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Everything posted by Hellstormer

  1. I'll hop on this later in the month. I want that Tshirt!!! Secondly Chris can we please have some forum signatures to parade around that we can use the images then to also hyperlink to the kickstarter <3
  2. Good find this one. I never messed with save/load before because it broke research.
  3. Diablo 3 Torchlight 2 Xenonauts Xcom by Firaxis BF 3 armored expansion Orcs Must Die 2 Faster Than Light uhhh I think that sums it up <3 Only so much time and money haha. I thought maybe the new update had a video or smth in it which would have been silly but a simple thanks makes sense. Still when it's ongoing as a drive, even if the goal is made, I'm not sure I agree with having backer only updates <shrug>
  4. Pretty stupid to have update 10 be backers only if you ask me...
  5. Not having had a chance to play yet - do you mean that instead of being able to intercept them they retreat to space OR that in air combat they just always run away from your jets?
  6. Aww I won't really have time mess with this for another 12 hours. Darn work days
  7. mmm I do recall that but the details are fuzzy. Been a looooong time since I read it!
  8. Meh I just use cash mostly - can't spend what I don't have in the wallet.
  9. I lose more power cores that way.... well that and grenades. Darn grenade loving troops. Apparently the motto is "Throw explosives ask questions later"
  10. Chris said in a different thread he was going to look into grenades running into cover like that a bit later on. I'd guess it will be addressed in the beta
  11. Can't steal my bank account info if I use cash though. Or at least.. not nearly as easily.
  12. Great post Void! That second part of the RPS article was a really good read too. I am TOTALLY turning off enemy health when I play it. Plus that you need to capture aliens to get new weapons from? That will be a mechanic that causes some serious tension not knowing how close they are to death when you go in for the stun just hitting them a bunch and thinking well I sure HOPE this works!!! That will be great
  13. With the Kickstarter coming next week Chris any word on those forum sig panels I suggested? Also GREAT NEWS for everything being ready to go and for Steam distribution!!!! Can't wait Once the Kickstarter goes live Chris I will live stream some Xenonauts if that's ok?
  14. Well really the other issue was the crazy amount of fighters to the very few normal scouts but yes.... blowing up the power cores probably didn't help my research efforts <3
  15. I find this thread amusing after my thread of hilarity about how the best of earth basically... suck. Oh the irony
  16. Sounds like the cover isn't working the way it should be to me. I might be wrong on that but that's my first guess.
  17. Same here. There are times I just pause the game and alt + tab out for a few hours until I have time to play more. Thankfully this has not yet crashed the game.
  18. Oh I'm not really complaining I just think it is seriously odd sometimes. I mean look two people, facing the same direction, aiming at the same target should NEVER be firing laterally and hitting each other for instance. I mean how does that even happen? It's like a 90 degree miss! What he aims and than jerks to the left 90 degrees from recoil? It's just.. funny to me that's all Good point about the replacement troops... those guys are REALLY bad and panic all the time too!
  19. So there is one glaring thing that happens in all games related to the Xcom universe from the original, here to xenonauts, and from everything I've read also will be in the new Firaxis game. This same factor breaks my initial Immersion in the game. Or if you prefer the more technical terminology - something that breaks my suspension of disbelief. The item I am referring makes 100% sense from a gameplay point of view. It would DESTROY balance to not be the way it is now. With that being said however here's my issue. When the game starts your troops SUCK. There I said it. They suck. We ARE after all talking about the best Earth has to offer. Apparently we are $%#*ed in every Xcom game. The best of the best soldiers in the WORLD are awful at the start of the game. You can have two people stand next to each other and face the same direction - for example away from the main rear entrance to the chinook. These two genuises will somehow, despite years of specialized training and weapons experience, manage to say shoot EACH OTHER. If you throw grenades (thus far in any game) they clip into nearby objects. Like a box in front of you lower than your waist. How this happens just kills me with laughter every time something like that happens. I mean really? That's the BEST we can come up with? It makes me wish for a comedy movie to come out based on a spoof of this stuff (you know like a bad movie that becomes a classic because it's funny bad... like Tremors). I mean from a gameplay perspective sure, you want your soldiers to get more powerful as they fight aliens, they get more confidence fighting the strangers from other planets. I mean I get that totally. Like I said to do it any other way would break the gameplay balance early on to a degree if your guys were fairly competent (high APs, accuracy etc). That being said I think it's an aspect to these types of games that will always make me scratch my head the first few encounters of every new game I start.
  20. From the comments between the two groups it isn't that either one thinks the other companies vision is awful or something just that each takes it in a different direction but there's room in gaming for that to happen. To me the new Xcom is inline with what the game would be if it were made and developed for the first time TODAY. Which will be fun, action shots, 4 - 6 troops (which reminds me of my all time favorite SRPG Final Fantasy Tactics), new mechanics etc. Compared to what many will consider to be more "faithful" here with Xenonauts. Both will be good, both will be fun, both will be purchases I make and spend tons of hours playing. I know some will lean more towards one is better than the other but I FULLY intend to enjoy both. That being said I love the interaction here that we have with Chris and the Goldhawk team that you just can NOT get with a big developer like Firaxis unless you have a press pass or a relative who works there. So in that way I think I'll spend far, FAR more time in these forums helping out as much as possible and chillin with you fine people than over at Firaxis forums. No offense to them it's just harder to work with a big dev team vs a smaller one
  21. Well one for Xenonauts that currently happens: If two soldiers are standing next to one another and use burst fire they WILL hit the person standing NEXT to them... and maybe the alien in front of them too. I stress the maybe. Strongly.
  22. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I just realized why I wasn't getting any power sources from Corvettes. Curse my troops for using grenades.. but it's so hard to storm in atm with no other non-lethal option at hand! Hehehe
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