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Everything posted by Hellstormer

  1. Courtesy of Chris and can be found in the manual also! 1.4 HOTKEYS: The game includes a variety of hotkeys to make the game easier to play. Most can be remapped on the Game Options screen, but the default values are listed below: GEOSCAPE: Spacebar - "Panic Button", resets time to 5sec and centres and zooms out the screen to maximum. W,A,S,D - Scrolls the camera in the appropriate direction. Q - Brings up Launch Aircraft window. 1 - Set game time speed #1. 2 - Set game time speed #2. 3 - Set game time speed #3. 4 - Set game time speed #4. AIR COMBAT: Spacebar - Pauses / unpauses the air combat. W,A,S,D - Scrolls the camera in the appropriate direction. Q - Evasive Roll (Left). E - Evasive Roll (Right). F1 - Select interceptor #1. F2 - Select interceptor #2. F3 - Select interceptor #3. F4 - Select all interceptors. 1 - Fire locked missile in weapon slot #1. 2 - Fire locked missile in weapon slot #2. 3 - Fire locked missile in weapon slot #3. 4 - Fire locked missile in weapon slot #4. 5 - Fire all locked missiles. GROUND COMBAT: Spacebar - Cancel in-progress soldier movement. W,A,S,D - Scrolls the camera in the appropriate direction. C - Crouch / Uncrouch selected soldier. I - Open Inventory for selected soldier. B - Toggle Single / Burst fire modes. Ctrl (press and hold) - Bring up force fire mode for selected weapon. R - Select Primary weapon (and bring up fire mode). L - Select Secondary weapon (and bring up fire mode). T - End Turn. Tab - Cycle Camera level up one level. Shift + Tab - Cycle Camera level down one level. Numkey 1-0 - Select soldiers #1-10. Shift + Numkey 1-6 - Select soldiers #11-16. Ctrl + Numkey 1-4 - Select vehicles #1-4.
  2. Yup I keep running out money too... I think my extreme hiring practices are to blame more than anything though. Perhaps I should not hire so many scientists so early hmmm <3
  3. Double weight weapons bug after missions still happens. Haven't run into any crashes yet though!
  4. What if you called the class of vehicles "Sentinels" and the three forms were: Scout Hunter Vindicator So the long version of the names would be Sentinel Scout, Sentinel Hunter, Sentinel Vindicator. I'll try to think of more options... Well they are based in Australia and it's morning over there right now so it should be up in just a few hours with any luck. It just depends on when someone gets around to authorizing the update
  5. Change creates anxiety which is amplified in the case of classic games by the old rose tinted nostalgia glasses. So ANYTHING different or new in a loved franchise will be met with skepticism and derision until people get their hands on it and play it. I find it extremely unlikely that sequels to any game can capture the experience of the previous title while remaining innovative and keeping things fresh. It is so very difficult to do that. If you want the "same experience" you can't even just play the same game again honestly because after a playthrough (or a few dozen) you KNOW what to expect. You KNOW what to avoid. You KNOW how to game the system to your advantage. So people keep searching for those "experiences" like "game X". In a different area of life that's why people switch up from 420 to crack - to seek after a high like that "first time". It's something to pay attention to. Some games are really special and fun for many years. Other games aren't. Some are fun solo and some are more fun with others. Take each game for it's OWN merits and failures instead of holding one up on a pedestal and seeing if any other game "measures up" because honestly? You are setting yourself up to be frustrated, disappointed and upset if you do that. Play the game, if you like it great! If not? Bummer - but there's always other games out there (albeit in this genre they are rather few and many years in between them). I DO think that with both Xenonauts and Firaxis version coming out that it will cover a very wide segment of the overall player base for PC games and I for one will be 100% be playing both. As soon as I know how firaxis is distributing their game I'll slap down my pre-order for it (steam would be nice...). Clearly I've already pre-ordered this one <3
  6. hahaha that happens to me too!!! I thought it was really funny the first couple of times
  7. Check this thread - was it like that? http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/1611-9.5.1-CTD-during-Terror-Mission
  8. It is being looked into as a bug in this latest version.
  9. Mine didn't crash to the desktop with this bug but it DID freeze up. It might have something to do with the alien robots attack or movement as there were several of them alive and moving in to finish my (mostly dead) crew of 4 remaining guys.
  10. I've got church to attend but this afternoon I can pluck at it some no probs! Updating now.
  11. See that's why I was thinking percentage based, though likely a pain to code as I said in my earlier post on Page 3, but if it is percentage based, incremental AP cost increases it will be so much easier to balance because it's so easy to tweak. All you'd have to do is tweak the percentage numbers once it's coded in so finding a good balance would be simple(ish) to do <3 Plus it accomplishes the same effect but still allow for lots of choices and yet retains the possibility for soldiers to panic and still lose all AP. Well I'm just going to start repeating myself now so I'll shush...
  12. I like this aspect to the game because it forces you to prioritize and not be able to handle everything. I DO think it needs some more balancing though in terms of speed of interception, how to better protect your chinook etc. Later into the game I send 2 fighters with my Chinook just to protect it but 2 F17s vs 3 fighters is still tough.
  13. I don't think you were winterwolves. I tried to transfer 2 precision laser rifles from my NA base to my base in northern Africa last night and it just would NOT transfer over. No estimated time of delivery, no cost, nothing. Either we are both missing something (possible) or it's broken/not working right now (also possible).
  14. Chris seems set on AP siphoning but I'm going to suggest some things anyway... Here's how I see this playing out. You have a MG Unit lay down suppressive fire along with your hunter with the .50s on it. This would seriously, if not fully, suppress any aliens in the area you aimed at. That would remove their ability to use reactive fire with any sort of accuracy making it far easier for your own troops to move in or flank them to kill the aliens. On their turn the aliens gain back a bit of their suppression resistance and any APs they have left. If they have APs they'd better move... but (if we add in the shorter sight range effect from suppression fire) they can't see where your soldiers are at. So should they look for nearby cover or just run? Now put yourself in that situation and the enemy is firing a gatling laser at you. What if, instead of sapping APs (yes Chris I know you like that system) but what if instead your actions merely cost MORE APs to do based on a percentage of suppression received. So if you had reached 50% of your bravery in suppression fire all your actions cost 25% more AP, your accuracy is reduced by 25% and your vision range is reduced by 25%. At 100% of your bravery received in suppression fire those values could all be at a 75% modifier as listed above. Something like that. I mean sure it would take more coding and more math running in the background and I don't know what the engine could handle but that would still leave you with choices as a player. Do you stay and fight with the one or two suppressed people while trying to rescue them? Do you run into a nearby building for more cover or to break line of sight? Do you fire back and pray it works knowing your accuracy is lowered AND it costs more AP? Well you get the idea. I think that this might work quite well. Thoughts? Edit: Further I think that for low level soldiers experiencing suppression fire for a couple of turns should add to the chance to have them panic and lose ALL APs just like panic works now. That would combine the two systems nicely and you could call losing all your APs being "Pinned Down" with a different color marker over that unit. Use the same as the suppression marker just a new color? Yellow suppressed -> Red pinned?
  15. I'm sorry and I KNOW I've seen this somewhere in another thread but I just can't find it! For the "Quick Battle" Terror Mission, which I think many people will try out during beta for the fast way into the action, would it be possible to code in that a couple of the soldiers have laser weapons? Say just 2 guys with laser rifles? That way those new to the game can try it out, the press can try them out, etc. I mean if you really wanted to (and I don't know how feasible this is) but you could code that the equipment loadout screen appears with all the options from the beta unlocked for testing. Not sure if that's a good idea or not though
  16. I don't mind the accuracy but I did notice a pretty big difference between your starting troops after a few missions and total newbies. My Chinook was ganked by an alien fighter and my "A" team go wiped out when it crashed (curses for THAT being possible btw). So I had to hire all new troops and GOSH were they bad. I don't think I had a single new person with a stat over 54 - most of them were lower from 50 - 54. It was so sad because I'd just finished up laser weapons creation... then didn't get to see them haha. Anyway long story short the newbies were farking awful. There IS a "training" you can do to boost your rookies to Corporal though in the personnel window I think it is. Strong recommend using that option as long as it's there.
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