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Everything posted by Swe_Racoon

  1. Gorlom, superior unrivaled time manipulating ninja, stealth master second-to-none and Swedish viking. Now there's a title to be feared
  2. I'm 21 years old, and eldest kid, so I've got a valid reason as to not have played it. Amiga and all that was way before my time, most of my young gaming days were spent with the SNES or the Nintendo 64, and later the Xbox
  3. I think that troops who are above -25 Health have a chance of surviving the mission. Makes sense actually, as in real life killing someone instantly is pretty hard (with modern firearms at least). Most often the amount of pain triggers a nervous system chock that renders you unconscious, then you bleed to death. So the way I see it a trooper who is at, say -9, isn't dead but just unconscious and bleeding out. And Wolf armor is the way to go for those meant to go up close and personal, IMO. @Max_Caine: Odd, I'll have to try this out a few times, but I can wager my left paw that aliens who have their backs turned at me don't get reaction fire. At least when I storm UFOs.
  4. I think the UFO is dismantled into Allien Alloys, actually (along with power sources if they're intact). The newest build is 10.2 I think, and aliens sure do shoot at civilians in that one. Not sure what you're getting at here. There's a button called TGL RF or somesuch that toggles roofs, I think. As for not seeing directly behind walls, Guaddlike has it spot on. Researched bodies are destroyed instead of stacking them at the base, which was always an annoyance in the original, where I'd end up with something like 150 Floaters in storage. In the current build, once autopsies are done any new specimen of the same species are destroyed, probably after the battle as part of some clean-up or other. Capturing live aliens isn't in yet, but I'd wager my right paw it will be in at some later version or the final build. I think the research topics are in the game files, just not available through gameplay as of now. In the current build, it works as described above AFAIK. Current build once again being v10.2. As Gauddlike said, the current AI is a placeholder. I'd advise you go to the Kickstarter page and get the latest build. It's public demo and all. EDIT: Pretty much ninja'd by Gorlom, due to me not reading the entire topic before posting. Daft mammal is daft, m'yes.
  5. I'm pretty fine with how it was done in X-COM, and the amount of ranks there. If one was to go hardcore there'd be a boatload of ranks pretty much for the same level of experience (In Sweden we have recruit, private first, second, third and fourth class, vice corporal, corporal and finally sergeant, all for conscripted/enlisted men, not counting the two or three ranks that were replaced by sergeant a few years ago). For someone not versed in military ranks it can be pretty hard to tell the difference. I for example often mix up the various ranks of corporals and sergeants. So my vote goes for keeping the ranks that are there now (adding the missing LT's of course) and using a system of promotion like that in X-COM, or the manual promotion would be nice instead.
  6. Something that just struck my mind, I've never received reaction fire from an alien looking the other way. Often aliens inside UFOs will be busy admiring the new paint job (courtesy of Xenonaut interceptors), and they never seem to be reacting to my unafraid (or perhaps the other end of that spectrum) troops rushing in. Only the ones actually facing the entrance will shoot at me. This never fails, but only when entering UFOs. Outside UFOs reaction fire usually occurs from beyond my troops' visual range (I'm a sucker for putting Jackal on everyone, that might be the issue).
  7. We did, but it's been a long day of doing dishes on only three hours of sleep, so I blame it all on that! Damn Mondays keep showing up... Back on the original topic though; anyone got the demo working? Mine didn't, and haven't had the time to re-install since I got the Kenshi demo (that thing kinda grew on me).
  8. Just don't go ignoring all of them, can really hurt your income if the aliens are skeet shooting at airliners for too long. Probably not a game-breaker to ignore them though, I just plainly suck at making bank
  9. The droopy bit? I suppose so, though I'm not sure what droopy means... The Finns are just sore they have to learn Swedish in school, or because they were part of Sweden not all that long ago, or because they speak something that could scarcely be called a language Hell, the rivalry between Sweden and Norway still lives on, sort of. There are quite a few jokes about daft Norwegians over here.
  10. Reminds me of the sushi from JA2 (what are they called, crep-something? Crêpes?) and their gas spit. Could bring down an unprotected merc before your turn started.
  11. I wasn't exactly being serious. With that in mind though, one can't rule out time machines! Your theory is indeed neat, only because it reminds me of Red Alert I am hardly using any of the newest tech, by the way. My cellphone is a few years old, my computer has almost ten years to it's name and I don't even own a car. But I agree, the theory is nice. Guessing slug throwers will be pretty obsolete by late-game though, at least the conventional ones.
  12. Getting an intact power source is indeed random, maybe based on what kind of weapon did the killing blow (though missiles often tend to just obliterate the UFO in the sky). I'd say they pop up in 1 out of 4 or 5 UFOs I shoot down. And UFOs sometimes display altitude as "Grounded" for me, but once I close the pop-up window they are on the move. Dunno about that, to be honest. Could be it's not implemented, or as Gorzahg said, bugged.
  13. Yea, a small town in a sparsely populated region (which was Norwegian/Danish about 13 times back in the day, by the by, makes for a very funny local dialect). I'd be more surprised if you'd heard of it Sweden, that small oblong thingy just below the North Pole, squeezed in between Norway, Denmark and Finland
  14. Yes, it is. To me R/P/S is very much like rock-paper-scissors in real life, it is obvious what beats what at first glance and allows for very limited options (scissors will never beat rock, for example). While one could say WoW is R/P/S I would have to disagree, because it allows for more options, and a scissor can beat a rock if you're skilled/lucky enough. But as Guaddlike said, we're derailing slightly here. Shall we mayhaps agree to disagree?
  15. We seem to have different thoughts on what constitutes as rock/paper/scissors. The above example is hardly what I'd call R/P/S gameplay, to me R/P/S is simplistic gameplay where unit/ability/whatever A beats unit/ability/whatever B, and so on. The inclusion of abilities doesn't necessarily make it less strategic, IMO. Ace: At least we can agree on the squad sizes and inventories. Sad the see the latter go, not sure where the heck the former came from. On the ammo thingy, I'm not sure they're making it too easy. AFAIK heavier weapons will have ammo, and there's still the need to reload. In all honesty, ammo was never an issue in X-COM for me, no matter the tier, and only a hassle when having to equip every last one of my men with spare ammo. Oftentimes a single clip lasts throughout a mission, and I probably can count the amounts of time I've had to reload anything on one hand. Classes in general strike me as something not belonging in XCOM, to be honest. But we'll have to wait and see. Jean-Luc: If it was my reply you were referring to I had no intention to call anyone a whiner, and if you took offense I apologize. I was trying to underline what you said about Small Soldiers by adding that Firaxis themselves refer to the style as "action figures".
  16. This is looking pretty nice, actually. Will have a go at it, thank good devs for demos! EDIT: Having toyed around in the demo for a few hours I think it's somewhat fun. There's not a whole lot to do right now though, you can fight, and loot and trade. That's about it. Think they released buildings today, as well. Also there's no sound yet, and the world is only populated by traders, guards, bandits and hired swords. Still, not bad for a one-man show, and I've played less interesting games from AAA developers. Just my two teef on the matter though.
  17. 'tis this small town not far from where I live, saw that someone from there had downloaded the Skyjacker demo, so I couldn't resist On that note, I don't seem able to get the demo to work, which kinda sucks. Might have to try a reinstall.
  18. Well, I stand corrected, I must admit. Strikes me as just being lazy developers who couldn't make that fix for the PC, unless it would have involved a large amount of work, which I doubt. This is the first time I've heard of something like that though. Now rock/paper/scissors gameplay I'm not overly convinced of, I'm more of the impression Kalexon gave. Not along the lines of sniper beats berserker, berserker beats soldier, soldier beats sectoid and so on. Time will tell, I suppose. There's no pleasing everyone, and most AAA devs tend to go where the $ is, and right now that seems to be multi-platformers.
  19. So, why would one do this exactly? There are better ways of putting ads in games, that doesn't require the suspension of gameplay. I'm not overly fond of this, at all.
  20. As Chris said, it's a tad tedious to demolish old AAs and build new ones when it could have been much smoother. Why not just throw in an "upgrade" button that starts constructing the most top tier AA you have over the old one, so to speak? I'm not against the magical upgrading at all, since I'd assume there's no good reason to keep the old defenses.
  21. If it's a DOS emulator you're looking for, you could try DOSBox, it's what I use to play X-COM and it works pretty good. Not perfect but at least enough for me.
  22. I sense a certain disdain towards consoles here, maybe I'm in the wrong crowd, being mainly a console gamer and all Jean-Luc: Not that I would presume to think like a game dev does, but in a turn based game why would one limit squad size based on the limits of a controller? You have pretty much all the time you want to fiddle about, so managing more soldiers doesn't strike me as a major problem. Modability I can't argue with, nor limited graphics. On the other hand both are things I don't care overly much for, it's hard to find good mods for the games I do play on the PC and fancy graphics are about the last thing I take into account for a game. On that topic, I even thinks Firaxis said somewhere that "these guys aren't soldiers, they're action figures". It doesn't bother me overly, but I'm not all the rage over it either. That rock/paper/scissors gameplay is due to the limitations of a console is something I just don't grasp, however. Is a console so limited that anything above that is impossible to achieve? How can one even be sure that it will be rock/paper/scissors yet? To me it seems a bit early to tell just yet.
  23. Actually tried searching for it, but with no result. Probably attributed to me being a daft mammal more than anything though Yeah, saw that art while going through the files. Once it gets in there methinks I might have to change the load-out on my assault troopers...
  24. Awesome might be too strong a word for it, but I'm surely getting some Freelancer vibes from it. Gonna try the demo and we'll see, but I'm interested. On another note, who the hell put Brunflo on the download map? Even the birds fly upside down there to avoid looking at that place.
  25. I didn't think about it that way, but now that I do, it makes sense. With so few boots on the ground, you can't really go in half-cocked and hope for the best (at least you shouldn't be able to). Ace: Graphics are hardly an issue, IMO. If I wanted fancy graphics I'd have stopped playing X-COM years ago, and I've never had an issue with this "consolitis" gameplay as you call it. I never actually understood the argument that games developed for both PC and consoles inherently suffer from dumbed down gameplay.
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