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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/2018 in Posts

  1. Yep, we need cool xenonauts if we need to stop alien invasion with some guys.. I think if he was an xenonauts, all those enemies would survive at the end anyway :)..
    1 point
  2. I ended up being able to avoid the crash by moving a certain soldier away from the UFO before ending turn. I have no idea why that made a difference. I think the crash happened before on the caesan psi's turn. It was some weird Xenonaughts instability issue.
    1 point
  3. hey i am fine with it not looking humanoid, but at leats make them look acceptebly intimidating, not from a kid's tv show. https://www.google.nl/search?q=fallout+zetans&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=Yy242G9AYyDWlM%3A%2Chi87PuKbW7MFOM%2C_&usg=AFrqEzdXUYxUIU2XlKnYohwe_3cmlzXt3Q&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwishvPM-9jcAhUPEVAKHb_CB6QQ9QEwA3oECAQQBA#imgrc=Yy242G9AYyDWlM: see here, a zetan. an alien just like ours, exept this one didn't hide a balloon under his shirt to make him look strong the same cute-ness is going on with the sebilian imo. un-de-evolve the tail and add back some spikes and it look like an evil mean monster again, now atm its tail looks like its from a poodle and the sebilian is an infant another issue i actually take is that they look really short, im not saying they are short, they look short. in the way someone can look really short but still actually be taller than you, short
    1 point
  4. Crash bugs are very annoying, but I'm not sure they're caused by the mod. Your best bet is probably to revert to an earlier save and try something else, in particular if you can identify approximately where it crashes (I had a terror mission where it crashed every time a reaper on a roof top moved (and possibly tried to attack someone). Playing around with the turn I eventually managed to get around it by positioning my squad members so they couldn't see the top of that roof). Saving often and in rotating saves is my best recommendation. Game enforced iron man modes should never be used in any game, as no game is bug free.
    1 point
  5. I think Xenonauts is more serious than new XCOM and I liked it. And so did many others because X's audience is statistically older than average modern players. Classic X-COM fans and veterans being among them. Firaxis' XCOM audience, on the other hand, are those younger players and they are the target market for the new series. Thus, X2 shouldn't aim at the same market, whether it's about design, lore or graphics. X2 has it's own market niche and it would be better not to forget about those classic X-COM fans who are a part of that niche. Otherwise it would need to take way some of the new XCOM audience. And that is very unlikely. By the way, I liked aliens in Unreal games. At least some of the models. They looked alien but humanoid enough to handle tools (and weapons) comfortably.
    1 point
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