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Xenonaut Premium Preorder
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Everything posted by Sathra

  1. You could destroy the part of the building the alien is on....falling damage is part of the plan .
  2. But you could also just flat-out cut training completely and not worry about it. The one you suggested is so hands off, not having it wouldn't have much of an overall effect game-wise. That's why I'm asking about it. Having a clearer idea of whether there is training or not would be very helpful for later discussions.
  3. Aye, I know. It would be helpful, especially if the alien weapons have more than one tier. One related question does come up. Chris mentioned waay back about scrapping the whole training idea due to it being, well, not that effective. Would be good to get an update on that.
  4. That said though, having some kind of recruit stat boosting would be useful. Probably not the barrel one. It penalises you for bulking out new bases. The result of it would be suggesting that you hire a couple every few [time period]. 5 just sounds weird. I like the option 2 series due to being able to see what I'm getting. Very useful. Edit: Why is my name red?
  5. That'll make [whoever's concept it was that was like that] happy. (Tweakd? AD?). I'm a bit confused by your comment though. Is any kind of kneeling going to have a turning cost increase? Or just kneeling-in-cover? Yeah, poor leaning animations. But they weren't working all that well.
  6. Not perfectly sure, but I think the one that was decided on was 2a (might have been 2b though). Rotating pool of a dozen or so, so you can see their stats. Hire one, and a new one gets loaded in (might have been a time delay though). Getting improved recruits was brought up alot though. Kept getting shot down. Don't particularly care myself, since its a good motivator to not get people killed all the time. I like the progression, and its not like Xenonauts will be quite like UFO:AfterX where new troopers halfway through the game are pretty much useless.
  7. That's part of the problem. It really should be one slightly more than the other. On consideration though, I'll take a third option: Hilarious.
  8. Oh, just to re-check. The buttons are going to be replaced as well with mini-portraits as well? Could have currently equipped weapon on them too. Would be useful.
  9. Wait...so there's a chance we could end up with huge firestorms raging across a map? I can't decide if that horrifying or awesome.
  10. Aye, makes choosing between Jackal and Basic a better choice than just weight vs protection.
  11. It seemed like a useful thing to do. But we're getting off-topic. Only things I can think of are: -Damage types, do they have different effects -How do combat shields and cover interact -Why do the morale numbers for troops not make sense (72/65 and things like that). The whole morale system really.
  12. I think it fires a jet that blooms into the blast. Causing damage the whole way (and the inherent risk of blasting yourself). Going by that, only the jet section of the shot would have a risk of striking cover (since the bloom would just fly all over everything), but that might be messy to code. So, ignore all cover-type objects (everything that has cover makers attached to it), everything else stops the shot and the bloom generates from that point. Although, having said that, what Chris might have meant was that the bloom effect is what ignores cover. The bloom would be generated from whatever strike point the jet reaches (either wall, unit, or cover-type object), but the bloom itself isn't constrained in shape, damage or hit chance by cover-type objects.
  13. I'll allow it for now, but it should really have been discussed in the Modding section. Besides, I blame Gazz for it.
  14. I think you're misreading it. The note in the file says structural walls, which are the man-high non-cover walls. Chris has previously mentioned that flamers ignore cover.
  15. Arguably, if you don't use twitter for such inanity...you're not using it right.
  16. Might be worth a look at, as part of the polishing phase (as part of the incredibly long series of would-likes already collected). I remember there being some discussion about the first part though (on-the-fly-grouping), but I can't remember if there was a final answer on it.
  17. Yep, this was brought up in the old forums and given a thumbs up.
  18. There are a heck of a lot of Aussies on these forums.
  19. I'm not quite sure...would have to wait for Chris to chip in.
  20. Could use some better formatting and grammar checking (I'm guessing due to typing on a phone), but not bad overall.
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