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Everything posted by Kouki

  1. Hello, thanks for reporting the bug! Yeah we've recently had reports regarding load times being really bad for some people, we're currently looking into it, but if you don't mind can you upload a campaign save and your output.log file? That might show us what's causing the issue. EDIT: For a workaround, you can try deleting your Xenonauts 2 folder on Documents/MyGames/Xenonauts-2 and see if it helps.
  2. Thanks for the bug report, it does look similar to the same CTD you've posted. We'll look into it and get it fixed
  3. Hello there, thanks for taking the time to register here and posting about the bug you've encountered! We'll get it fixed!
  4. Yeah, there is currently an issue with portraits not showing properly, we're working on getting it fixed. Thanks for the bug report!
  5. That's interesting, unfortunately haven't been able to repro it on my end. Do you have a save for it by any chance? Thanks!
  6. Will have to check this with Chris as when I tested on an abduction mission I spawned, I got -2 panic instead of -4. Although in your case, the abduction mission has a victory reward of an addition -10, so 26 seems about right?
  7. Yeah, this looks like a known bug, but I'll have to check with the team to make sure. Thanks for the bug report!
  8. Thanks for the bug report, the save you attached was very helpful too! We'll get it fixed asap!
  9. Yeah, seems like we're getting reports with absurd long times from other users as well. Can you upload a save and the output.log file when this happens? This can help us identify the issue faster, thanks!
  10. Hello there, whenever you're using an experimental build as it can be very unstable at times so the autosave options are basically overwritten (it also helps us capture more bugs this way!)
  11. Hello there, thanks for posting about the bug you've encountered! As the people above me has stated, a save file would be very helpful especially if it's not a consistently reproducible bug! Would you mind uploading your save so we can take a look? I'll attach a guide below to help you find your saves, thanks!
  12. Yeah I see what you mean, the lowered maximum stat has made it easier to roll soldiers with terrible stats. I'll bring this up with Chris and see what he thinks, thanks!
  13. Nice catch, we'll get it fixed. Thanks for reporting the bug!
  14. Thanks for the bug report! That's weird, did something happen while you were executing the shot preview mode? Tested the tutorial on my end and it executed the action normally.
  15. We might add it in the future once the entire game has been finished, but that's quite a long ways to go tbh. Still appreciate the feedback though! I suggest trying out milestone 3 as it has a lot of added content (new ufos, tech, maps, etc!)
  16. Yup, we're working on getting the cleaner headquarters mission fixed asap!
  17. Thanks for taking the time to post a bug report! We're currently working on getting this one fixed!
  18. Thanks for taking the time to provide a save. We've pushed out a fix on 3.0.2 yesterday but it doesn't seem to have fixed the problem. We'll look into it and get it sorted out! As for the deployment tiles being visible after the deployment phase, we're working on getting that fixed as well, but it isn't as high in priority as the more urgent bugs that came out when we released milestone 3.
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