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Everything posted by zzz

  1. I think old human psi was one of most game ruining features. Implemented by other way it became worthless for those nostalgic puppet masters. For this tricks what suggested here humans use drugs, smoke and scanning devices.
  2. How this work and what I about. Where we can walk and can we see through for target maps squares determined by invisible "boxes", I alter some of them. It's hard for me to explain - I did the picture instead. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?tx273sf40a8p0f4 Maybe this must be "mods" but this is maps actually.
  3. I think all battlesaves for now behave this way for everyone. Also with some luck and lot of clicking you can select chinook above crash site and return to base or engage new battle at the same place. But better is just finish battle before save - for now they extremely easy and relatively stable.
  4. zzz


    assets\earth\continentmasks It's color mask for globe defining tilesets. For missing tilesets game use "farm" and with default mask you most time will play on farms(which did not proper now, but under development and i don't want interfere). I edit it for more diverse and for using maps what i have, mostly for "industrial" which currently the most finished. I hope you understand my english
  5. I lost one. Now I send interceptors to patrol the path. One wing from first base, then one from receiving. Some microcontrol needed but i think it's nice touch.
  6. I use "b" keyboard button. There something wrong with button on panel, lots of complaining about.
  7. Me too. All this. I down scouts and light scouts, research everything but there no lasers or armor in available projects. How got them? I have the same strange missiles that devour money
  8. How about substract "Weapon armour mitigation" from "Stopping chance" for "spectres"? I mean Stopping chance = spectre.Stopping chance - weapon.armour mitigation [*(maybe some value )] If you understand what i mean.
  9. It's need too much rewriting(reworking?). And, it's always "try to sit on two chairs"(if you understand what i mean) and never as good as pure realtime or pure turnbased. Anyway game already have finished concept of gameplay and it will not change so dramatically.
  10. Two small scouts now by profit nearly equal to monthly planetary funding
  11. zzz


    Nobody needs it but I had the idea and did default industrial map variation with something "easter egg" like http://www.mediafire.com/file/16k145tq1ilvg3z/industrial.7z For levelsetup: <Map tileset="industrial" mapname="industrialtest2" />
  12. Don't foget about copyrights and other stuff. Developers try to avoid any intersections with already existed trademarks to avoid possible issues. I think it's already something involved(invested) in current title. And i think developer have some reason to name game like that.
  13. How about add to intercept combat ability to speed up\slow down time? x0.5/x1/x2 increment hotkeys or buttons. Im not sure about slowdown, maybe it's in some part reaction task(?) by design but sometimes i want to speed up when i just wait.
  14. No, new game, of course. I had lot of them. Than this is must be something with me/ There lack of debug info - i don't see any crashlogs or loading logs - hard to understand what is happened, What is difficulty you play? Added: Game begin crash somewhere above ~550 alien ticker It's where game introduce base attack and terror mission, as far as i understand. I try edit AM files but game still crashes in similar way. Maybe there something else.
  15. If you ask me - in 9.2 too added: Hm, load last save where i has five crashes in row in 30-31 of july and just wait again - and now no crash(i think this phrase is incorrect but i don't know how to say it better) But some times crash again - i think game begin try to spawn something what is incorrect or missing.
  16. zzz


    Since in 9.3x changed targetmap handling - all this maps are obsolete I played with the editor and made some maps. This is primarily not about the quality(and some can be wierd ), but an attempt to add a diversity. I changed some of files, but because they are not used now, I do not think that this could be a problem. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?pg4vtpbn1yadqkd If you remove the "assets \ levelsetup.xml" the game will choose the tilesets on the basis of the globe This is to add into the game a desert (in some way), a farm and one more industrial map. You should also remove maps\industrial\testbase.xml and testbasesmall.xml - they only for testing purposes. Or you can use this file (assets \ levelsetup.xml) to force the game to always use one particular map that actually this file is does.(as far as I understand) This is a list of maps random <Map tileset="farm" mapname="farm_C_S1_random" /> <Map tileset="farm" mapname="farm_lightscout_random" /> some variety <Map tileset="industrial" mapname="test22" /> random and bit wierd <Map tileset="desert" mapname="desert" /> <Map tileset="desert" mapname="desert2" /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?288b7l6l6ib6cg1 some variety <Map tileset="industrial" mapname="Factories" /> In the first place I was concerned about the possibility of a return to the original as I propose to copy something, and even replace, but if you remove the new maps and\or return "assets \ levelsetup.xml" then the game will play as intended, other changes would remove next update or desura verify.
  17. I just open inventory of one of soldiers and click-click "next" while scroll them all.
  18. Have same crashes most time when i try to access soldier inventory when he is stay on alien body
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