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Everything posted by Sunshard

  1. I live in York, wonder if there was a way to visit him WITHOUT seeming somewhat creepy.
  2. I'd debate the 'more fun 15 years ago' point, but that would simply be me being contrary (I haven't played a good sampling of old games, and am easily distracted by shiny graphics). You do however raise the important point about accessibility; anyone who cannot read the font due to it's small size will be immensely frustrated.
  3. Then I shall endeavour to recruit someone from the Real Ale Society to explain beer to me .
  4. Just realised I hadn't put anything in here yet. I'm another Comp Sci student, and I *really* should get back to work . I have to admit that like RikazeMA I'm interested in making video games, but I'll probably end up doing that in my spare time. That aside, I played and finished XCOM: EU but did not get through TFTD (LOBSTERMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!). I've dragged another of my fellow students in, and I'll badger him to introduce himself at some point.
  5. Something just walks through walls? I'm getting chills! I'm looking forward (with some apprehension) to this.
  6. Left 4 Dead 2 sounds good, anyone play Dungeon Defenders?
  7. I played EVE for a paltry two months due to ramping time constraints with my degree, and lack of people awake at the same time as me in my corp. I was a carebear, never fired a shot at a player in anger. However, I have to admit the deep anger cyllan feels after 2 years of being scammed and griefed confused me somewhat; I've chatted to goons and trolls who blew me up or even podded me. Aside from mild annoyance, I soon found myself laughing. The reasons were mundane, the attackers were human (just bored from sitting there looking for a kill), and frequently quite happy to provide advice or suggest safer areas and better spots to carebear up. My favourite death was because the bored attacker "just thought Caldari ships were ugly". Indeed, they only targeted Caldari ships. The game in some ways was another way to interact with some of the wackiest personalities in an MMO. I'd say Quartermaster's point stands; Eve is a very different social setting. It's true that players are gods in space; but this applies to all parties involved! If I wasn't going to devote my time to The Secret World, I'd be asking to join someone's corp here!
  8. I'm enjoying myself immensely with this, and am loving the responsiveness and involvement with the community. At some point, when the game's out or before that I'd be interested in arranging a meeting and buying as many staff that can make it to the pub a drink. Virtual drinks perhaps for Matthew and Sathra? Edit: This is wildly off topic, sorry 'bout that. I opened the wrong tab >_>.
  9. I quite like the idea of a small selection of grenades. I'm sad you can't blind throw, but concede it's effect on gameplay. Nerfing frag grenades down to normal seems a sensible move. I'm desperately hoping that this and other adjustments could allow grenades to be brought back; the mental disconnect to watch your elite squad fumble around with flares and grenades did take me out of it a bit then and now.
  10. During combat, this issue arose when attempting to target it with the Hunter: It was relatively late mission, and an attack before had worked previously. Targeting mode could still be escaped, but the vehicle refused to fire in this state. I came across the reported bug of an alien generated on top of the wing of the UFO. I do not know if this contributed. I have managed to complete missions with the Hunter despite this bug before without encountering this bug.
  11. Whoops. Thanks for your patience. I'd got it into my head that the bug always resulted in CTD, so when I forgot about it and got this... Well, I guess I wanted to share how silly it had gotten.
  12. Cadences are an interesting piece of lore. The Xenonauts will have had 20 years to put one together. What would a world coming from the Cold War have in? What influences would it have?
  13. I'm fully behind the fundraising going towards the proper reimbursement of the Xenonauts crew. Signed thank-you art sounds nice Engaging players with the soldiers is something I would argue the importance of, as anything that can be done to give them a personality might enhance the tone that is being set in the game. Therefore, more portraits is definitely the first (I hope it's the easiest too). The intro movie a close second, to help flesh out any missed detail. Medals are incredibly thorny (as seen on that thread), but worth it. I'd argue the passion with which it was discussed and debated makes it near and dear to our hearts. Given the difficulty described in implementing new weapons, I suspect that will be something to put aside until funds are available. I quite like the idea of adding personality to soldiers by having people from different parts of the globe favouring certain weapon sets. So if Okim does mod in extra Soviet bloc weapons, I'd love to see it.
  14. I would prefer tooltips, but agree that potentially a tutorial acting as a prequel would be good. The combination of iamkyon's suggestion and Gaulldlike's use of the player acting as a second in command (I know nothing of the Iceland Incident, would it work?), being talked through, and carrying over your freshly promoted squad into the main game may be interesting. No freebie bonuses, hopefully some attachment to your first squad? (Would break lore though Incident was a ways back, wasn't it?).
  15. I agree wholeheartedly with the concept of accelerating turns for experienced users. It's a wonderful HCI principle, and in Xenonauts, this could potentially be very helpful. If nothing else, it gives you more options (always handy for those with no mouse). The select squad by numbers is an excellent step in that direction (assuming I haven't completely forgot its existence in the original).
  16. I'm curious, will it be possible to sneak up on some of the aliens in the final game? Opening doors quietly would be interesting, and *might* make the almost inevitably deadly room firefights and alien captures more fun. In addition, I had an alien round a corner in front of my Hunter. I'd love to be able to RAM the bugger off his feet. This wouldn't even need a troublesome new animation for squishy aliens. Just corpse them, run the vehicle over them and play the death scream - cut off half way with a satisfying CRUNCH. Large aliens get pushed. Things that don't just wreck the vehicle. Not well thought out, but a great desperation move.
  17. Sorry to add to this issue Matthew (I've seen it elsewhere), I've had a similar result that doesn't CTD. In this case, the usual problem case of opening inventory in targeting mode results in this: The soldier in this case healed his ally, and remained in 'targeting' before entering the inventory. The game functioned more or less normally, though switching weapons still left the green highlight. (a.k.a. Healgun), but targeting and firing didn't seem to work. Hitting ESC allowed safe escape from targeting. And then, everyone's face fell off. I decided to stop playing.
  18. After successfully completing a Ground Combat mission, the Top tabs to enter base building, research, etc. did not work or highlight on mouseover. Saving and loading this save appears to fix the issue. I have been unable to reproduce the error >_> As a minor note, one squad member was KIA. Base records did not remove the unfortunate soldier from the roster until the Chinook landed.
  19. It's still a little frustrating, knowing that your men won't lob the grenade over cover directly in front of them. Or through doors. T_T
  20. Alt-Tabbing appears to work for me, though like most games for me it stutters a little on tabbing back in. Give it a try!
  21. After loading a saved game, research on Alien Alloys completed. When selecting new research, the number of scientists available appears to have overflowed: This appears have similar symptoms to the v8.61 Baseview Issue. (http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php?723-V8.61-Baseview-Extra-scientists) Somewhat embarrassingly, I am unsure which of my saves this is. If needed, I can attempt to attach the four thus far.
  22. X-COM is indeed a much loved game ^^. I know one friend back in Singapore who still plays it once in a while. Ooh, and people from countries in Scandinavia! I am curious if you've heard of the webcomic Scandinavia & the World, and your impressions of it.
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