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Everything posted by GoodGuyEddy

  1. Unhand my money you god damn dirty indies! *Shakes fist*
  2. This is what happens when i play any game in ironman mode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJZ_g5xZtAA
  3. Most of those are to debunk the whole "realism" aspect of the idea. As for the mechanics: Lot's more work to be done and it's only an abstarction. There's only so much realism may be at play here.
  4. It is nothing compared to a railgun shot that you'll have to use to down new enemies. And you'll probably have those by then becouse after you can develop effective laser weapons(super conductors+powerful portable energy source) there are no more physical or scientific restrictions to stop you from desighning those. Edit: Not picking on you bud but the aliens are too badass for that.
  5. Several seconds at best for the hunter to run them over. Grenade: so you'll notice it, you have a second to try to get away, plus blast radius. People don't lob those, no matter what CoD tells you. They are planted and then detonated, if you are in range and it detonates the you'd bretter be the flash to run away from that. Probably becouse the electrical current makes their muscles contort and they physically can't do more but spaz out. So uhh.. water. And probably the true reason for all of it is: It's an abstraction. I know you want to run them over i really do. But from a realism standpoint it's a dud and mechanicly it's a dud because it doesn't increase the tactical options enough to spend valuable development time while oh so many more things need to be done.
  6. No chance in hell. Because if it would happen enough to be worth doing, then humanity has nothing to fear from such an impotent enemy.
  7. No your talking abou practically the same thing. You see the reaserch text, colours sebilians as close range ambush fighters. They are tougher than any man ever and most probably have high reaction timing. They'll just leapfrog out of the way. You are not driving a 20 tonn main battle tank, the hunter only weighs a few tons, not to mention the pressure will be lifted a second later when the car drives over them. Even if they don't brush it off they'l still shoot your car while laying down, you are not fighting people. It takes a couple of seconds for the car to get to the enemy , it takes a fraction of one to push a button. Anything more than a cesan would just easily blast it to bits or avoid it without problem. Honestly if the Hunter is 30 feet in front of me and starts accelarating i'll be able to step aside. You know what i can't walk away from? A barrage of 50 cal bullets! Units desighned for war with technology beyond the dreams of modern military fear nothing from a 10 mph bump. There are records of people surviving being runned over by heavy vehicles, beings with physical attributes of that which can be decribed as super human and weaponry that is far beyond our rifles give 0 damns. Tough, you lose a vehicle and deal with it. Edit: Enemy sibilian: YOU SHALL NOT PAAAAAAASSS! (probably had to take more then 10 feet to accelarate)
  8. Because it would do jack all. Ok maybe you forced it to go back a couple of steps, now what, prepare to get plasma'd. Maybe it would damage/kill an unarmoured caesan red shirt but that's it. Plasma weaponry is very brutal technology, and if their armor can deal with it at all then a bump of about 30 mph from a vehicle that had at MOST a 100 meters to accelerate won't do much. Now you might say that you can still crush them by flooring the gas pedal and applying pressure but by that point the'yll just shoot enough plasma at the hunter to burn a hole right through the drivers head. And even if the vehicle ramming would be sort of effective we'd just get superior alien untits to fight likie mechs that would take a few railgun slugs to take down. Besides the game itself is an abstract representation. Normally an alien would just jump/ walk away from the huge, obviously incoming vehicle. Their weapons are powerfull enough to burn through the hunters armor, at no point the driver would try ramming the enemy armed with such weaponry. It's either shoot them or fall back if you are without ammunition. How often do you see a tank trying to RAM infantry that is armed with effective anti tank weaponry? Long story short: Ramming's not worth to bother implementing, sebilians that we get nearly at the start of the game would hardly be phased by it, better off just shooting them WITH THE HEAVY ARMAMENTS MOUNTED ON THE VEHICLE.
  9. Wait, wouldn't a king Leonidas scar make the cat look more badass?
  10. But how about redneck shotgun armed mobs doing drive-bys on jeeps?
  11. I say make the manufacturing time for the mig two years. Otherwise it wouldn't be hardcore enough.
  12. But that assumes you must have c-130 in the air all the time, which is: 1. Really expencive 2. It's a brick that you can't scramble at a moments notice. I know where your coming from, when saying that having world wide range is awesome gameplay wise, i really do. But having the glaring interception limitations will only add to the games "hopeless" motive and it might provide interesting research strategy play. For instance in the original XC you just blitzkrieged through the weapon reaserches first and all else second. Here you might have a difficult choice of better weapons vs interception capacity.
  13. And enter having to program the pain in the ass points on the map where the helicopter must fly to to refuel, and making a mechanic that will take some money when X distance that has been traveled overa non funding nation. And for what? For not wanting to deal with limittions of the 70's technology? Well tough.
  14. Oh i see Jean-Lucs problem, he is playing in windowed mode. You're welcome.
  15. I brought it too. And my graphics card broke. ):
  16. You did not generate a metric ton of butthurt fanboy rage? My hats off to you good sir!
  17. Because: Standard: Launch a metal slug at high velocity via small explosion. Gauss: Launch a metal slug at high velocity via EM fields. They do use a more advanced method to propel the slug but they are basically a next generation of ballistics. Chris admitted there would be a rail gun later in the game but after a few posts still claimed that the 4th tier is still not out of the bag. Besides i once took a stroll across the game files, naively, thinking that all the advanced tech art is taken out of the game. And saw a missile which name implied a FAR more advanced technology(like by centuries more) than Gauss weaponry. I never went back into the spoilerific art assets again. One spoiler is too much ;_; Edit: Oh and even if it's kind of wrong, USE SPOILER TAGS! Jesus mofo Christ man! If you don't know how then ask around. I don't know how to use those too but i don't go DUMBLEDORE DIES all over the forums.
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