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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/2024 in all areas

  1. Hello, I always equip my shield with stun guns and therefore had some alive aliens but I found it currently counter-productive in early games as I was lacking 1 corpse for the engineering task and can't use the alive monster to finish it. So will it be possible to kill one or had an option to use alive aliens to finish testing the weapons on them or is it too cruel to think of using them as living bullet tester ? And speaking about capturing alive, will there be a non lethal weapon on MARS or ARES units ? Thanks for the game so far.
    1 point
  2. Took the time to start a new playthrough with 3.40 just to feel how the difficulty and balance feels after latest changes. Here's my random thoughts. I played with veteran difficulty with increased starting funds. Start of the game and plot might not make much sense for the players that have disabled or skipped the tutorial. Maybe add a text box or dialog scene at the beginning of the game that summarises events that are otherwise told in the tutorial. Most game tutorials don't have any story content, so people might really miss out here. I had a Cleaner VIP mission very early in the game (first or second cleaner mission, right after the first abduction) and it felt really difficult. I tried to push forward as fast as I could while looting one side building for extra intel and I had no business trying to capture the VIP. There's just too many cleaners and the time limit is too tight. It's way more difficult than any other cleaner missions while they should be about the same IMO. Reduce enemies and add one or two more turns. Also, might be a good idea to force the mission to spawn later and/or be one time persistent mission. It has no business being that tough so early in the game. New jungle (escort) maps are way too clutterd and dense. Makes them difficult and annoying to play. Soldier progression feels spot on now. Cleaner mission repetition annoys me still. Had a second (too tough) VIP mission before even one intel gather. I'd gladly have it the other way around: 2 intel gathers and then a VIP mission. Would make more sense difficulty curve, progression and story wise too. Resources were quite well balanced but even with the increased starting funds I had, I felt the money was a bit tight. Alenium/alloy seemed fine. I hate to build basic air weapons. Why is the logic different than with troop weapons? Air game felt too punishing after day 100. I only had three angels with laser lancers and needed to transfer them around the globe to try to keep panic down. It didn't end well. I would have needed at least 2 more airplanes at that time but had no means funding them and their weapons. Also, as I need to complete a destroyer crash site before I can research Ufo Hull plating and only then I can research Phantom and after that, I still need to build and arm them. This all takes like a month or more and by that time, destroyer waves have raised the panic to 90-100 at least in some regions. AI still leaves a lot to be desired: They waste a lot of TU's moving back and forth for no reason, don't stay put when in optimal positions, don't take multiple shots when close to a clear target, but move into shroud instead and take a quick snapshot from there etc. AI doesn't seem to be aware of where each side's frontlines are, so they often move into unoptimal locations behind my lines. My third abduction at day 87 was brutal. Wraiths and servitors in dock biome and I just had to save scum my way through it. Waaaay too difficult. Huge difficulty spike. After the Cleaner HQ is destroyed, the game starts to repeat itself and becomes somewhat boring. The plot to reveal Cleaner HQ has so cool progression that when it's finally resolved, I feel the game starts to become stale. It might be a good idea to introduce some similar large scale objective for the player to strive towards a month or so after the Cleaner HQ so advancing the plot wouldn't feel so linear and predictable where you just shoot bigger and bigger ufos down. Mid/late game needs cleaner style mission variety too. Make alien base similar mission objective as cleaner HQ with multi-tiered proggression maybe? Civilian turns take too long. Do they all need to move so much and every turn? Do we need to have a civilian turn at the end of the mission when all the enemies are dead and we could just call it a day? End of mission screen should also show changes in panic and the amount of broken/lost gear Shotgun civilians are still super aggressive and raid ufos completely fearlessly. Abduction missions start to annoy me - too much repetition. Maybe after completing a few, unlock an abductor alien base mission where you need to rescue already abducted people or something instead. Other that that, the game felt good. Somewhat buggy, but still great fun.
    1 point
  3. Getting back to the game after several months I honestly anticipated to see those stats after first mission completed, but sadly no change there Bumping this thread because of this
    1 point
  4. Primarily close range bonuses? I was hoping this game would be more of a return to classic style xcom style gameplay which it mostly is except for how accuracy works. Especially now that we're in a post Phoenix Point world, a game which has a lot of its own issues of course but one which made its shooting a hell of a lot better, I just don't really see why this game thinks it's alright to be right in front of an enemy with a shotgun and only have an 86% or so chance to hit? At least in the Firaxis games you could get the high ground on enemies, holo-target them, and utilize certain perks as well to grant flat chance increases to your hitchance. This game doesn't have any of those things (nor should it) but I feel like once my soldier is close enough to put the barrel down the alien's throat then they should have a 100% to hit.
    1 point
  5. Yeah, it's a feature. It started annoying me you couldn't have the scientists and the building ready at the same time.
    1 point
  6. Are there any plans to add the ability to edit character? We can edit their names, but editing their sex, portrait, and nationality would be a god-send.
    1 point
  7. I think that being able to re-name your aircraft, and bases, would be nice, and also your favorite playing characters!
    1 point
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