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Everything posted by jamoecw

  1. i was going to build 5 precision rifles, but after realizing i would have to build ammo for them as well, i reduced the amount to 1, which my team had already built. after building 1 laser magazine i went to the soldier screen to equip my good sniper, only to find out i had now 2 precision laser rifles and two laser magazines.
  2. workshop screen: shouldn't the alien grenade be in the equipment section and the laser weapons be in the weapons section? obviously the ammo should be in the ammo section.
  3. after shooting down a hunter, then bringing my chinook in for ground combat resulted in a ground combat that lasted one turn, after which i won. at first i thought all aliens were dead on arrival, but there wasn't any loot during the mission result screen, though i got points for civilians surviving. i shoulda taken a screen shot, but didn't, next time this happens i will definitely get a screen.
  4. my wounded from hospital have nothing, and no other soldiers have their weapons. is this the case for yours, or do they 'give' their weapon to a fellow soldier while both retain their original ammo?
  5. in order to get an aircraft out of fuel earlier than it normally should, launch aircraft to a place that it has barely enough fuel to get to, then increase speed to fastest and it will run out of fuel before reaching destination. not a big issue, simply that at faster times the ticks are larger chunks of time. not sure of an xcom game that didn't have this issue, and i am not sure if it is new, as i never bothered to test on earlier builds.
  6. seems to random, only happens from unassigned to chinook though. when i get a non infinite weapon will see if the missing gun goes into storage or simply disappears.
  7. the altair games had multiple armor values for a piece of armor (i think apocalypse did this as well), so that certain armors would protect you from stun, and some wouldn't. same thing for fire, psi, laser, etc. not sure how easy it would be to implement in your engine.
  8. mission result screen: resolution that i use is 1600*1200 this has been happening in previous versions, but i figured it was known. i recently had a thought to check the master bug list to be sure and saw it was on there. it happens other places as well, i figure i should try and get a screen shot of them so that hunting them down is easier. i will gather more screens from other places and post them here. personnel screen: soldiers screen:
  9. when assigning soldiers in the soldier screen, sometimes they will end up with no weapon, while the next soldier in their previous list will gain their gun. their backpack remains unchanged. ex. sending soldier A to the chinook will result in him having no gun equipped yet having plenty of grenades and ammo in backpack, while soldier B who is still unassigned will have soldier A's gun with plenty of ammo for soldier B's gun. will experiment further to try to get more info on it as well as how to reproduce the bug.
  10. well period M-16s were full or semi auto (the A1) the A2 came out in the 80's and was lighter and was semi and 3 round burst. another thing that would separate them is that the A1 used a 20 round magazine, while the AKM typically used a 30 round magazine, a pretty big difference in the early game, especially considering that the AKM used an equivalent round as the precision rifle in game. so an AKM would do pretty much the same damage as a precision rifle, with more rounds and about the weight being roughly between the precision rifle and the assault rifle. the M16 would allow more gear to be carried, while the AKM would be a better assault rifle itself. if you like flexibility, the M16 is your gun of choice, if you tend not to use grenades and such, then the AKM is your gun of choice.
  11. U.S.A. : Army Special Forces: laos in the 60's and early 70's. dominican republic '65. korea '66-'68 cambodia early '70s Marine Force Recon: dominican republic '65. laos in the 60's and early 70's. cambodia early '70s SEALs: laos in the 60's and early 70's. cambodia early '70s i would imagine the others were in laos and cambodia, though i am unsure. just the us forces, maybe i'll try to find other countries's little wars from '60-'79 later.
  12. well you could always consider taking what ever it costs you to produce the shirts and posters and such, then double it and then sell them by themselves, thus selling to those that may not even be interested about the game, resulting in higher volume and cheaper rates. the tough part is finding out what sort of art would sell to the general public, while having another bit of art as reward that is still worth a pledge.
  13. if you use the desura client to launch the game, when you hit 'play' it will inform you that there is a patch and ask if you want to install it. after it installs it will ask if you want to launch the game or not, so you can update it and play at a later time (as i did).
  14. see, even the fraxis guys knew that in order to have the xcom feel, you need dday style moments. makes it hard to keep hope that the game will be good, though i think it will be another lords of the realm 3 (a game promising a reenvisioning of a great series, only to be a craptactular game with lots of stuff that fans of the series pointed out as probably not going to work well ahead of release). if only there was a 'xeno of the realm' for that series, maybe it would be alive today.
  15. i also had a machine gunner float through a fence instead of leaping over it (from a crouch), afterwards he was frozen. having him crouch fixed the problem, though it was the last turn so i don't know how permanent of a fix it was. civilians finish their visible movement during the start of my turn (though it does make it easy to know what they are doing instead of the way visible movement happens during hidden movement). not sure if it is a bug, but during the farm battle, the 1 alien decided to stay on the ship and wait for me, perhaps not moving at all (though he did fire a few times at me and civies). not bad, 2 of the 3 might not even be bugs.
  16. if you still want to have people testing out buggy builds during beta phases i'll volunteer. one guy won't make a difference but if you get enough hopefully it will keep you from having those last minute game crashing bugs from reaching the public. p.s. thanks for saving the resolution, probably the most annoying thing (minus some of the bugs) thus far.
  17. i like altair's version of psi the best, basically a second sight that sees through walls, and with the right tool you can do mind control and what not, but only at short range, and if you can sense them with one of your senses. the ai seemed better at using it as well, since if capable the mind controlled unit would drop a grenade and blow everyone up. in the end, i pretty much just used psi suppressors though. so if there is a counter to being mind controlled from across the map without any sort of detection of the unit being attacked, then i am happy.
  18. What i hate about the new xcom (the xcom one not the fps one) hype. 1. that they say that when playing that their troops were getting shot as that disembarked, giving a D-Day feel to the missions, yet decided to cut such a thing while saying they are keeping everything that made xcom, xcom. 2. 4-6 soldiers to a mission, if there are only 4 soldiers in the beginning, does that mean we will take no losses if we have a clue what we are doing? 3. permadeath, WTF does permadeath mean to an xcom game? is there a xcom like game were your soldiers didn't die? 4. only 1 base, does this mean that the entire world has lost to the aliens and we are the only military installation left, or is it just another gamey thing done to limit us like altair did? well i have my fingers crossed, as i like xcom, i like fraxis, and i like rpgs (which is were most of the 'ideas' seem to be coming from), though my hopes are still on xenonaughts for a modern xcom. don't worry about bugs at this stage, the hidden movement bug is the first major bug i encountered, which is not bad at all for an alpha release.
  19. they are turning APs into something akin to D&D 3.x actions (move, standard, free). it will limit the tactical options, as will most of their changes. it seems to me that it will play out like a D&D 3.x setting, so if you like rpgs and xcom then you will probably like it, otherwise probably not. of course if i am wrong, then it will probably just be a poor game with the xcom title.
  20. simple role reversal mission seems simple enough. afterwards the survivors get picked up and sent back to base. as for the why, simple interrogation of their enemies. nice! so there's a chance those shot down over water will live?
  21. In the original xcom having enough bases to have full radar coverage of the world was a pretty helpful thing to do, though early on it was quite expensive on your resources as you were pretty much dependent on government funding. Later on each of these bases could be a cash cow with large workshops churning out alien inspired tech. The fact that things happen around the world, and if you are not there you can't prevent such events make it either necessary to fly patrols, or have a base nearby. Usually by end game i was wishing i could expand my main base considerably, even though early game i was pushing for full globe radar coverage with bases. The main reasons for wanting a bigger base is: - more defense systems - more scientists - more soldiers - more hangars for troop transports The more troops and hangar space issue is mainly for ease of management, which a good ui can accomplish. The bigger science team issue is already handled in this game as they collaborate between bases. The only other issue is increasing the defenses, which could be handled with the defenses having a visible radius allowing nearby bases to help defend one another.
  22. the OP is right, something needs to be done to show why things are the way things are. i forget which game but one of the xcomish games stated that if any aliens survive the mission they will wreak havoc. i think the first one stated that the aliens are repairing their ships, which is why it is important to get to them rather than let the local authorities deal with them eventually. though chris has stated that the first game was played sort of in a void, and that he was going to try and rectify that, which means that when it is all said and done you will have competition in the form of locals doing stuff.
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