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Everything posted by djlogue

  1. I dunno really, It all started while looting an alien corpse one day, and he seemed to have these lovely shiny faberge eggs on his belt. From then onway I have been kinda hooked on them. I have been trying to wean myself off them with psychedelic peacocks. I find them equally as pretty.
  2. Anti monkey but lotion actually!!
  3. LOL shorty after writing that message I had my first crash. Was on the desert base/type thing. I was chasing and alien about the map just observing how the AI works etc and after a while he killed my ferret, after I ended the turn it crashed to desktop, it was like turn 8 or 9 or something. I was thinking whether or not to write up a report or not. I notice the forum does have crash reports galore. Maybe I will do it after I look at some more faberge eggs.....
  4. Yes the new xcom is very expensive, I paid nearly fifty bottle caps for the basted. I also had trouble finding it anywhere in town. I eventually found it when I was doing my TESCO shopping and saw it for £47.95 (Oh boy do I feel robbed) When I was paying at the check out the woman seving me even said "these games can be so expensive" I was like "I KNOW" I really don't understand why the retail price is so high?? Gonna do some googling.
  5. I joined 12 months ago, and decided to pre order 3 days ago, so they must be doing something right cos otherwise I would be saying "few glad I didn't pre order that hunk of sprites" (Or i'm just really stupid....... oh look......faberge eggs!!)
  6. On impossible mode sectoids are fucking hardcore on the first missions when you troops are n00bs. I even had random stats and other 2nd wave enhancers. Does make the game more...............fun
  7. Who would want to escape something so beautiful
  8. Yes this site is like an oasis in the desert (the desert being the interweb) This other website that I am the head of the user union on is similar as in there are minimal trolls/spam, and an overall nice vibe about the place (bar one or two people) If you are in to free parties or general social waffling I suggest you give it a look see. partyvibe.com. I'm also gonna make a good few posts about xenozeros on there either today or tomoz in a hope I can get some more peeps intrested
  9. Isn't that a bug with the game or was it fixed for tftd?
  10. Am I too late for the cyber pestering session at playground SDK5?
  11. I was wondering how long it would be before the "fanboys" insult came out. Truth be told your argument has no substance. At no point has a date been given to push over to beta, only estimations. I notice how the fanboy insult comes out whenever your argument runs out of steam. Believe me if I had something to moan about to GH I would be first in line to for the rotten tomato throwing session.
  12. I have many peacock pics I also have some lovely faberge egg pics
  13. djlogue

    X-Com EU LP

    Camstudio is good except it is having issues splitting the audio, which is a pain. Dumbarse laptop, I can't wait until I can't get my desktop fixed up.
  14. LOL Elvis could have that wallhack gun the "farsight" and be able to quick scope you from anywhere on the map.
  15. Welcome WarPigs, let me knonw how you get on with the download and install : )
  16. djlogue

    X-Com EU LP

    I'm gonna give camstudio a go for an LP see how it fairs.
  17. I really don't fancy waiting for the thing to download again, but I could have done it by now if I did it this morning LOL
  18. I found that the money system was really odd to. I know we are heading into a triple dip recession by 50-100 pounds/dollars/credits for your country to have full XCOM services. Seems very cheeps if you ask me. Also what was with not being able to recover and sell weapons? Then out of no where china would want you to supply them with 3 scopes or 8 plasma rifles. Personally there are bits of the game I enjoy, but it seems that allot of the single player aspects were built with multiplayer balancing in mind. (I could be wrong) Obviously they did put thought into the single player but it just didn't have enough depth to hold the XCOM crown.
  19. I've seen better links TBF, like this one
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