tile higher on the right. I noticed that both these have a 3x2 tile where the lower left tile of the medpack overlapped with the upper right tile of the baton. I've only did this with a medpack and a stunbaton, but it could be this is with all 3x2 tile items (pistols and such) to.
  15. I know V17.9 had issues with gear disappearing when a soldier was critically wounded. But now in V18 + HF2 even when a soldier is lightly wounded sometimes, somehow gear still disappears
  16. In one of the desert maps where you start in the lower right corner and the Light Scout being in the upper left. There are some low walls with some fences to its left and right. The walls face North/South and when a soldier stands on the South side of these walls, the walls appear to be in front of the sprite of the soldier.
  17. ill try letting it been blown up by aliens more in different missions. Ill let you know more later. Also the alien ship thing might be because the scout was heavily damaged and had fire in the engine room (the rear room of the ship)
  18. In my 6th mission i shot down a Scout (the 2nd type of scout) for the first time. The map was a railroad station with me spawning in the lower left corner and the ship being in the upper right corner. I had a Hunter 4 Rifleman and 2 Snipers. When the Hunter stood in front of the ship and i shot the doors and saw a Ceasan wielding a plasma rifle. During the alien turn, the Ceasan i spotted shot at my Hunter 3 times and the Hunter exploded and the game crashed during the explosion. Also i still noticed that i couldnt look inside the ship at all, nor could i target the Ceasan with any of my other guys, cus he was still on a tile in the ship.
  19. Prices for selling old gear should be higher. In V18.1 u can make the Jackal body armor for $30.000 only to be able to sell it for $1.000. Gear like the Jackal Armor might be sold after u made better armor. Increasing its and other prices would be nice to be able to make a small buck. Everything you make currently can only be sold for $1.000 a piece.
  20. Will the prizes of some building decrease or the monthly funding increase at some time? Perhaps with lower difficulty comes lower prizes?
  21. i did know u could scroll with the mouse to get the different fire modes/accuracies. Anyways, a mod can close this now.
  22. I can right-click a quickslot? I feel as such an idiot Does that work for a Medpack as well?
  23. I was wondering why do we get flares given to us during the start of the mission? I have equipped all my guys with stun grenades and a frag grenade, but each mission i start with flares in my quickslot. Why cant we (un)equip these flares from our base, deciding wether or not we wish to use them. I always have my stun grenades in my toolbelt but they are last to apear in my quickslot, why is this? How does the quickslot decide wich items it will show? Wouldnt it be better the have those actual quickslots in our inventory, so we can fill them with the items we want there to be in? Just some of my thoughts on the matter, feel free to discuss.
  24. I can confirm this. I had a terror site, but my Chinook couldnt make it in time so i reloaded my latest auto save and already send the Chinook towards the location the terror site should be, but once it apeared i couldnt target the terror site with my Chinook. Only to get the Pop-up asking me which aircraft to send...
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